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loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Hey ya'll! Okay, first off I'm a total dork. So if none of you watch American Idol, refrain from reading this. I love the show so much, I love it! I hope some of you do, too. ANyway, if you do, who's your favorite this year? This week? Mine's gotta be GEORGE!!!! I love him to death. He's my Georgie; that sweet smile, cute little attitude, and sexy and addictive voice. Yumm, yumm, yummmmm! I also like LaToya, Jasmine, and Diana. If any of you love the show, I'll gladly get more into detail with the "contestants." like my George, or how much Johnny boy's gotta go. And what's up with the whole thing about Simon and Paula, did you see that kiss?!?! Anyway, holla back if you've got comments and are a nerd like me. If not, well, adios. Peace out. |
© Copyright 2004 Amanda Barmash - All Rights Reserved | |||
Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
Even though I don't think that she's going to finish at the top of the heap, I like the girl with the red hair. She actually reminds me a little of Sharon Osbourne... not just the hair, but her attitude, her spunk, the energy she puts out... everything. Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs... |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Ahh, so you're goin' with Amy. Well, she's alright. As long as you're not rootin' for John(red-head) or Camille, you're a'ight in my book. GEORGE!!!! I love ya, babe!! "Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
I've been watching it on and off...when I remember ahem. My favourite is Fantasia, is she still in? |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
You should really watch it more often, I love it! Fantasia's still in, and I bet she'll be there for awhile. In case you were wondering, last week the football jock was given the boot. And my Georgie's still there!!! So, basically so far the poeple that were voted off desreved it, but now there's really no one else I want gone! Watch it this Tuesday night!!! "Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
It's actually on a Sunday night here in Australia, and yes I missed it last night... ![]() Maree ![]() Beauty of the world which is soon to perish has two edges, one of laughter and one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
This is the first season that I've watched it -- I really didn't/don't care for the whole auditioning process -- I know they have to audition people -- but to put the really bad ones on air so the world can laugh at them just seems cruel. Now that we're into the actual talented people (well some of them anyway) it's more interesting and actually has the adrenaline rush of working in the business. I know that it was a real thrill to watch Amy break out this past week with the Dixie Chix's 'Sin Wagon' -- I agree with Randy and Paula -- that's her genre and she could do quite well with it if she chose. I don't know if he'll win or not -- it is a popularity contest at this point -- but I think Huff is quite good as well loner.. but.. LaToya is the real pro in the bunch. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
I definitly agree with you, rebel. LaToya's one of my favorites with George. And I like Dianna, as well. These three can really sing, all twlve of them can. But, for some reason I just don't like Amy much, though last week she probably had the best performance. Maree, who's your fave? Go George!!! "Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I agree that Amy had the best performance -- and that like you -- I didn't care for her a whole lot up until that time -- I liked her as a person -- but-- not her style so much. That's why I think it is a rush to see someone turn in a stellar performance like that. I know that when I got off the stage and started producing I found it much more gratifying to see people I was coaching do well than it was to receive a round of applause for something I did myself... anyway... may the best win.. but I think a lot of them already have |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
Well I've missed 2 episodes ![]() So, so far my fav is Fantasia ![]() Beauty of the world which is soon to perish has two edges, one of laughter and one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
I really love it when a performer has this huge vocal ability, hides it for a while, and then unleashes it and leaves everyone stunned. I felt like that with Amy last week, of course, but also LaToya the week before. She just blew everyone away. Local rebel; were you a performer before? if you were, that's really cool. Anyway, I agree that they're all already winners just for making it as far as they have. Is there anyone that just has to go, do you think? there's really no one left that I truly dis-like, just John the Red-head.(he's too Sinatra for me) Well, adios, for now. "Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I'd have to say that after tonite you'll probably get your wish -- John will be gone. Fantasia was the breakout tonite though -- she was superb. Huff was made for Motown.. and LaToya was pretty -- I don't care what Randy or Simon said -- and she was good... but Fantasia just pushed it a little bit harder and was a pro all the way through. (and I haven't been a performer since about 1986) |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Hey guys! Can anyone tell me who got the boot tonight, I was gone in NYC the whole day with my school, and just got back... Thanks! Is wisdom wasted on the past? |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
caught the end...before being bored to death last night Amy did, but I was surprised there wasn't one of the guys in the bottom 3... Jennifer and La Toya were the other two..something is wrong with the American public not voting the "crooner" in the bottom, if it is based on how they do that night..he was awful... (my opinion only and I am not sure he can put any oomph into any song other than a ballad) |
Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
Last night's show and vote were a complete sham. I'm not very often given to flights of extreme anger, however when John DIDN'T make the bottom 3, I was steamed... to say the least... I actually don't think any of the girls that were there should have been there, and Joh, himself, knew tht itwas a screw up. Did you see the way they kept flashing to him, and that pained look on his face? Anyways... Amy is gone, and I have to say that Fantasia will probably be the one left standing at the top of the heap. Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs... |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Hey everyone, thanks for the run-down. I don't think Amy should be gone now, nor do I think Jennifer or LaToya deserved to be in the bottom three. I'd have to agree that Johnny boy's gotta go, he should have been in the bottom three. And I don't like Camille much either, I don't think she's good enough to still be there. And for the third who really should have been bottom 3, Jon Peter Lewis. I don't think he's got any talent. I mean, he's got an okay voice, which has pontential to be great, but the main reason why he's still there is cause the crazy girls of America have fallen in love with him!(I haven't yet, though I sorta have with my Georgie;}) Anyway, enough of my blabbing. To sum it up, I think eith LaToya or Diana will be crowned AI winner(atleast because of their pipes) Though I do wish my George could, although it is a long-shot. All I know is if he doesn't, I'll buy the AI seson 3 c.d.! Is wisdom wasted on the past? |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Even if George doesn't win..he will have a future and probably get a record deal..he has a terrific voice and I just heard on the radio today a new song by Kimberleigh who was 2nd runner-up last year...so it seems she attracted enough attention to get her start. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
I have to say that I hope my Georgie does get a record deal, if he doesn't win this thing. But, with the way that the public is treating these AI losers(like Aiken, Locke, and ,um, William Hung...)he actually deserves it. And I'm not saying that I don't like Clay, or Kimberly for that matter. Just look at Hung, he has a record deal and he sucks major ass! George Huff is the real deal. He deserves it. Is wisdom wasted on the past? |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Hung is just getting his 15 minutes of fame...and I guess doesn't realize people are actually laughing at him.... He can't improve, he doesn't have the talent. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Couldn't of said that better myself. In fact, yesterday I saw part of an interview with William Hung on the tv guide channel. He was telling them why he thought he could actually win the AI contest, and how when he started to sing the crowd just "went crazy." And I couldn't help but laugh! I wonder who will actually buy his record. If you want some really good listening, search for Ben Harper. The general public doesn't know good music and true talent when they hear it, Hung has none. But people like George Huff and Ben Harper certainly do. Is wisdom wasted on the past? |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
I got to go with Fantasia all the way, but then I may be a lil biased she is from my home state lol .... but she did have the best performance I have ever seen on any of the shows (all 3 seasons) last night ![]() |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Aww, I missed it last night!!!! So I gotta watch the re-cap tonight! Everyone is saying that Fantasia was sooo good last night, the one time that I miss it...But, people also say that it wasn't George's night, so maybe I missed it for the better. hehe -Amanda All you need is love. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Thank God that Jon Peter Lewis is gone!!!!! Wooohoooo!!!!!! But, after his performance last night...I may actually miss him next week! ![]() Music is the last true voice of the human spirit. It can go beyond language, beyond age, and beyond color...straight to the heart and mind of all peop |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
Personally I think John Stevens should have been gone LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ago ... maybe he'll gone next week lol and loner... it isn't that George was "bad" he was just a little "off" I see him making the top 5 at least, maybe even the top 3 ... his personality is the reason I like him (not that he can't sing, he can) but I still have to go with Fantasia all the way "shumfin" HEHEHE |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
I don't really like Fantasia... I find her annoying, and her personality rubs me the wrong way. John Stevens has a lot of potential, but right now it seems like he's very, very confused. I'd have to say most people who like him, like him because of what he's doing rather than how he's doing it... he could use a little work. But the John-haters will always outnumber the John-lovers who always vote for him regardless of how his performance is. Personally, though, I think he did a fantastic job last week, having gone back to his roots. Overall I'm a George Huff fan, he's been consistently good in this competition. http://www.livejournal.com/~new_formalism |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
I agree that John Stevens should be gone by next week. He really was in total shock last night! He looked like he was about to cry, I felt so bad for him!!! And I only caught the ending last night, so I didn't even get to catch the re-cap of Wednesday's show! ![]() The first step to recovery is to admit your addiction. So, here it is: |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
OK, John Stevens has GOT TO GO!!!!! George didn't do so well either but based on past performances I think he should get another shot ![]() Best performance of the night - hands down - has to be (drum roll please) Fantasia Barrino singing "It's A Miracle" ok so I'm biased LOL |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I haven't watched an entire show until tonight. John Stevens provoked me to make put my hands together--yeah, right-- ![]() My daughter then collapsed in giggles on the floor. Sorry, John, go catch a gig at a ski lodge... (grin..Simon's a pussycat compared to me) |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
What did skiers ever do to you Blazey? ![]() Barry Manilow nite.... :ack: I need a shot of insulin -- QUICK!! |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Reb? After watching his performance last night, I just figgered if he was determined to pursue a career in showbiz, it might be helpful if he had an audience that was snowed in, on crutches and painpills... ![]() *wince* ESPECIALLY the painpills... ![]() |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
LMAO!!! John Stevens MUST go tonight! He HAS to...and if he's not gone, then I'm not gonna watch it any more. Yes, there, you heard it. Everyone here is a witness. Okay, I lied. I'll watch it just to see my Gerogie. But, who's gonna be bottom 3? I can say 2 names, John and Jasmine. I like Jasmine, but the past couple weeks, her performances haven't stood out in my mind at all. They're just "average." I was thinkin', based on last night, that George should be there. But, 1.) the public loves him and 2.) he has had a lot of great performances before to make up for the last 2 weeks. And all the girls were so good last night. They all just blew me away. Especially Dianna, Latoya, and Jennifer. I'm not a huge fan of Fantasia...she gets annoying to me at times. All in all, like I've been saying for weeks...John Stevens is gone tonight. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Re: John Stevens I suspected it all along. All of America is heavily medicated. (I kinda knew I wasn't the only one...) Geez. Rehab, anyone? ![]() |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Exactly, Serenity. Something's wrong with America...they don't even know good talent when they hear it. Jennifer doesn't deserve to be gone, John Stevens does. And I think he knows it. Did you see George? He was in total shock when Ryan called her name, saying that Jennifer got the lowest votes. And then he started to cry, like Fantasia and others. Who will be gone next week? Maybe we can get some sense knocked into the voters for John, and no body will. So he will be gone, and we can get the real competition rolling. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Actually loner, I kinda tease... I think they are all going to be just fine. No matter if they are voted off now--they just got a ton of free promotion & experience--the ball is in their court no matter what happens-- I mean, I think William Hong pretty much proved that we just loves who we loves. And I think we need John Stevens for a little while longer, if only for someone we love to hate! ![]() ![]() |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
If there were three John Stevens', one of them would be gone now. That explains the bottom three---they're too similar. When you aim for a very particular audience, like John Stevens does, then you're guaranteed a whole bay of voters... but when you are competing with two other people who are trying to do the same thing you are, then your audience is going to be divided three ways. I hate to say it, but until it's down to just one black girl, it'll be hard to judge America's real preferences based on the voting tabulations. For the record, I like John Stevens, even if he's not the best one in the competition... he's stuck between a rock and a hard place right now---he got on this show by being "different" but now he's got a lot of weight on his shoulders, because he has to be good at being different. What's more, he has to be true to his singing style (which he's really good at) and do things like "Barry Manilow night" which aren't exactly compatible. It's like asking a carpenter to re-shingle your roof. His environment is killing him, and he's not right for this competition, but more than anything it's Randy/Paula/Simon's fault for putting him through. I'd vote for John if I lived in the states. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
You make a lot of sense, parasite. The three "divas" are all competing for the one spot of the ultimate diva. John Stevens can sing, and you have to think that he is only 16 years old. So, imagine how much better he will get at performing and improving his style in the years to come. But, he still doesn't belong in this competion. I do love to "hate" him, he's the only one left that I don't like. So, in another way, you make some sense too, Serenity. Plus, there's only two guys left already. If he goes, then it's only George who's holding down the fort. And he is out there with his music, I bet he may even get a record deal after this thing's over. The Sinatra-style is starting to get to me, I am beginning to enjoy it a little. But, everyone here has to admit...John can sing. As much as we hate to admit it... On another note... I believe that the ultimate diva will be Latoya. As much as I like Fantasia, I think Latoya has the better voice. And Fantasia's personality irratates me sometimes. My final three: George, Diana, and Latoya. Who's gonna be the next American Idol? Well, only time can tell for that. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I think LP has made an astute analysis and it may in fact be correct. Being true to my own cynical self though I have to advance another thought. Executives love to be in control. There may be more going on here than what meets the eye. When the drummer in my last band got in the way of an on-coming train it was really more or less the breaking point in my music career. Having a band is a lot like being married. It's all about compromise, synergy, love, and dedication. It requires a load of work. Being a solo act and paying back up musicians is much easier because everybody knows who the boss is. The whole egalitarian democratic band thing gets to be rather a grind. So, rather than try to rebuild (again) or go solo -- I did something else I really wanted to do -- produce. I already had my eye on some talent -- a young lady with presence. She could sing too -- but, more important -- she had presence -- it... THE it... the thing that differentiates. I started trying to book her gigs and I kept running into problems with club owners. I couldn't really figure it out. She was a star. Even the club owners who wouldn't book her agreed. Then the owner of one of the larger clubs in Memphis pulled me aside one day and said basically -- look -- she's a talented kid and she has real potential -- but I need to sell hooch. She aint gonna do it. Ya know why? Cause she's a gorgeous talented broad. Women will HATE her. They don't want her in the same room where they're trying to get some guy to fall in love with them. Put some cute guys up on the stage and I'll book em. Cute guys bring in single gals. Single gals bring in guys. I sell hooch. Everybody falls in love... I sell more hooch. Not tendering any opinion as to whether or not his opinion has any validity -- the Fox execs may be shaking in their shorts at the prospect of not having any cute guys in a competition with an audience that is no doubt demographically heavy in young ladies. It wouldn't be the first television game show that was rigged. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Huh, good point. But, the show could be all legit and everything. Or a set up as you show, rebel. I'm not sayin' totally real...I mean, look at Surivivor. You would think that those people are really living in hotels and eating huge steaks when the cameras aren't rolling. But, they're really out there living on an island. Probably have some assistance to make sure they don't get incredibly sick and always have some food...But, still. As far as AI goes, it's a talent competition. I mean, there's not much that the execs can pull. Sure, they could be pulling a scandal like you said, but I honestly don't think so. Don't know if you feel that way truthfully either, rebel. Or if you're just playin around. The kids in the competition have big talent. And it is partially a popularity contest, but also it's about the true talent. America votes for whoever they like the most, puts that person through, and then we get down to the final two. And then America votes again for the winner. So, how can you rip that off? People actually vote. Person with lowest votes leaves. Not that hard of a concept. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
heh heh heh... ![]() sigh. sorry. The boy was tone deaf. |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
LMAO Karen ... breathing a HUGE sigh of relief here as well |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Loner~ They can rig the votes. Simple. How do I know that is REALLY how America voted?? Selling Hooch~ Hmmm...I love to watch a good looking woman...I am not intimidated...me and the SO sit and watch the women on TV, and in movies, commenting on what "aspects" of the females are particulally appealing. Doesn't everyone do that? As for John...thank god. What a disaster. First few times I heard him sing I thought he sounded good, but recently...eek. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Clapping for America right about now...but now I'm sad to say,(tears forming)that George should be voted off soon. I love my Georgie, he has a great voice and personality, and any record he does, I'll go and buy. But, I just don't think he's as good as say Diana or any of the other girls..Especially since he was in the bottom 3 last week, bottom 2 to be exact. It's coming real close, he either has to pump up the effort on performances or do something different. Cause it's not working for me any more. After George(aaawwww!!!) I think it shall be Fantasia to get the boot..maybe? Any thoughts... As for the whole jipping thing-um, yeah. And how do you know I am really Amanda and how do you know that they all can really sing...how do you know ANY thing(reality tv wise and computer wise) is real???hmmm... What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
I must admit, when Jennifer, Fantasia and Latoya, all made it to the bottom 3 a few weeks ago there was a *brief* moment when I thought to myself "This thing has GOT to be rigged!" However, I don't believe it is (wishful thinking maybe?) It is my favorite show on TV other than American Chopper on The Discovery Channel, now there's a reality show that's almost certainly "real". As far as whom I believe will be the winner of AI this year ... Ultimately, I can see any of them "winning"; especially the way the votes have been going as of late. But in my eyes they are all winners due to the fact that they chased their dreams. 'Cause all the world was mine, if only for a time. And even if I lost it all, the ride was worth the fall! - Brett James (amazingly talented songwriter) |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Yeah, Jeffrey. They all are talented kids who are brave enough to follow their dreams, and nobody can take that away from them. As for the winner, I still can't narrow it down to just one person. Hell, I can't decide who should be gone next. Since I want George to stay around as long as possible, I guess I'm gonna have to wait until Tuesday to decide who should be voted off next. And the show rigged? Nah, I really don't believe it, either. As for some other shows...cough, Survivor, cough...don't know. Hey, nobody will ever know the truth about these and other reality shows if you don't go on them yourself, right? I mean, you can't really go on someone else's word, especially someone involved with the show that you don't know. Like, you can't say "oh, Survivor IS real because I saw an interview where Jeff Probst said that it is"...So, if anyone on here ever tries out for American Idol, or Fear Factor, or any other reality show, please share!!! lol What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Well they are all talented -- but not enough. Latoya and Fantasia are close -- Huff has the raw elements but he isn't there either. Simon said he could have heard tonights fare on a cruise ship -- I'd have to best him and say I could have heard the entire season in a karaoke bar. It looked promising for a while -- but it's been rather disappointing. The only real 'moment' in the entire season was Amy's 'Sin Wagon' -- the rest has been pretty. The focus is too misplaced on these silly 'themes' that they're having. Although I really like big band music, Elton John, Motown, even Gloria Estefan -- it isn't the right way to do this -- a star can sing 'Happy Birthday' and make you dance, laugh, or cry.... they just aren't pulling that through. Conversely -- John utterly failed to ever pull any of those themes into his style -- which is what a star would do -- he tried to flex to the themes and it was really just not working for him. Technically -- Latoya is a great singer -- but she isn't 'performing'. Fantasia is a better stylist -- but she's just a little too green. I can't make up my mind which one of these two should win this competition at this point. Production wise -- it was just so-so too -- the band they had tonight was very milquetoast -- why didn't they tap somebody like Brian Setzer to come in? The selections were, as Randy said, 'safe'. Huff could have pulled out some great Louis Prima and torn it up -- I'm just shaking my head right now. Not having had the benefit of other seasons to compare to -- I can't really say if it's just been an 'off' year. |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
I have to agree with you a little rebel, no one on the show this year is anywhere near the quality of singer that Clay or Reuben or even Kelly are. Having said that, I think it will come down to Fantasia or LaToya. LaToya has the most "pure" voice on the show this season but as far as the better performer I would have to go with Fantasia. It's kind of a toss-up at this point and the way the voting has been going this year who knows who will end up in the final two? Personally, I would probably have to hear the first couple of singles from any of the contestants albums (be they the winner or not) before I decided to buy it. They are all "good" but none of them are a "star" YET. I still have to root for my home state girl Fantasia though hehe |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Here's my top 3: Diana, Latoya, and Fantasia. Final 2: Latoya and Fantasia Winner of AI season 3: tie between the 2 "divas" Yeah, I can't decide, either. I've tried to think of the best performer and singer, the one with the best stage presence and even who I would rather sit throught an entire album and hear singing...still can't decide. I've always thought that Latoya has the best voice, and I think we can all agree on that. But, Fantasia does, just as Simon said, bring funk and danger along with her. She takes chances and her voice isn't plain or simple, it's got that "spark" like Paula said last night. But, even saying that about Fantasia, I can't decide between these 2. They both take chances, they both have that "it" factor, and they're both gorgeous. So, who knows who America will vote for. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
Well, I write this with a some-what weary heart. It was really sad to see George leave the show last night, but I think it was probably the right choice (he or Jasmine take your pick). I still see the final 2 being Fantasia and LaToya, but what do I know? So sorry loner187, big huglets to you ![]() |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
I actually wasn't that sad to see George go. Sure, he's got a great heart. And, I'll miss him next week for sure. It won't be the same, but I guess it was the right call. Next shall be Jasmine, as much as I think she's got talent and is gorgeous...I'm rooting for Fantasia from now on. Or for at least at this moment.(who knows after next week's performances! hehe) So, Jeffery...you got another vote for your home girl. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
Ok, last night totally sucked!!! I am beginning to wonder if maybe the voting IS fixed. I find it inconceivable that America could cast more votes for someone whom forgot the words to a song than they did for someone with a voice like LaToya's or Fantasia's. Last night was truly a mockery of the whole premise of the show. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
My theory...Jasmine took in the votes because she cried and was so emotional, so everyone felt badly and voted for her. And first I was like "whoa, Hawaii's bigger then I thought" and mad about her being safe. But, I KNOW she won't win, so it's all good. Two of my favorites are still in. And, I'll be happy if Diana or Fantasia win. If Jasmine wins, well that proves it, the show MUST be rigged. Plus, Latoya's going to get a record deal no matter what. I mean, she's got the great pipes and any record label would be lucky to sign her. What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
Ok, I think it will come down to Fantasia and Diana. They both have a shot at winning this competition. Guess we will have to wait and see. Even if Fantasia doesn't win AI, she will definitely gat a record deal! She is way too good to pass up. Tonight proved she has what it takes to make it in the business, PERIOD! |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I agree 100%, it's down to Diana and Fantasia, and even if Fantasia doesn't win the show, we will definitely see her on a record label for sure. |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
Finally, America made the correct choice! Now, come on everyone, let's do that one more time! VOTE FOR FANTASIA!!! hehehe Actually, I think it could be won by either of them now, just depends on who has the best night. |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
Yeah, I'm already happy with the winner of AI season 3...It's down to Diana and Fantasia. Who will win it all? I honestly have no clue. I like Fantasia probably a little more than Diana, but I like Diana, too, and she's still a great singer with a great personality. All I have to say is: TGJIG!!!(or Thank God Jasmine is gone!!!)I think that Jasmine could sing, but she didn't have the "it" factor and didn't compare to Diana and Fantasia. It truly depends on their performances next week...who will win? Who will be runner-up? I say, we crown a tie and see where it goes from there...I mean, Clay's the runner-up from last season, and he's had more success than Rueben, who still is doing very well. The top 5 all deserve record deals...Yeah, let's just give most of the top 12 ones, okay?? They're all 100 times better then William Hung...Look where he's gone...okay, so no body actually bought that record he made. What was the name of it? Yeah, I don't even know, or care... Okay, I just realized that all I'm doing now is rambling. So, all I have to say is "Let's hope Fantasia, or Diana, wins AI season 3!!" Ha! I honestly have no clue who'll win. : ) What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
I voted for Fantasia (about 40 times LOL) No matter who wins, this has been a great season aside from a few blunders by America. Even if Fantasia doesn't win, she will definitely get a record deal. No ifs ands or buts about it. She has a helluva voice and she is entertaining a well. I'd buy her CD in a second flat! I'll be back when they announce the winner to post my reaction LOL |
Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
I have to agree with the Fantasia factor. I am one of the most jaded people around when it comes to ANY musical performance... however when she sang Summertime the first time, I was feeling the lump in my throat, and geting the cold chills. I would have preferred to see the final four as Fantasia, LaToya, Jennifer, and Amy... however, the audience spoke, and it is down to these two... Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again... |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY GIRL!!!!! Sorry I'm late with this, I was at the hospital with my wife. She had back surgery last month and she was in excruciating pain on Tuesday so I took her to the ER and they admitted her to run some test. They said they think it was just where she has some sweeling around her spine and it's pinching a nerve. She had a three level lumbar fusion, which is where they remove the disks from between your vertabrae and replace them with titanium spacers. They also put titanium rods and screws in where they broke the bones to get to the disks (that's why they call it a fusion I guess LOL) Anyway, she is doing much better now so y'all keep her in your prayers please. Oh and WTG FANTASIA!!!!! |
loner187 Member
since 2004-03-21
Posts 106Upstate New York |
wow has it been a long time since i came back to my beloved piptalk....FANTASIA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!! Ok, kind-of a late reaction here but that's okay!!! i haven't heard anything lately about a new record coming out soon or anything from diana...anyone hear ANYTHING about these 2 that i should know...just speak up!!! LOL What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? |
Sudhir Iyer Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943Mumbai, India : now in Belgium |
did i miss something? ![]() |
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