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0 posted 2003-05-19 12:41 PM

Mine came from shortly before I registered here, because I was tired of all the other names I had and I wanted something comepletely new from what I was already using. Well, I knew the name Sunshine was taken, and I thought of Starshine, but for some reason, it just didn't ring for me. I was thinking that I liked the sun, clouds, the moon, and stars, everything in the sky really, and came up with skyshine. I came up with it all by myself too. Well where did yours come from?


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1 posted 2003-05-19 01:34 AM

Well, mine might be obvious. Living in Alaska for 6 years under the midnight sun can burn the imagery right into your brain. LOL, and it was better than 'Aurora'
and not as silly sounding as Rainbow dancing Lights, which is what I call the aurora or northern lights.

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2 posted 2003-05-19 02:08 AM

well, kaile is my actual name actually

i used to go by "faterider" here because of a desire to ride on the tides of fate and to be contented with wherever life chooses to take, the image of me as a surfer seemed kind of kewl

there you go

Member Seraphic
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3 posted 2003-05-19 06:44 AM

My mom gave it to me.  She named me after my aunt, actually...
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4 posted 2003-05-19 07:31 AM

Well after my dog of course! Miah!  I know unoriginal. Okay off to work now.

[This message has been edited by Miah (05-19-2003 07:31 AM).]

Local Parasite
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5 posted 2003-05-19 07:55 AM

Great topic!  But mine's a secret.  

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Parasite

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in the pouring rain
6 posted 2003-05-19 08:12 AM

Mine's def. an original, who else could come up with the name Riley, haha. Mah mommy gave it to me 13 and a half years ago.

*the bloody tide comes in on the shore, time after time*

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2003-05-19 08:49 AM

~*Marge*~ *smiles*

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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8 posted 2003-05-19 09:05 AM

Because I AM southern... I'm just not all there. LOL
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9 posted 2003-05-19 12:48 PM

Quite simple really
sea is one of my nicknames from younger days - an abbreviated version of my last name

OKC is where I live hence sea_of_okc

Plus I find it amusing when peeps tell me "there's no sea in Oklahoma"...  DUH!

serenity blaze
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10 posted 2003-05-19 01:42 PM

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

The blaze? Was a nod to both my married name (Blaise) and my regrettable temper.

chasing rain
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11 posted 2003-05-19 03:02 PM

I got mine when I was chasing my bros outside with a hose.

Nah. Actually, I'm not sure. I just like to chase things. I suppose I could've had the name chasing dustbunnies...

...I think maybe I was depressed when I joined.


I'm not so sure anymore. I think it was just one of those spur of the moment type things.

Someone make up a story for me. I'm too lazy.
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12 posted 2003-05-19 06:21 PM

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change. Courage to change the one I can and the wisdom to know that it is I.

My name is my initials, my wife started calling me JP about 20 years ago and it has become 'my name' on the checks, the accounts, etc....  It stands for "Just Perfect"

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serenity blaze
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13 posted 2003-05-19 09:36 PM

Point well taken JP.

Poet deVine
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14 posted 2003-05-19 09:54 PM

Here begins a boring story:

I chose my forum name because that is a name I’ve used for several years. When I got my computer, I wanted an identity other than my ‘real’ life identity. I think I wanted to hide behind the anonymity of a name that would be recognized as someone I never thought I could be.

I sat at my dining room table with poetry books, a thesaurus, a dictionary and paper and pencil. I knew I wanted an identity that would exemplify my body of work. I love ivy…the way it looks against a brick wall. I thought about each of my poems as a leaf of ivy on that vine. "Leaves of Inspiration" was my first choice, but couldn’t fit a suitable ‘name’ in there. I read about vines..about ivy…about branches…..until I realized that I could do a play on words.

The Vine……..deVine……..everyone mistakes it for divine (heavenly)..but actually it is the vine. Poet seemed the perfect first name….Poet of the Vine…..Lines deVine….deVine Lines….I’ve used them all.

Besides, it’s not bad to be called Poet. I hope I am one. And to be called deVine or deVine one or Lady deVine is quite a compliment!

So I put together my ‘mission statement’ that is on every web site I create for myself.

When you find love in each special line
know it was created by Poet deVine

[This message has been edited by Poet deVine (05-19-2003 09:55 PM).]

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Saluting with misty eyes
15 posted 2003-05-20 12:29 PM

It's actually my stage name. Although I am a bass player ,I use the name Ringo, and one of these days I'll give the full story to the masses.

Day after day I'm more confused,
So I look for the light through the pouring rain...

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16 posted 2003-05-20 01:25 AM

Actually, it is actually not proper to say actually. I actually shouldn't be writing this this way either, but I am actually trying to make an actual point about using the word actually.

:: I got my name by taking my first name and putting and underscore down and adding my last name... not so creative....

Love Always,

[This message has been edited by Kellie_Cantrell (05-20-2003 01:26 AM).]

Local Parasite
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17 posted 2003-05-20 01:36 AM

Haha... thanks for the laugh, Kellie...

Actually, I actually like that word... it's actually one of the words I actually use in my actual everyday vocabulary... that's actually quite striking of you to say.

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Saluting with misty eyes
18 posted 2003-05-20 03:03 AM

OK, oK... Geez.. It's because I'm a man... I know...
So, how's this:
The name Ringo that I use for my sign-in name is my stage name that I have used for the past 14 years... actually  (sorry, couldn't resist   lol)

Day after day I'm more confused,
So I look for the light through the pouring rain...

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Loomis, CA
19 posted 2003-05-20 10:32 AM

……..everyone mistakes it for divine (heavenly)..but actually it is the vine.

I'll pray you forgive my desire to think of you as 'divine' rather that 'the vine'  because you certainly are heavenly...

BTW, when folks don't believe in 'Just Perfect', I throw out Judas Priest, Just Playing, Jerkface Punk...

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.
Nil Desperandum, Fata viem invenient

S Arthur Grey
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20 posted 2003-05-20 12:14 PM

"S Arthur Grey"

An alter ego
conceived many years ago
in the ringing bell
of boredom

until awakened here
partially freed

a silence
with a voice

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Floating gently on a cloud....
21 posted 2003-05-20 02:25 PM

Mine looks like it should be exciting, like something to do with Extra Sensory Perception, but actually it's only my initials: Elizabeth Sarah Pinard

"Gorge the honey from life, and live through the stomach aches knowing they will pass..." ~Liz Pinard 2003~

since 2003-04-24
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22 posted 2003-05-20 08:30 PM

Ahhh... I love this question because I get to talk about my guy.

See, he started calling me "Ma'Lady Lioness" which I thought was adorable, and then I just sort of became "Lioness" to everyone. And I have blue eyes, which is what most people notice first about me. So I became "blueyedlioness".  

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The Ravines
23 posted 2003-05-21 09:11 AM

It is all there.

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24 posted 2003-05-21 10:09 AM

Smiling here...remember the tune "You are my Sunshine"?  Well, Daddy use to sing that all the time, and winking at me, meant it was "my" song.  Later, when CB's were popular, I used it as my "handle".  It only seemed appropriate to be thinking of my dad and in some way, to honor his memory, so when I joined PiP, it actually seemed the only name for me.

Besides, there aren't many around who know how to pronounce Karilea.  

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25 posted 2003-05-21 12:38 PM

Who needs to pronounce it when we only communicate in typeface, Sunshine?

Is it... care-a-lee-a?  That's how I imagined it... but I'm probably wrong like everyone else.

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26 posted 2003-05-21 01:33 PM

Because there's always the chance that we will communicate in person, LP, at some down-the-road Passions in Poetry hoedown.  

And, nope!

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27 posted 2003-05-21 04:09 PM

I've always pronounced it 'karry-lay', but then again, I've not really taken the time to try to figure it out.  (neither do I pronounce the 'nd' in 'sandwich' ... it ususally comes out as 'samwich'.  In addition, I have one pronunciation of 'whale, wail, and well'  must be a bit of my southern and oakie roots coming through.

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.
Nil Desperandum, Fata viem invenient

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28 posted 2003-05-21 04:34 PM

LOL...I just KNEW folks listened to the sounds in their're close...but no seegar!

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29 posted 2003-05-21 04:40 PM

I've been Martie for more years than I care to admit...a nick name for given name.
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30 posted 2003-05-21 04:48 PM

You'll always be OUR Martie!  
Local Parasite
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31 posted 2003-05-21 04:51 PM

it's gotta be either care-a-lay or car-a-lay..... right?

OH... how about car-illy-a?

[This message has been edited by Local Parasite (05-21-2003 04:52 PM).]

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32 posted 2003-05-21 06:02 PM

ok, SUNSHINE, so I guessed it was pronounced either
care uh lee
or carry lee
But if we meet in person I'll probably  call you Sunshine anyway.

Local Parasite
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33 posted 2003-05-21 06:05 PM

Creepy if it's pronounced carry-lee... my mother's name is Kari Lee...
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34 posted 2003-05-21 06:48 PM

Mine was picked by my Mother as well. I am named after my Grandmother on my Mother's side. I am Dutch decent and am a first generation Canadian. My Grandmother's given name was Menke and is generally translated into Mildred. My cousin was named Mildred before me and though a perfectly great name, I am thankful to have Marilyn.

Good enough story?      

Posts 250

35 posted 2003-05-21 07:48 PM

Jaime is my real name. And my parents named me after the bionic woman. (Jaime Summers)

So yeah, that's mine.

the faeries creep into my hair at night leaving it in terrible knots

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36 posted 2003-05-21 10:26 PM

I was pretty much named by my friend Will Patrick, who will someday join this site and sweep all ladies off their feet.....

I told him I was going to be the first in my family to have an E-mail account, and he said "Oh, the Rat liege is leading the Rats again...." Bingo, Ratleader

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

[This message has been edited by Ratleader (05-21-2003 10:29 PM).]

since 2003-02-14
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Jersey City NJ
37 posted 2003-05-21 10:43 PM

It was my second aol sn and it just stuck with me. I didn't want to be like other filipinos, using Azn or Flip in my name so i made up this one isntead. I wrote a poem for it giving a lil background of why I use IcyFlamez. Icy for short b/c my friends always say I'm distant and cold, but also a good friend if you manage to get through my barriers.

I am the result of a typical dysfuctional family

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Saluting with misty eyes
38 posted 2003-05-21 11:23 PM

Opeth- You were the ONE I never had to wonder the answer to this question.

Day after day I'm more confused,
So I look for the light through the pouring rain...

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39 posted 2003-05-22 01:22 AM

Heh I was on a fantasy kick in grade 11 and needed a screen name for the many times I would go into excite chat while "doing schoolwork" (one of many chat rooms which were supposedly banned at the school lol). I wanted something with "fire" in it for sure, and for some reason got a mental picture of electric blue flames in the sky, so I dubbed myself Skyfire. Now Skyfire is an actual part of myself, I also go by Sky, depending on my mood and who I'm talking to. *sigh* Skyfire is someone I turn into when things get rough and I need to express it. Skyfire is the poet in me, the writer in me, and the wannabe artist in me (*grin*).  
Sudhir Iyer
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40 posted 2003-05-22 11:37 AM

firstname+lastname as in so many entry forms...


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41 posted 2003-05-22 11:56 AM

Karilea was a name plucked from the blue, sort of, by my mother.  She had a friend who had the two names Carrie and Leigh, and she wanted to put them together to form one name.  The odd thing about this is, voila, no need for a middle name.  

Pronounced in several ways over the years, it was a real pain for a skinny kid who was awkwardly shy to have such a silly-sounding name when pronounced

Karry Lee or
Kah RILL e ah or
Karrie Le ah or
KAR ah LEE ah

I think my favorite pronunciation of it, however, was when a cousin pronounced it as "me Karrotlee".

Y'all know the pastry product and tune, "Nobody doesn't like SaraLee?"

Well, rhyme that with Karilea and you're good to go!

And LP?  You think we need to talk?  

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (05-22-2003 11:56 AM).]

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The Ravines
42 posted 2003-05-23 07:27 AM

"Opeth- You were the ONE I never had to wonder the answer to this question."

~ Cool. It is good to know that a few people on this site at least know what Opeth means.

Now...listening to Opeth...that is another story.

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43 posted 2003-05-23 09:05 AM

I like SOME Opeth.  Harvest is a cool song.  and I love the first 5 seconds of Demon of the Fall.

For the most part, I find their vocals too... typical?  Hard to say why, I'm hardly one to criticize the deep growly variety of vocals but, somehow Opeth seems to lack sophistication when it comes to that.

For Metal, I'll stick to In Flames, MDB and maybe Rammstein, thanks...

Well, enough digressing.

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The Ravines
44 posted 2003-05-23 09:17 AM

"Harvest is a cool song."

~ Although I like Harvest too, out of all of Opeth's songs, it is one of my least favorites.

"..and I love the first 5 seconds of Demon of the Fall."

~ Interesting. In the fist 5 seconds, the song hasn't even really started.

No offense, but it sounds like to me, you haven't really spent much time listening to Opeth in order to qualify for rendering a valid opinion...especially after reading your comment on Demon of the Fall.

But it is all cool.

Local Parasite
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45 posted 2003-05-23 10:08 AM

Heh.  My comments say that I don't really like Opeth, after listening to a great deal of their songs, if these are the only things I admit that I like.

Sure the song hasn't started, but that cool echoey growl thing is just awesome.  That should have been the whole song.  The rest is just guitars and people blaaahing.

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46 posted 2003-05-23 10:15 AM

LOL! "...and people blaaahing."

since 2003-04-24
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47 posted 2003-05-23 11:41 AM

LP, you remind me SOOOO much of one of my friends. I am so serious... you could be like, the same person. Freakiness.

Mm-kay. Ya know, maybe I've been like, living under a rock or something, but the only one of those bands I've ever heard of is Rammstein. And that was only like, once. I think I shall go find out what the rest of them are now...

since 2003-01-10
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Etched in the illusion of time
48 posted 2003-05-24 08:46 PM

Ah, my name...Merely just the emergence of my beauitful poetic side. I have a thing for colors (indigo) and the night/twilight hours (eve), so that helped too.
Local Parasite
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49 posted 2003-05-24 10:24 PM

Hah, that's cool, blue eyed lioness... you remind me of some of my friends, too, just judging from what I've read of your poetry and the way you present yourself...

Ok... mine's kind of a play on words... I like how piptalk is a community, but the thing about it being a community is that it's friendly where it shouldn't be.  My name's not really a stab at the friendliness of piptalk, more of a compliment really... "Local" because I like how it makes me sound accepted.  You know, like, your local grocer, your local blacksmith... parasite because it's something that feeds on a host at the disadvantage of the host.  

So, it's kind of like saying, I'm a pest but they love having me around, so I must not be very good at it.  Look everyone!  It's our local parasite, come to suck the nutrients from our bodies and leave us tired and weak.

Granted, I'm not as bad as I used to be.  

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50 posted 2003-05-25 04:39 PM

'Look everyone!  It's our local parasite, come to suck the nutrients from our bodies and leave us tired and weak.'

ROFL Just the way I read that made that seem incredibly funny to me

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51 posted 2003-05-25 06:04 PM

Well I had a run of names and they still linger all over the internet, Teddie, Teddy (after my passion for collecting antique teddy bears), then I went to Knotamuse, Knotamused, because I couldn't write a darn thing really.  Then I became Chablis, then onto Chardonnay, almost like I was into CB or something right?  Oh, there were many, and the poetry is still all over the place in all those names.  I even found what I thought was someone stealing my poem and it was me!

My friend Willow came out to visit, and when I showed her I gotten into poetry she picked me a new name.  She found me always very mysterious, and impulsive she said, and suggested Mysterious One at first, then we changed it to Mysteria, and it has been with me ever since.  I often think of changing it to my real name, ahem ... since I am now published - thanks to RON! but my real name is Sharon and we already have one famous Sharon at this site

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Beneath the northern stars
52 posted 2003-05-27 12:24 PM

Wow! Thanks for all the replies everybody. I never knew there were so many interesting stories! Yours was funny, LP. Thanks again all!


Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone...

since 2003-05-05
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an akward state of mind
53 posted 2003-05-27 03:58 PM

actually... i found this site some how when i was searching for something else... and i decided to join, and this just popped in my mind and i thought it sounded cool... black & white horizon... i guess i could say that i live on the coast, and the horizon has always amazed me, how it ends, but yet it goes on so far... and how it's so straight... and the word horizon just sounds neat... and i like black and white... i don't mean old grayscale movies, but simple, clean, strict, kind of straight black and white...

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up; these are the best days of our lives"

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54 posted 2003-05-27 06:48 PM

Raziel is Greek for "Secret of God"

Member Rara Avis
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55 posted 2003-05-28 03:04 AM

Cool thread . . .

I have had this screen ever since I came on the web - I use it everywhere because it is me - truly

"Littlewing" - Jimi Hendrix - go listen please . . . speaks of someone who lives in fairytales, running about the clouds, sweet but quite unsure of her place in the world but always there to listen and give of herself even when she is troubled - always with a smile . . .
in the end Jimi tells her:

"Fly on, Littlewing"

and that is why I use littlewing - a lot to learn - a lot to lend and a need to fly (small "l" - havent earned my wings yet)

(besides the fact I am a huge Hendrix freak and adore angels, birds and wings and this tune is quite amazing - the guitar riff in the intro
- Oh Mannnn)


[This message has been edited by littlewing (05-28-2003 03:06 AM).]

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56 posted 2003-05-31 12:37 PM

Interesting question. I'm not sure I want to answer...

It's such a looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg, ugly story really, so I'll save you all the details.

In a nutshell. It fits!

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57 posted 2003-05-31 12:59 PM

S Susan
E Elaine
A Allen

how neat that I love the ocean and my initals ending up spelling SEA. I have it on my license plate too... ok, that's my story, short and sweet....

Larry C
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58 posted 2003-05-31 02:14 AM

Susan Elaine Allen. SEA to me. It fits since you like the rain (being all wet) and being a northwest boy so do I. My momma named me and I always liked it. Besides I suck at pretending to be somebody else. I'm next to SEA again tonight. COOL!

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Fading Away
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59 posted 2003-05-31 08:59 AM

Now that's a good question... I think it was something quite random. I changed because I was having problems on the site with hiding my identity to a few others who knew me personally... all I know is I want to make it VIOLIST. Oh well... so that's my story

Hope I haven't taken up too much of your time.

since 2003-04-29
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Galveston, Texas
60 posted 2003-06-03 04:52 PM

I wanted something short and sweet and something that would reflect my heritage.  I am a single, hispanic mother of three girls and mom makes four so I went with "quatro" "4".  The correct spelling of the word four in spanish is "cuatro", but I am an American and my children are bi-racial and being from Texas (Tex-Mex) I chose to use the "q".  I also much prefer to use lower case letters.


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61 posted 2003-06-09 12:04 PM

gemma jo page
Brad Majors
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62 posted 2003-06-09 06:04 PM

Mine comes from my favorite movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

Brad Majors

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63 posted 2003-06-10 08:55 AM

too long a story and really pretty boring along with the fact I am not so good at typing when I am in a

One of these days I think I'll change it... to something more in line with my talents, soon as I figure out what those really are.

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64 posted 2003-06-18 08:31 PM

Well, I wanted to register here and couldn't come up with anything creative so I just used my name.

Psalms 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."

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since 2003-04-18
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65 posted 2003-06-20 05:39 PM

i choose mine because it's like a smiley face useing Q for eyes and j for nose QjQ

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since 2002-12-23
Posts 313
Long Island, New York
66 posted 2003-06-20 10:58 PM

My friend, Rich "hopelessromanticguy"?, gave it to me. He said it suit me...Whatever that means lol. I like it though. It's perfect for me! Peace!

"Life is not measured by the moments we take,but by the moments that take our breaths away." -Author Unkown.

Jason Lyle
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since 2003-02-07
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With my darkling
67 posted 2003-06-21 03:15 PM

Jason Lyle, is simply my name, first and middle.I know, boring


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since 2001-02-15
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68 posted 2003-06-21 07:35 PM

Zu. happens to be my longtime nick name....
Marshal. As in Marshal of the Empire of France...

Stick the two together without realising you can use the space key and you have...?

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69 posted 2003-06-25 02:45 PM

now you see me, now you don't

I said I'm going to buy a gun and start a war,
If you can tell me something worth fighting for

[This message has been edited by Wind (06-25-2003 02:47 PM).]

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