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what would you put in your room 101 |
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anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
I do not know if there is a similar show in America but here in England we have a show called room 101 where people go on and pick 3 things they would like to 'put into Room 101', which means they pick the three things that annoy or irritate them most and they wish would disappear from the world forever and explain why they hate them, I was wondering what three things you guys would like to get rid of most or 'put in room 101', keep the things light hearted though, I mean of couse we all want to get rid of war and hunger but the idea is to pick three things that are your own three personal little phobias or irritations, however weird they may be, anyway here are my three 1)Camping, the most miserable, wet, uncomfertable times of my life were spent in a tent, it always seems to rain, you have to walk half an hour to find a shower, we always bring canned food but no can opener, I always get stung by wasps, fall into a patch of stinging nettles and pitch our tent next to people with a screaming toddler. 2)Sports Commentators, they say the most stupid, pointless things, if I watch sports I have to put the television on mute otherwise they drive me MAD 3)The way english people are portrayed on American television, english people on American TV are either a butler, a sexually repressed scientist/school teacher, really posh, gay or an evil genius, why??? [This message has been edited by anya (08-23-2002 12:29 PM).] |
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Toad Member
since 2002-06-16
Posts 161 |
Anya But that’s only half the game! Let me see…. quote: Camping can be uncomfortable, but isn’t that part of the appeal? Camping is mans attempt at getting back to basics and closer to nature. I agree about the wasps though and the nettles thing but being stung on the rear by a wasp and having two pounds of stinging nettles in your knickers is about as close to nature as you can get so I can’t let camping in. quote: Sports commentators do such a good job though and have produced some of the best sporting television moments in history – they think it’s all over! It is now- added to that you have to take into account the tremendous service they provide for the blind. When I think of sports commentators though I always remember a snooker commentator from the days of black and white television saying “ ..for those of you watching in black and white the blue ball is the one next to the pink”. On that evidence it has to go in. quote: This pet hate may be due to you being English, looking from inside it may just be that you can’t see that on the whole the English are in reality either butlers, sexually repressed scientists/school teachers, really posh, gay or evil geniuses. But being English myself means I can’t see it either so in it goes. Not quite Paul Merton but it’s the best I can do. ![]() [This message has been edited by Toad (08-23-2002 01:06 PM).] |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
You are right about the sports commentators providing a good service for the blind but aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, my friend gave me a little book of the dumbest things they had ever said once and the things they came out with, I just always remember that formula one commentator Murray Walker saying once 'but you have to remember to win he will have to finish the race', that just put me off commentators forever |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
I would have gone almost the opposite way. Not only would I let camping in, I would have thrown in the WHOLE back to nature crap with it. Even if I agreed it was a worthy goal, it never works. Especially when everyone insists on taking civilization with them. Tents are for sissies. I agree with sports commentators, but think you didn't take it far enough. They get in, AND have to take with them any sport that needs commentating. Finally, however, since I can name at least a handful of fairly complex (for TV) English television characters that don't fall within the realms mentioned (that woman doctor on ER and the vampire slayer's mentor, as two examples off the top of my head), the last one doesn't get in. Besides, those stereotypes are so common, they pretty much get played by EVERY nationality. ![]() |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
Y'know, my own personal stereotype of the British has them being uber-sexy and maybe a little too cool. ![]() ![]() Okay, three things that really really really bug me? Pre-teen bad boys. They were clothes they could swim in, spike their hair, talk like pimps (when they have probably just barely learned what sex is), and are more like yipping little chihuahuas than anything else. I don't understand why they want to grow up into that image, or why it makes them feel so important to talk as loudly as they can in public places about all the people they "beat up". I could step on these little creatures and break them in half, and they're still trying to act like they own the world. Uh, wha'? Number two: Really loud car stereos. The car shakes. The ground shakes. Your brain shakes as they pass. All you can really hear is "DUNka, DUNka, DUNka, DUNka," and you're not even sure if it's intended to be English. I don't need to be made deaf by people I will never meet in my life, y'know? Maybe it's just me. And the third? People who don't know you who still insist on touching when they talk. If I don't know you, I certainly don't want you in my personal bubble, please back off. Not like they'll ever understand, 'course. Grr. Grr, grr, grr! Okay. I is done. i'll be waiting for you |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
The English guy from Buffy falls into the posh catorgy in my opinion but the English doctor from ER is alright I suppose I would have to agree with all three of your things Anvrill, especially people who invade your personal space when you have just met them, I can't stand it, so I would let all three of your things in! |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
1) American tourists who are amazed when I tell them that where I live we have 9 months of winter, and that it gets dark at 4:00 pm or earlier. 2) Bad gramme and spelling. I know I shouldn't talk, but at least I TRY to have proper grammer and spelling! 3) The way Americans and Canadians spell some words completely differently and then get in arguments about it. It's just a WORD, for the love of Pete! I could list more, but there's a limit *pouts* |
Dark Enchantress Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258meet Morgana |
Well personally.. I think 9 months of winter is cool. ![]() 1.) Teen Magazines. I despise them. They always talk about how you can win over your crush, be the most popular, lose weight, fix your face, etc. etc. when they should get their friggin' priorities straight and set an example. The most disgusting display is when they're encouraging teen girls (whocan often be incredibly shallow) to judge other girls for having individual style. I'm sorry, not everyone likes Abercrombie. 2.) People trying to force their beliefs onto me. I don't hold anything against people for what religion or spiritual path they follow, but when they get in my face about my personal beliefs I get really pissed off. If I can treat them with respect they should be "Christian" enough to return the favour. (Thank you to those who are respectful. ![]() 3.) Idle people.. people who just have no opinions on anything except for perhaps hot hot that girl/guy on some stupid tv show is. "you don't need one of these to let me inside of you" T.A. [This message has been edited by Dark Enchantress (08-23-2002 11:23 PM).] |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
Teen magazines, thats a good one, they are awful, just a queston though what the hell is Abercrombie? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"Tents are for sissies." I agree. No tents in my room. Until it rains. I'd like death to stay outside of the flap too. Until it's my own. Tears. All of them. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
"Tents are for SISSIES?" ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
OMIGOD....I have been wanting to watch Ron backpedal....this oughtta be interesting! yuk..yuk..yuk...*chuckle* ![]() |
Dark Enchantress Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258meet Morgana |
Camping is no fun with a tent. It's best outside on the ground. ![]() Abercrombie & Fitch is a clothing store in the U.S. and it's basically "preppy" and expensive clothing. The reason I used that as an example (before anyone gets on me about preppy/expensive clothing) is because typically it's jeans and a shirt, jeans and a shirt.. which is fine.. but some people prefer to add some flare (is that a good word for it?) to their personal style and I don't think they should be judged for it. "you don't need one of these to let me inside of you" T.A. [This message has been edited by Dark Enchantress (08-24-2002 05:18 PM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Sorry, Karen, but logic and truth are much more useful than back-pedaling. Yes, Nan, tents are for sissies. But that's okay. People who furnish their tents with plastic house plants, living room lamps, electric fans, electric blankets, and telephone lines don't really mind being sissies. They quite obviously planned it that way. ![]() |
Krawdad Member Elite
since 2001-01-03
Posts 2597 |
Ron, So how do you know all that inside stuff about tenting? Must have been in a few of those tents. Gee, last time I went tenting a skinny roll-up sleeping pad was considered sissy. Oh, I forgot, I'm ancient. |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
No tents? ![]() I've never been camping in my life... once, when I was young, I slept outside, and ended up with a two-face look - one side bitten, one side not. Give me a mountain bike anytime. ![]() Sincerely, Titus "I'll prepare myself, and one day my time will come." |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Ron? you did not disappoint--I never actually expected a "backpedal" --and? your description made me blush in recognition--my sister once said that if I ended up homeless, my grocery cart would have a rug and at least one potted plant in it! ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Hmmm.... In perusing that list - The ONLY item I had with me (there were more than a few unlisted things I brought along though) was the lamp - and it was a "touch lamp" if I recall.. In case I was afraid of the dark... The rest of that stuff came from a very nice neighbor friend... ![]() Geeeesh - Color me 'sissie' then... ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (08-25-2002 09:23 AM).] |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
LOL at this thread, and I'm sorry I'm on my way to work and haven't time to discuss tenting issues. Or the things on my list. But I shall return tomorrow for some fun! What a fun thread you started, Anya! from Kacy...who lived for the last 6 years without modern plumbing, but who was once seen inside of a tent, with an air mattress and a CD player. [This message has been edited by Midnitesun (08-25-2002 04:43 PM).] |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
Camping with or without a tent is a nightmare in my book. Mabey i am just biased, my older brothers used to drag me along camping and called it 'character building' and that meant they made me run around after them all day and do everything while they sat down and relaxed. |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
So now there's Big Brother AND Room 101? Does Orwell know about this? 1. Television -- I only watch three hours a week, and even that's too much. It just leaves your day with nothing done. 2. Modern radio -- What happened there? They play the songs so much, that you're thrilled the first 10 times, bored the second ten, and completely fed up by the third and on. I mean, I love the new Red Hot Chili Peppers music, but must I hear By the Way and Zephyr Song at least eight times a day? 3. People always justifying their behaviour out loud. There's another word for that -- manipulation. Mike |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
*pout* I always justify my behaviour out loud... You've never commented in it afore. And Mikhail, baby, you still watch loads more TV'n I do. It now only exists in my world to give me my movies and music videos, and I only have TIME to sit down and watch one of my vids/DVDs about once a month. I don't understand how Manda can be glued to the thing... Last time I pulled an all-nighter at her house, she just sat there glued to these shows I couldn't even understand. And on the radio thing... I find the only songs I like get played only once a shift at work (where I'm forced to listen. Grr.), so they never get old. ![]() Although it is a joy when something unexpected is played. I heard Moist's Ressurection on the radio for the first time since I was in grade 9. Five years ago! I was so happy, I almost ran around the store, squealing and clapping my hands. Boy, would that have gotten some great looks from the customers. ![]() ![]() i'll be waiting for you |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
OH, and I'm so roundabout and repetitive right now because I'm exhausted, emotionally drained, and in a weird sleep-debt cycle. I never even noticed how badly written that previous thing was until I read it over after having sent it through. ![]() And I'm putting in an app. at Music World tomorrow, or else. ![]() i'll be waiting for you |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
um...Mike? #3 confused me...ELUCIDATE? |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
I kinda half agree with the TV thing, genrally people watch too much of it but instead of TV you should just get rid of certain types of programmes, like soap opreras, the most inane pointless drivel which is always always badly acted, and cop shows and hospital dramas, oh and reality TV, get rid of those and then you will be left with the alright stuff. |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Sen and Lori, I know/have known certain people who ......... actually, y'know what? ![]() ![]() |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Ah ha! For number three, let's put sickness/unwellity. |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
Yr sneaky way of getting off without putting your foot in your mouth, but you know I'm not gonna let you. You CAN'T bring something up without following it through! Oh, that should have gone on my list! It's my biggest pet peeve ever. People who start saying something, then stop because they're afraid they'll get slapped or something, and then you're just left guessing what the hell they would have said. It drives me mad, I tell you, mad. i'll be waiting for you |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
quote: ![]() ![]() Mikey I love you. |
Marshalzu![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-02-15
Posts 2681Lurking |
1.) The world's scariest, funniest, most dangerous, most absurd and most boring... yes I'm talking about those horrible clip shows that seem to clog up valuble real estate during prime time television when they could so easily put something of some vague quality on instead. 2.) Politicians, Lawyers, Barristers and anyone else that makes a living from the misery of the average guy. 3.) The American portrayal of the British in movies... the bumbling English guy who lives next door... the Liverpudlian/Cockney Gangster with a shotgun... the butler... the posh englishman... I'd like to think as a nation we had a little more depth but seemingly not or at least in the eyes of most of the large hollywood productions... oh yeah and in world war 2 movies why do the british, french or canadians never get a look in? (I heard about a new movie about dragons been woken up in the london underground then destroying the world before some American's come to save us... does England not have any heroes or heroines?) anyhoo my pet hates and I'm sure I could go on for much, much longer but I'll reign in the urge to continue rambling in a nonsensical fashion just about now. Andrew ![]() Mister Zu: A self confessed cannibal |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
did you read my pet hate of the way the english are portrayed on American television or is it just a coincidence. oh well who cares you are so right Anya [This message has been edited by anya (08-27-2002 07:01 PM).] |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
Both of you forgot to mention the stereotype that you're all cold, loveless, emotionless, prudes, who have strokes at the mere mention of the word "sex". Or maybe you didn't know about that one... ![]() |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
'cold, loveless and emotionless''...ouch! |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
I've never come across that stereotype! Maybe Canada is being less severe, since we've still got the queen on our money? I don't know. I maintain that the British should be judged by their rock stars, not by their terrible Hollywood portrayals. Every country should be judged by their rock stars! Hmm... Does that mean I just said Canada doesn't exist? I'll hafta think on that. i'll be waiting for you |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
you still have the queen on your money? poor you |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
All I know is, whenever Elizabeth Hurley appears anywhere in a film, time stops. What? All Brits don't wear tartan miniskirts?!?!?!?!?!?! I still wanna visit! ![]() [This message has been edited by bsquirrel (08-28-2002 12:06 PM).] |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
Well, we have the queen, and a bunch of dead politicians. ![]() ![]() i'll be waiting for you |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
to be honest anything with the queen's picture on it has got to scary in my opinion |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
![]() Mikey ![]() |
Marshalzu![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-02-15
Posts 2681Lurking |
Liz Hurley... Tartan Mini Skirt.... *turns his head round and round until he falls over* ![]() Andrew Mister Zu: A self confessed cannibal |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
Hey, John A. Macdonald may be dead, but he was a DRUNK!!! ![]() Gotta love our Monopoly money, though. ![]() PS> I'm Canadian too ![]() I have to pack, I have to work, I have to do laundry, I have to read a 600 page book on psycology... I thought universite was supposed to be fun!?! |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
What we have is no longer Monopoly money. ![]() Now is that sad, or what? i'll be waiting for you |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Damn straight, Andrew. ![]() |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
1. Using the word "god," "Christ," "Jesus Christ," or anything similar as a curse word. Have you ever thought about it? Do we go around saying "Budah!" as a curse word? Or Muhammad? 2.a Wearing a white socks with sandals, black jeans, t-shirts tucked in jeans, or any other fashion fopaus(sp). 2.b More correctly, I should say the above vent is more aimed at people who don't care how they dress. I take pride in how I dress, I enjoy dressing well, and it seems, all around me are people who bloody don't -- they either don't care how they dress, or are willing to dress bad. I have very, very few things that bug me (I'm what you would call laid-back), but this bugs me. ![]() 3. Slanted news... I'd love equal, balanced news. ![]() Sincerely, Titus "I'll prepare myself, and one day my time will come." -Abraham Lincoln [This message has been edited by PoetryIsLife (08-29-2002 01:27 AM).] |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
I accidentaly forgot to put the 'r' in "t-shirts".... it automatically put astericks in there for me... odd. I was edited! ![]() Sincerely, Titus |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"shirt happens" *smirk* ![]() |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Now that's a t-(shirt) I'd gladly wear! Two more I saw at a J.C. Penney's and immediately wanted. 1) It's only funny until somebody gets hurt ... then it's *HILARIOUS*!!! 2) You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same. At a Penney's, for the love of (Titus peeve). Mike |
Dark Enchantress Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258meet Morgana |
lol@me wearing socks with my addidas sandals all the time. I play soccer and during the season it's just more convenient and comfortable to run around in your sandals and socks. And my torn up black jeans.. bwahahaha But the difference is.. I can pull anything off. ![]() "you don't need one of these to let me inside of you" T.A. |
Dark Enchantress Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258meet Morgana |
Oh I forgot.. something about t-shirt sayings.. I live in Maryland and.. you know how different states are known for different things? Well, here in MD we're known for our seafood.. specifically.. our crabs. At the airport I saw a shirt that was black and said "got crabs?" on it.. and maybe I'm entertained easilly but I thought it was amusing. A little crooked grin you know? "you don't need one of these to let me inside of you" T.A. |
skyshine![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2002-02-07
Posts 3058Beneath the northern stars |
Jaime, I saw someone wearing a shirt with that saying on it....I freaked!! Then I realized what it meant. *laughs* --Beth Howl at the stars, whisper when you're sleeping, I'll be there to hold you, I'll be there to stop the chills and all the weeping. |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
I have more stuff lol! 1) slow speed internet (I have seen the light!) 2) college food 3) running out of stickers so that I can't decorate my dorm room anymore. ![]() (can anyone tell I moved into my dorm?) |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
You are getting pictures of Ti's car. ![]() Sincerely, Titus "I'll prepare myself, and one day my time will come." |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
AH room 101, is nothing from 1984 sacred??? first big brother now room 101. well anya, some sports commentors are interesting, I am not a sports person, but watching Eammon Dunphy talk about Roy Keane was the funniest piece of tv I have seen in ages, of course it's old hat now. So I would put Roy keane, Eammon Dunphy and Mick McCarthy ( he is to blame too) in room 101. If they count as one choice then my other two would be some of my lecturers from my old college for their lack of common sense and professionalism, I am not bitter, lol lastly a toss up between all the disposable pop stars and all the politicians who think we are disposable. I would probably pick the politicians, all of them. The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate! |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
LoL @ Ti. Oooh! Even more things! 1) Eric 2) Eric 3) guys who take advantage of girls who are drunk (Eric) |
anya Member
since 2002-07-27
Posts 393London, UK |
Everything seems to be annoying me today so I will pick some more things to go into room 101, now let me see... 1) well I am about to go back to my school which happens to be a convant school so my first thing will have to be nuns, a contraversial choice, but having gone to a convant school for all my life and having numerous nuns stay in my house over the years I would probably say most of them are pretty mean and bitter, I remember once when i was about 5 one told me that for every lie I told I would spend 1 more year in pergatory and gave me a vivid description of what it would be like, scared me witless, after that I have never been able to get on with them, I think I have a phobia or something 2)Bonding days, have just been made to go on a 'bonding experience' with people who I have gone to school with and have known for years and years, I do not need to 'bond', I do not want to be all touchy feely, happy clappy, aaaaaaahhhhh, 3)People who tell you to smile, if I want to smile I will smile I do not need a complete stranger to come up and tell me to, that really really really winds me up no end OK I'm done with my ranting |
Irie Senior Member
since 1999-12-01
Posts 1493Washington State |
#1Mean People #2Slow/Bad Drivers #3Arrogance This is off the top of my head, and I am sure I can come up with more later...after some good thought. Maybe I'll post another! ![]() Hey anya, I was going to joke with you and tell you to smile, but I don't think I will. How about have a great day instead!? ![]() ~Sheri |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
#'s 1-3: Redheads. They're evil. ![]() |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
*laughs at Christopher* (Titus) "I'll prepare myself, and one day my time will come." |
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