The Corner Pub |
Moments Between Zen and Now |
Gene Senior Member
since 2000-01-23
Posts 935Colorado, USA |
Moments Between Zen and Now -- "Standing on a Wall" Standing on an ancient wall, Overlooking all I survey, I see only star and moonlit sky As the moon melts slowly into the sea, Then points a light to just one spot On the beach where waves gently lap the shore-- a turtle crawls to the sea, and is swept away. -- "Sitting in a Bookstore" Reading: I have read a lot. Tired of reading, I need to sit down. I am tired of sitting, I think I will go now. -- "Thinking" Thinking beyond thought, Knowing without reason, And vision beyond seeing. Everything in nothing, And nothing at all, Yet seeing and feeling it all Again for the very first time. -- "Naked in the Street" I have this feeling in my bones From my head down to my toes, Amid the haunting howling drones, Through which a wind of savage blows, Laid me out and stole my clothes. -- "Yesterday" If today was tomorrow when yesterday was today, then what day is it? -- "Today" There is no "today" nor "here and now." For, the moment we think of the "here and now," It’s already been and gone. For time, infinite and forward moving, must continue on. Therefore... There is no present, there is no past, But only the becoming of things at last. The present is the future of the past, And the future is those things at last. -- "Tomorrow" Living in a world of lies, Apocryphal with compromise; Making constant alibis, Tomorrow never dies. -- "Waiting for a Bus" Standing on the corner, glancing at my watch, I wonder if my 209 will be on time as usual. Oh, good! Here it comes now--two minutes early! I get on the bus, but it turns left when it should have gone right. I said to the driver, "You idiot, you’re going the wrong way!" He said, "No, this is the 206. You must want the 209 which is just two minutes behind." -- "Driving in the Car" Driving through the countryside, The scenery changes, always flashing by, Then it stopped when I turned my head sideways and took A different look. -- "Counting" I’ll bet you a shiny new dime, Counting: One Mississippi, two Mississippi... All the way to thirty three, It always takes the same amount of time. -- "Fishing" Standing in a stream for hours on end, I cast my line In hope that I will finally dine On the one that always gets away. Perhaps this will be my lucky day, When the fish will bite my hook. Mesmerized by the sound of the babbling brook, As sunlight on the waters dance, That put me in an almost hypnotic trance, I wait...and wait... For the fish to take my tasty, tempting bait. Then, suddenly, he makes a strike! (Now this is the part I really like). He pulls, then gives, then pulls some more Until my arms are aching sore. I and he And he with me Play a game of "tug and war." Now who’s the fish, and who’s the lure? Finally, I slowly reel him in, Only to throw him back to live and let swim Another day; and off, he goes now on his way. But I’ll be back again some day, If only to catch him Just to watch him swim ...away. ---- Gene (formerly, u_gene) [This message has been edited by Gene (edited 02-04-2001).] |
© Copyright 2001 Gene M. - All Rights Reserved | |||
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
so much to see so much to say what I begin today becomes yesterday before I speak and tomorrow is really now so I speak yesterday's words today which is really tomorrow *sigh* should have gone fishing too... the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
laryalee Member
since 2000-06-19
Posts 352Alberta, Canada |
What a mindful of thoughts you give us! I tried to pick a favorite, but couldn't decide which that moment's already gone - so I won't worry about it... I love your pattern, and the challenges you present! Lary |
kcsgrandma Senior Member
since 2000-09-24
Posts 1522Presque Isle, ME |
Thinking beyond thought, Knowing without reason, And vision beyond seeing. Everything in nothing, And nothing at all, Yet seeing and feeling it all Again for the very first time. Wow, Gene! That's a lot to digest all at once! I think I like this one best, although it does remind me of "deja vu all over again". This looks like library material to me. To love another person is to see the face of God. - Les Miserables Marilyn |
Mr. Nice112 Junior Member
since 2001-01-27
Posts 26 |
Well what can i say , we fly and we high and way to tall...look around, and be apauled... words of wisdom!! All i ask in life is a beautiful woman to love, and a little sip of faygo too... MCL |
Munda Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544The Hague, The Netherlands |
Gene, I've read it over and over again and find new "meanings" every time. I truly believe this is one of your best pieces and I can't decide which part I like most. There just are too many excellent parts! I love it!! |
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