The Corner Pub |
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The Duel of Golden Words( a fantasy challenge) |
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pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa ![]() |
you are welcome to pick up the pen and enter the contest( if you dare )..lolol The Pegasus streaks across the sky, the thunder of the Gods reverberate to the flash of his mighty wings, his flight is answered by the echo of the Wordancer, the eleventh Muse, keeper of his deepest dreams, guardian of all poets, champion of the written word. Pegasus drops the gauntlet in the center of the fiery ring of rhetoric, withdraws a long, slim red feather, splits the quill, dips it in the golden ink, and waits, for the reply he knows will come on the wind, with the roar of the countless poet ghosts, that have roamed the earth since the beginning of time. Who will accept the challenge? the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
© Copyright 2001 pegasus111 - All Rights Reserved | |||
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
" For whom does the bell toll?...It tolls for thee" the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
Since the beginning of time, the dancer of the words has tripped a light fantastic alone in the spinning cosmos. To step on stones—the Milky Way; solemn moontides, stars that glow, reflected in amazement for her eyes, that flash through the sky, so long ago. Sun flame halos, circles ivory perfection; black velvet draped in shining rhyme lightly trips down the golden rail to heed the silver-streaked summons that echoes from an enchanted land. In bewildered wonderment, peering through crystallized heart-sighs in canyons deep, in an endless dark-time, shattered shards, the Lady of the incandescent words reaches out to lightly touch the all-consuming rapturous call; as she steps through the ring glow, of desire--the winged wonder’s aching hope. “I am here, the one you seek.” [This message has been edited by wordancer (edited 01-09-2001).] |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
Beneath the Winged Ones flight of Fantasy, lies the Golden Glen. Deep in fauna and floral mystic lights, shine forth in myriad magics mystery. For here the Fairy Queen frolics in everlasting Spring. Fairies fly on gassamer wing, aglow with dust of magic's golden charms. Wordancer waves her magic wand of golden Poetic wonder. Words float through the songs of fairy charms as they dance the dance of magic delights in this Golden Glen of Fairies Fantasy. |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
Pegasus smiles a knowing smile..the reply of the 11th muse, daughter of Zeus, was swift, as expected... With a great leap, the white stallion rises like a rocket to the edge of space, white mane streaming, red wings beating powerfully, nostrils flared, eyes burning with an unfathomable determination, then descends in a blur, plummeting like a comet to the circle of challenge, exploding the words in a shower of flame... In the forest of doom, the wizard, Fate, has captured the queen of the Fairies, and desires to obtain the secret of her ample is the duty of all who accept the challenge to continue the story to it's conclusion, whenever and however that may be determined..each succeeding reply must take up the story from the last reply and add to it so that it flows smoothly into one grand epic tale.. Fate has cast an evil spell which protects the forest of doom from those who seek to rescue the queen..the "Wraiths from the Underworld" roam the forest and devour all who enter. Only the "Emerald Jewel" can offer a shield from the wraiths...the jewel is embedded in the horns of the Great Ram, who guards his flock in the Valley of Peace, on the far side of the Swamp of the Dragon, which is the only entrance to the valley... who shall be first? hahahaha..... ahhh. dear Ellie.. thou art indeed a psychic wonder...above is my answer and my challenge... ![]() < !signature--> the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost [This message has been edited by pegasus111 (edited 01-09-2001).] |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
in this golden glen < !signature-->a fairies’ fantasy wisp-poor-wills call the gloaming shade of night passes thru trilling brooks the willow weeps running still a finger traces tears that patiently falls from the satyr's blinded eye to wrathfully scorn the old khayyam’s offer of ripen grapes a lady waits in dreamless sleep her muse stolen by the dark one called fate while dryads gossip high in the oaks above to keep vigil for the scarlet wings that thunder a night star’s riotous song clear melody expands over the enchanted lands hush! the mourning dove calls as the world awaits the flash of emerald light on the horizon of endless time " with me, into my world of words." [This message has been edited by wordancer (edited 01-11-2001).] |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
As true to darkness of ever present wraiths that hover over valley dark with curse, the gloom of stolen magic from Fairy Queen is felt in glen and stream. Pegasus glides on scarlet wing spread wide to capture emerald's healing power. For tis the only power that demons so doth fear and flee the magic given. Winged One seizes Fairy Queen, but alas more curses abound, for stolen still her mystic charms. Her song that sings as brightest morn, is now mere muteness in this dark hour. The phoenix of Morfius mountain cave has now his own dark song to sing, that once a Fairy's brightness was. The azure lake of Fairies glen, lies deep and cold, frozen as is all without her song to light this once a valley bright with Fairy melody. Somewhere hidden deep in azure lake, is golden Fairies harp so fair guarded by the mentors madness. Only fate and mystic hour or muses bravest mythic creatures cunning can once more hear Fairy Queen sing her song of light and spring tis he whose deed can find the harp and play it's golden string and break this darkest spell. |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
I, Shalmond Champion diver of the Agean seas, Defender of the Octallyus Gem of the Seventh Island, Shall rescue the fayire harp from the depths of the azure lake. And I, Shalmond, Shall return the Fayire Queens Melodic gift of Song. The Amulet of the Sons of Tritian, Shall guide and protect mine Quest! Raw evil encroacheth this air, Yet will I assult its' Domminion! May the Gods shine forth their Providence! To the Quest! ~Shalmond~ [This message has been edited by Shalmond (edited 01-11-2001).] |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
Ellie, Peg and I are so pleased that you have joined us on our adventure. Shalmond welcome! To The Corner Pub and our little fantasy. Note: All are welcome to join in. This is going to be such a grand adventure and perhaps at times, a bit confusing….but, it’s all good fun. 1. Do generally follow the story guidelines, set forth by Pegasus, on the major story points. 2. Side trips, surprises and adventures are allowed to be worked in to the storyline. 3. Do read previous posts as a guide to where we are at, and picked up story with the last post. 4. The crazy part will be, if someone posts their continuation while you are writing yours. DOUBLE CHECK to be sure this didn’t happen to you. You might have to revise your addition a bit, before you can post. 5. Write in a poetic form that suits you and/or style of the adventure, try something new. Most of all, lets enjoy ourselves! Anything else, Peg? -wordancer |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
the master of words has it shall be it shall be done... the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
A die is cast A thread is drawn The fickle hand of fate Has written is the sands of time “What is now, now is so.” A plot thickens A story grows The villain named fate Brought together the Entanglement of the four (Does he know what he hath wrought) As they all seek to save the fairy queen From her long and voiceless dream Little do they know this is also their story that is being told As they enter this turn of the world On this preordained quest. The Pegasus, a red-winged wonder Can only look asunder Not knowing why he was called From his all-encompassing search To find the piece of his soul That will make him whole. Wordancer, the dancer of the words The one who creates worlds From words of nothing The one who solves all problems But knows not, what she seeks is something Ellie, the winsome elf Born of two worlds Too tall for the elfven world Too short for the human world A wanderer looking for her life. Shalmond, the last quarter of the whole A champion all so bold. Tall and proud. Vocal and loud. He thinks that he seeks A grand adventure only. Thus and so Around the campfire that glows A tale will be told Heroes made Villains named New friendships found Oaths made and bound Journeys stated in the dark Destinies marked . . .and so the adventure starts [This message has been edited by wordancer (edited 01-11-2001).] |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
Sea of night, thy surface quiver, Strength of mind to me deliver As I embark on purposed quest, May my journey thus be blest. Dark the waters, sullen, cold, Part thy treasure, naught withhold, Tritian, Father of the deep, Guide me safe, from danger keep. Waters in thy foam I dive, In thy depths the prize I strive, Claim not my spirit, as I descend, A valiant foe you'll find my friend. [This message has been edited by Shalmond (edited 01-11-2001).] |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
With bated breath,this Elf doth wait, as Shalmond dives beneath the dark and deepest dredge of watery grave. She feels a power, not known before. Sight that's beyond that which is seen, she sees that Shalmond has been seized by watery demons grasp of deathly grip. Without thought her powers surge, and send forth a fire of lightening. The flames burn high in deepest lake. the demon snared in circle of light. A fiery rope insnares his wrath. Shalmond seizes magic harp at last. Will this restore the Fairy Queen, her mystic voice to be heard again? [This message has been edited by ellie LeJeune (edited 01-11-2001).] |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
As the deep envelopes myne frame, Darkly whispers theaten goal, Myne treasured amulet from my neck thrust, Surrounded was I by countless foe. Unsheathed myne blade, ready, wait, For the onslaught of certian death, Demon eyes in murky depths, Chanced to seize myne last full breath. Grasp in unearthly hands of hell, My strength in struggle, sudden fade Aburst of LIGHT!, these demons ebb, My stength renewed, to harp I made. Saved by the light, these demons hate, It burns their eyes in unholy stare, With harp at side, amulet in hand Head for the surface, and sweet night air. Dragging myself upon the shore, An elfin figure aproaches near, But down swooped a dragon and stole the harp, And flew off with the treasure dear. My Elfin friend, I've failed the queen, The fayrie world in silence moan, For to lose this harp of joy, Myne greiving spirit thus doth groan. [This message has been edited by Shalmond (edited 01-12-2001).] |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
In darkest hour of Ellie and Shalmond, Pegasus descends from out of the sun, the lady Wordancer upon his back, and settles in their midst, transformed, into his second form of man, fear not, my friends, for all is not lost, we must seek the Swamp of the Dragon, and retrieve the magic harp. The way is dangerous but, we must hurry, for the Ram and his flock soon move to winter quarters, beyond our reach till spring. We must secure the Emerald Jewel and the harp in order to defeat the Wizard and rescue the Fairy Queen. The Lady Wordancer has a plan to trap the dragon and reclaim the harp. Listen well. You must secure wax to put in your ears when she sings the siren song to lure the dragon into the quicksand of the swamp. Shalmond may then dive deep into the dragon lair and snatch our prize. Reverting to his winged form, Pegasus waits for all to climb aboard his back. Springing into the air, he flies swiftly toward the dreaded Swamp of the Dragon, and the next step in the adventure. the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
Upon the Pegasus’ back, the new adventurers soar to encircle the land of the flaming sun as he lets loose a loud challenging roar The wee winsome elf, Ellie and the bold diver of the Agean seas are in deep conversation about how her surprising powers came to be. And the mighty Shalmond and his archaic speech, which is very close to elfin talk, has completely charmed the fair little one, Who is too short for the human world. Who is too tall for the elfin world. So she stands alone in-between. Now is the time, the dancer realized, to confess that she is not what she seems be. O mighty red-winged wonder of the sky, listen to me, before to the Swampland we fairly go. You must know that the Siren Song of mine, can only shine forth in wondrous tune, with my magical instrument brought from a land afar, a plain old wooden guitar that croons. She whispers into the Pegasus’ twitching ear with a hot blushing face, I left it the in the Village of Rowland-by-the-Sea. Well now, this causes quite a stir, as all who knows anything at all, know that the Village of Rowland-by-the Sea is only gained admittance by manly warriors, who be. The Pegasus turns his ivory column neck and quirks an inquiring eyebrow. Lady! How can this be, you a Warrior? Tell me thus and so, how can this be. This true, the Lady relates: As when I stepped between the gates, when I was called here on this mission, that in my land, you must understand, ladies there, are allowed to defend their land. To wit and proven, thus and so. As this is why I was allow to be a member of Rowland-by-the-Sea. With a snort and a gusty sigh the Pegasus turns a 360 and then a half again to ride back with hard-stroking wings, sailing the shining stars to fetch the Lady’s old wooden guitar that croons. Harump! he grumps. Why do I feel that something else is amiss with this intriguing miss. O sire, you are right, that there is more, before we can go on with this awesome chore. I must go back to my turn of the world. You see, my bag of words….well, you see it is almost empty. In my mundane land there is a machine that I use to make my words that sing. An fey enchanted box call a ‘puter, from which I must download my words onto little black disks that I carry in my pouch so carefully tied at my waist. I have been here so long that is almost empty; and we can not charge the Dragon Swamp until we go back to my Connect-I-Cut land to retrieve some more. But fortunately the hidden door to this strange land is on the way to Rowland-by-the Sea. [This message has been edited by wordancer (edited 01-16-2001).] |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
Thy powers thus saved my life, < !signature-->Freed me from the demon strife, Thy light like radiant heaven shone, To save me from a fate unknown. The evil there could not withstand, Thy lighted flash from forth thy hand, In darkness work they, their evil deeds, Shun the light , from which they flee. Ellie, I thus bow to thy power, That saved me in this self-same hour, Thy magic strong ye manifest, The enemy defeated, will confess! How mighty soar we on scarlet wing, The world so different this view bring, Wordancer in our host ear whispers, As we soar by the twinkling vespers. We turn with mighty strength and ease, Elfin friend , do hold on please, Wordancer hath a funny smirk, Made for Pegasus, some more work! Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R.Tolkien [This message has been edited by Shalmond (edited 01-16-2001).] |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
Guide us, Wordancer, to this mysterious place and fetch thy disks, for we need thy song, to mesmerize the dragon, and gain the harp. We are ready to assist thee in thy quest. Lead on, master of words. the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
We four mystic friends are one in quest and purpose true. together shall we triumph o'er evil and it's spells. For mightier still our magic, when joined as one in quest' Pegasus, I feel your might as we soar above this land. Wordancer, as we gather all you need to free Faire Queen, I feel your purpose strong, and your words and song so true. Shalmond I feel a friendship bond, that forms between us so. Your bravest heart so mighty true, has brought forth my magic gifts to shine in this a noble quest. Hold fast this little one, lest I fall from off this flight. My powers grow and so shall I, in gift of friendship true. For love shall conquer all, and quest will we accomplish to free our Fairy Queen. A friend hears the song in my heart, and sings it to me when my memory fails. |
Solstice Son Member
since 2000-09-19
Posts 469 |
~ a departure...because I'm me ![]() amidst the brave and dark of heart in wooded nook set well apart live tiny grumpy stumpy folk who never laugh who never joke but when a conflict happens by then do you hear the stumped cry! " 20 to 1 on Peg to win!" " 15 to 1 on Ellie " " My gold's on Wordancer! Same for me!" cheer all the folk with greedy glee " Shalmond seems a handy sort.." " 10 on Shalmond..jes for sport " as all around the battle rings the stumpy ones with praises sing "Down with the Dark,Up with the Light!" then back they sit to watch the fight... Sol ![]() |
Broken_Winged_Angel Senior Member
since 2000-04-06
Posts 994Small Town, Somewhere |
Sighing, bored, waiting for fun The Angels road-side stand awaits Then through the grapevine it is heard A story of four searching for a gate Hearing of the song to be sung She gathers her supplies And into a bag of items galore She places bee wax for the party of four Adds a little amulet of luck Some bread, cheese, a little wyne Matches, kindling for a fire A couple of blankets and some twine Poking around she adds bandages A handful of magical items for spells Nightshade, graveyard dust, and such Also some healing herbs as well Then with a chuckle and a smile She closes down her stand Looks around closely, finds the gate In the air, makes motions with her hand The bag appears to float It seems smaller than it is All that's left is to add a note "For Pegasus and all his friends.." |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
In a moment of dreaming time, stranded in misty darken rhymes. The weary four struggle to find their way, as they wander through night into day.. Out of parted silvered clouds there flies, the golden eagle who streaks the sky. The goddess Diana has sent her gift, to guide them through the endless rift, Howling winds buffet them side-to-side, a rather wild up-and-down scary ride. All around the keening eagle darts, is all lost before the story truly starts? Valiantly, the Pegasus strokes the wild wind, as he tries to reach the dark tunnel’s end. Turns right into the forest of Trees-That-Be, in the distance a rounded portal they see. With bated breath and surging brakes, they tumble down to the edge of the lake. In a pile of ragged groans and flying skirts, they fall to wonder what other trouble lurks. [This message has been edited by wordancer (edited 01-19-2001).] |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
Sol/BWA, I'm delighted that you joined us...what a wonderful touch of local color you have provided. "On with the story," the dancer laughs, as she adds more wood to the campfire. " with me, into my world of words." |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
Pray what kind of place can this be? An eerie mist rises from yonder sea, Daylights muted in opaque tones, And oft I hear a grunt and groan. Could the dragons’ lair from here be far, Shall I keep aready my scimitar? The cold creeps in from this fog, I'll add to the fire another log. Ellie, myne clever elfin friend, Doth thy powers any message send, Is our band alone in this place, Or will we here soon evil face? Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R.Tolkien |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
Huddled four round warmth of fire, in misty dakened gloom of night. Shalmond I hear the dragon near. tis true his lair is yonder thus. With my elfin sight, I darest see into his evil lair and yet beyond. the portal to the world we seek, lies past his mighty evil force. my eyes of elfin magic sight, are filled with mystic wonder new. A sleeping power emerges now, I feel this power from within. Mine eyes shall cast this evil one, into a sleep that's deep and sound. This dragon now will not wake, ten thousand years from here till then. |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
Pegasus discovered the Angel's bag lying nearby. Reading the note, he smiled and examined the contents of the bag. "These charms will serve us well I think." Placing the amulet around his neck, he nodded to his companions."For luck," he said, smiling. "The Angel is a good friend to us." "The Elf has cast a spell upon the dragon. It is safe for Shalmond to dive for the harp. We will wait here for his return. The Wordancer has recovered her disks and we will be ready to depart to seek the ram as soon as the harp is recovered." With that, Shalmond dove swiftly into the murky water of the bog, swimming powerfully downward into the dragon's lair..They waited nervously for his return. Praying that the spell of the Elf was doing it's sleepy work. the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
Moon Dust![]() ![]()
since 1999-06-11
Posts 2177Skelmersdale, UK |
And for I not keeper of time, < !signature-->Yet keeper of the phases of the moon, Keeper of the sun, Keeper of the glens and trees, And natures hamonouis balance, For I mother nature, Turn the murkyness and sludge, That has engulfed the dragons lair, Turn to crystal waters, And may the moon shine it's brightess, Beware the magic will not last, For without the harp in posscession, Of our great fairy Queen, I'm powerless to this day, And the Golden Glen once lush, And green, Will be desolated with swamps, And broken trees, To be this dragons world. Life has got to chnage, Nothing stays the same, Soon it will be time, For me to move on. [This message has been edited by Maria Byrne (edited 01-20-2001).] |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
I dive into the water dark, < !signature-->Seeking harp, for magic spark, To fuel the Fayire Queen with song, Into the Lair, I don't belong. The murky depths awash like ink, Myne mission a loss, I think, ALAS, the water sudden clear, So crystal pure, the harp is near! The Dragon hast it in his trove, A treasure room into which I dove, The Serpent lie there fast asleep, The harp lies near within his keep. Must not wake this serpent vile, Regain the harp in cunning style, I thus advavance so nonchalant, Disturb his rest, I dare shant. Only a short half meter away, I swim with stealth about midway, Keen my prize so near my grasp, My lungs doth burn for air to gasp. The Reptile EYE opens wide, My advance he thus has spied, Retreat, retreat my heart shouts, Before he moves and leaves no outs. I glance around a see a small cave, Perhaps in there my life I'll save, The Dragon can not enter in, This entrance so small and thin. Inside this cave I see a locket, And up above a fresh air pocket , I raise myne head above the drink, And gulp some air before I sink. Can this locket be a talisman charm, To keep me from the Dragons harm? To the caves mouth I slowly go, And peer out scanning for the foe. No movement in the silent deep, I swim back to the treasure keep, I spy the harp and and grab hold, Swimming past the piles of gold. Up to the surface, no time to spare, Running out of precious air. I break the surface with harp in hand, And swim to shore and dry land. This time I guard my mission prize, That there may be no suprise, My friends, how odd, nowhere in sight, Have they left on another flight? Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R.Tolkien [This message has been edited by Shalmond (edited 01-22-2001).] |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
We have returned for thee, Shalmond, our friend, and rejoice in thy success, hold fast to the precious harp, and mount swiftly, we must be off to obtain the Emerald Jewel from the great ram, before the assault on the wizard may commence. I have a plan to obtain the stone but, I will need thy help. the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
Mighty Pegasus, speak, Thy humble servant heareth thee, How mayest I be of service, Thou can relyest on me! Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R.Tolkien |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
the friends reached the pass overlooking the valley of the Ram and his flock just before sunset. "See there, that old tree with the low sweeping branches," said Pegasus. "If we can get the Ram to catch his horns in the low branches, we may be able to extract the jewel without doing him harm." "Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?" All was quiet as they stood high above the valley floor. The setting sun reflected off the Emerald Jewel casting flashes of light in all directions. Each waited for the others to speak. Did anyone have a plan? Could it be done? Time was getting short. They must act soon. the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
Pegasus mine bravest friend, my powers now I tame and know. My sight that gives of light and magic fire that flames, I shall call forth at once, to loose this gem of green. Wordancer you of poet rhyme, Wrap your lovely words around to soothe the mighty beast, while mine mystic light and flame doth loosen Emerald from on his mighty head. Shalmond, my friend of strength, hold his head to still it now. Ah tis done, the stone is ours! So now onward trusted friends, to next step on this ever quest. |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
well done, friends so brave and true the jewel is ours, that precious hue to brave the wraiths in forest dark upon this quest we four embark to free the queen of fairies all upon her throne again install free from harm, and wizard's clutch adored by fairies all so much so quickly mount my trusted friends upon this back that lowly bends and off to forest dark and deep for appointments we must surely keep the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
hush now quietly pegasus steps through the wrathful forest bare trees stretch their gnarled limbs interlacing the dusky aire no moon ebony branches silhouettes far horizon of night the trees timelessly peer bare faces who dares trespass? patiently waits gnarled bark of endless time in these darkening thickets branches clack as they reach out to touch begone! begone! trunks sway enclose passage darkens now a maze pegasus snorts wakens sleeping friends quiet alarm |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
This dark and terrible place doth smell of evil profound, the four fully awakened now, can smell the evil wraiths, horrid evil stench emanates. Pegasus grasps the Emerald, and tis at this moment the wraiths appear, fangs snarling, ready for blood. In one might swoop of wing, pegasus holds the Emerald, in outstretched arm raised and hurls this precious stone at these ghoulish creatures. green mist and anguished screams, as the wraiths are consumed. black acrid smoke tis all. The forest is transformed. in beauty beyond a dream. For with evil now vanguished, the sun prevails or glen, and springtime meadows green. The four brave souls rejoice. Now to find the Wizard Fate, who holds the Fairy Queen in dark and evil spell so deep, her mystic music not to sing. What will the four a power of, release her from this Wizard dark? |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
the four move on unhindered now determined still to keep their vow to rescue queen of fairies dear they sence that she is very near pegasus leads the friends with care seeking the dark wizards lair at last upon a clearing bright they see the den as black as night two windows shine with misty glow there the four with stealth do go shalmond checks the first small square the room is empty, there’s nothing there but inside the second ellie spies a dreary scene that shocks her eyes for there on table chipped and worn the queen is caged, her face forlorn in tattered gown on tiny chair the beauty rests a captive there the wizard now not in their veiw the friends know well what they must do with a mighty kick then well placed the sturdy door is fast displaced enter then the saviors four confronted then by mighty roar the wizard moves in purple haze flashing staff, his eyes ablaze with arms raised to celing high their path to queen he would deny now four must think with urgent speed or to the wizard they must concede the plight of fairy queen so true who knows now what they can do? the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost |
Shalmond New Member
since 2001-01-10
Posts 8 |
Not stunned by the wizards ploy, Shalmond leaps,all stength employ, Catches the wizard by the sash, Yanks it hard before the crash. Lightning from the wizards eyes, Cuts Shalmond down to size, Shalmond reels, yet in motion, Proves his verve, his quest devotion. With one last mighty gasp, The wand is snatched from wizards' grasp, Across the room the wand doth sail, Into the hands of his commrade, pale. Wordancer, Peg and Ellie too, Not sure what next to do, Shalmond collapses from the wounds, But smiles as his friends the fight resume. Shalmond, the mighty warrior, friend, His spirit from his body rend, In a flash, his body dissapears, Into the Hall of Heros his spirit nears. Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R.Tolkien [This message has been edited by Shalmond (edited 02-06-2001).] |
pegasus111 Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
Posts 2219ocala, fl, usa |
Shalmond’s loss did stun the three sweet ellie sank to bended knee the winged one for his friend did mourn in the dancer’s eyes a fire was born with grim smile her arm did raise the magic stick held wizard’s gaze sudden fear flashed in evil eyes a vision of his swift demise the stick shot forth a searing flame the wizard’s shield it overcame with piercing scream and sudden roar the evil wizard was no more gently then with heavy heart with queen in hand they did depart and somewhere in that forest glade one last tribute to a friend they paid the queen did seat the harp of gold a song she sang for that warrior bold a song to last for a thousand years and even now it brings forth tears from the three who once were four their hearts a heavy burden bore in memory of a dear lost friend this tale now will come to end. _____________________________________________ my dear friends. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. until the next time..... the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost [This message has been edited by pegasus111 (edited 02-06-2001).] |
wordancer Senior Member
since 2000-07-30
Posts 809VA |
alas and woe as the fire burns low the story lingers four friends were made forsworn and forevermore till the good night brave battles fought the queen safely retrieved a world set right in silence three comrades sit words not needed there is no time now all the seasons have passed on black night shines clear * * * THE END [This message has been edited by wordancer (edited 02-06-2001).] |
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