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Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396

0 posted 1999-12-23 03:40 AM

Ashen echoes of passionate sorrows
cling to memories I once thought insane.
In my youth I saw endless tomorrows,
now I see only the days filled with pain.
Blessed by rage no mere mortal can contain
with righteous anger I defy the world.
To release my Beast and give him free rein,
the flag of my rapture must be unfurled.
Against jagged fact must my sanity be hurled.

I will disgorge each lesson I have learned,
for the lessons life taught made me sour.
By those lessons' value I have been burned,
though their pain fills me with awesome power.
From under shadowed brows my eyes glower,
they flicker with sadness trapped in my mind.
I but wait for God's appointed hour,
as I suffer the life He has designed.
Knowing His plan simply makes me feel more maligned.

Held fast by despair I touched the divine,
when first I beheld her heaven-sent rhyme.
As my heart was her's so would her's be mine,
'twas only a matter of fate and time.
Her touch awoke me from nightmares sublime,
to dreams eclipsed by her reality.
The bells of madness will no longer chime,
held silent by her own morality.
She enchants me with sensuality.

Earthly pain will tether no more my soul,
for loving her has filled my empty heart.
When lost in her voice I truly feel whole,
even when time and space keep us apart.
Romance and passion are consummate art,
by that measure she is a masterpiece.
With the uncertainty it does impart,
my heart is enamoured of her caprice.
She envelops me within an embrace of peace.

In the game of life I am a player,
yet she has removed my need for the game.
She opens my soul layer by layer,
to soothe the Beast that my madness became.
My passion surges when I hear her name,
for it gives me good reason to rejoice.
My love is a candle and hers the flame,
it lights our way by mutual choice.
Such magical mystery is found in one voice.

©1999 DreamEvil

 Now and forever, my heart hears ~one voice~.
"Either kill me or take me as I am,
because I'll be damned if I ever change..."

Count Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
(Marquis de Sade)

© Copyright 1999 DreamEvil - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
1 posted 1999-12-23 03:49 AM

Dream, this is absolutle perfection.  Very intimately describes the feelings I know you hold for ~One Voice~ but I can so deeply relate to my relationship with Genny.  Wonderful work.  Definately one of your best.


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 12-23-1999).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
2 posted 1999-12-23 05:31 AM

For who are we but who we are? You are made the person you are now by your past, and I would say that person is a good one!
Rock on friend!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 1999-12-23 08:03 AM

Dream Evil -

This is one of the most beautiful pieces I've read.  Your love flows through it like rains on a scorched corn field ... quenching the thirst.

May you always hear ~one voice~

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
4 posted 1999-12-23 08:09 AM

You have found a format that I can like! This is so good, Scott. But then, you are consistantly striving to do your best.. and it shows...!    

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
5 posted 1999-12-23 08:18 AM

This is absolute perfection. . .

The words are so powerful and eloquent. . .

I can only echo the words of the others here. . . and all it takes is "One Voice". . .

 That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Lost Dreamer
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since 1999-06-20
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
6 posted 1999-12-23 08:30 AM

I would have to call this poem superb, it has emotion, strength, message, and it flowed like a raging river in the beginning only to end in a calm stream of thought. May your holidays draw you closer to those who mean the most in your life, and may calmness light the dark tunnels so the beauty of life can shine through for you.
Julie Jordan Scott
since 1999-09-19
Posts 146
Bakersfield, CA USA
7 posted 1999-12-23 10:54 AM

Scott, passionate writer that you are...feeling in the depths being it love or be it in bitterness.

My hope and prayer is you continue the journey towards the former.

Weaving words with brightness to illuminate is much better, in my humble opinion, than the bitter, broken, dark, brooding side.

I know, you tend towards the dark.....

 I am a Life Purpose Coach who specializes in assisting
men and women to clarify their Life Purpose and then in turn
live true to their purpose. After 5 years working with the
Severely Mentally Ill in County Mental Health, I gave up the
bureaucracy (and safe, secure blanket) of this environment
to pursue my own purpose and passion.

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Sitting in Michael's Lap
8 posted 1999-12-23 11:00 AM

Positively exquisite -- your passion fairly flows through this, and it is well-written besides.  You are both a master and a lover, my dark friend.  My best wishes to the both of you.


 You cannot choose the way of your death, but the path you choose will determine its own end.

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada
9 posted 1999-12-23 11:53 AM

This was beautifully written Scott. The torment and pace of this piece in the beginning and the calmness of the end. You did an amazing job with this one. May you and yours enjoy the joy of the season. Merry Christmas my friend.
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
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Mechanicsville, Maryland, USA
10 posted 1999-12-23 12:00 PM

So sweetly written how wonderful to see love pump through a heart once frozen
Merry Christmas to you both my friends...

Terrina Kethryveris
since 1999-12-06
Posts 53
11 posted 1999-12-23 12:55 PM

DE my friend I love seeing works like this from you. They always move me so. You have such a talent for works of beauty such as this.   I hope one day my own writing returns to works such as this. Beautiful DE simply Beautiful.


 Truth be known, fantasy is much more appealing than reality.

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
12 posted 1999-12-23 01:09 PM

I am always impressed with your poetry,
But this one really impressed me. Bravo dear sir.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
13 posted 1999-12-23 02:59 PM

Scott she is what was Heaven sent my friend.
Not your pain and suffering. I'm really glad that you two have found eachother. For miracles never stop happening, she has really touched you deep inside. That shows so very clearly!  Wonderful writing and expression! God bless you both!

Senior Member
since 1999-08-16
Posts 1218
14 posted 1999-12-23 04:09 PM

This is brilliantly written, Scott...the flow, the form, but mostly, the feeling. You remind me of the Tin Man...thinking there is no heart in there, and all along, it beats to the sound of ~one voice~.  May it always do so. Bravo, dear one. A superb poem.

 It's not the love you fear, but the fall from the height~Edwin McCain

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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15 posted 1999-12-23 06:07 PM

Soul-Brother this is superb!!!! I absolutley loved it, and I echo everyone here. Well Done Scott !!

 What comes from the heart goes to the heart.
Samuel Coleridge

Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396

16 posted 1999-12-23 10:53 PM

Michael, Christopher, you know it!

Marge, I even hear the echoes.  

Lady deVine, 'tis called a Spenserian stanza.

Sven, she is indeed all it took.  

Lost Dreamer, Julie, thank you very much.

Skyfyre of that I have had no doubts.  

Marilyn, tori, and Terri, there is balance in all things even me.

Thank you much Seymour.  

WhtDove, that she is!

Caroline you have nailed it dead to rights.

Dark Angel 'twas my pleasure.  

 Now and forever, my heart hears ~one voice~.
"Either kill me or take me as I am,
because I'll be damned if I ever change..."

Count Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
(Marquis de Sade)

Senior Member
since 1999-09-15
Posts 1569
Newport Beach, CA, USA
17 posted 1999-12-24 07:21 AM

Another beautiful piece, Scott, you are on a roll    Sounds like your own personal version of Beauty and the Beast, my personal favorite fairy tale....thanks for sharing.
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Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871
18 posted 1999-12-25 02:47 PM


 Nail to the mast her holy flag,
Set every threadbare sail-
And give her to the god of storms,
The lightning and the gale!
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

New Member
since 1999-12-04
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Modesto, CA
19 posted 1999-12-25 04:34 PM

*Standing room only*

You've 'got' it.
Thanks for sharing it.


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