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Teen Poetry #2
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Senior Member
since 2000-01-28
Posts 781

0 posted 2000-01-29 01:59 AM

The Things You Always Do

You always try to make me happy,
And yet you have no clue what makes me sad.

You always want me to feel fulfilled,
But how can I when part of me is missing?

You always try to remind me of how much I still have to learn,
But when have you taken the time to see the world through my eyes?

You always care to remind me of what's right and what's wrong,
But why can't you let me learn it for myself?

You always set these high expectations of me,
But why doens't it make you proud to see me try?

You always blame me for being so much different than the world,
But how can I accept myself being the same?

You've never cared to ask me just what I think of life,
So how can you ask me to tell you the secrets of my soul?

You've always critized the way I talk, walk, and dress,
So why I still love you is a mystery to me.

You never understood me and I don't think you ever will.
'Cause I'm not like you and not like the world.

Why can't you just accept me the way I am now?
Why can't you look into my eyes and tell me that you care?
Why can't you bring me closer to your eternal lines when my own have been broken and trampled over?
Why am I always the victim of your brutal attacks?

Just because I don't think like you.
Just ecause I don't talk like you.
Love like you.
Hurt like you.

Just let me learn to live like I can live and for once could you trust me?  

© Copyright 2000 Salooma - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-01-28
Posts 781

1 posted 2000-01-29 02:06 AM

Sorry this was submitted twice!
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