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since 2000-04-23
Posts 119

0 posted 2000-04-24 10:49 AM

A Lifetime Ago:

I still remember,
though it seems like a lifetime ago,
When you and me, crazy and free,
Sang to the moon, screamed to the sky,
Laughed at the world without knowing why.
Danced in the meadows and rode on the wind,
I still remember how it was then,
But it seems like a lifetime ago.

I still remember
Those days and those nights,
How we mocked the whole word,
And our magic play-fights.
How we swam in the sky, played catch with the moon.
How everyone said "They'll get over it soon.
Yes, soon they'll grow up,
and grow out of this phase."
And we knew they considered us mildly crazed,
But we thought we had lifetimes to go.

I still remember the end of it all,
When you wanted to fly,
But you learned you could fall.
When reality sparked in the back of your mind,
And you said in a voice that was sad,
And yet kind: "I don't want to play anymore.
It's the end of the road,
And I'm closing the door,
And I know I can't play anymore.

I remember the day when we proved they were right.
When I learned that oppression
Is stronger then light.
When we gave up the moon,
Bid farewell to the stars,
And entered the world of airplanes and cars,
Of drugs and of blood,
Of smoke and of booze,
And we almost forgot what we'd once had to lose.
Then it seemed like a lifetime ago.

I still remember the night when I asked,
If we'd ever go back to those days long past.
Could we escape this hell we were in?
Would I live to dance with the stars again?
I remember you as you shook your head.
"Never again, or perhaps when we're dead.
Though I'd rather be dead then here in this place."
I watched a tear roll down your face.

"Yes, I meant what I said, and I'd rather be dead."
That was a lifetime ago.

[This message has been edited by Daysleeper (edited 04-24-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Elizabeth Stephens - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-07-26
Posts 152
Brooklyn, NY, USA
1 posted 2000-04-24 09:19 PM

I really liked this poem! Perhaps someday you'll be able to escape this hell and dance in the sky again.
"You have to kiss alot of frogs before you find your prince."

Junior Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 39
2 posted 2000-04-24 09:22 PM

   This is very well written.  With graduation coming up for me, I've really been thinking along these same lines.  You are so right.  Everyone does grow up and out of things.  But remember that doesn't mean we have to...even if we do look different.  It's wonderful to be young at heart and for your soul to laugh.  Thanks for this.  It's wonderful.

[This message has been edited by rachella (edited 04-24-2000).]

since 2000-04-23
Posts 119

3 posted 2000-04-24 11:45 PM

Thanks guys. Rachella, that's exactly where this poem stemmed from. I'm getting ready to graduate also, and I've gone to school with my good friend, Jordan, since I was nine years old. We did so many crazy things together... had so much imagination and ambition, and now, he's moving to Ohio, and me, eventually, to California, and neither of us can really shake the thought of losing all we had.

 "Presently I've had enough of all your sanity." -James Kavanaugh

since 2000-02-12
Posts 238

4 posted 2000-04-24 11:59 PM

growing thing we all want..then when it happens we want to take it back. be crazed and innocent again
but you know what sucks...when we are finally teens...we are at that stage where we know too much of the outside world to be carefree and imaginative...and too late to claim back our childhood that we spent effortlessly to grow out of

such a beautiful poem....that is is going in my passions folder..where i paste all the poems that i read and love


 "whenever you are feeling alone...i'll take your hand in mine and we will walk together"

since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
5 posted 2000-04-25 10:45 AM

Good job on this poem, Daysleeper.
I'm graduating this year, too, and I totally agree with all you have to say.  
"I don't want to grow up- I'm a Toys "R" Us kid..."
Oh, sorry.  Good Post.  I hope to see more.
Kristi Lynn

since 2000-04-23
Posts 119

6 posted 2000-04-25 03:41 PM

Ach! So many graduations! Raise your hands, class of 2000! *waving own hand frantically in the air*

since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
7 posted 2000-04-25 03:46 PM

Congrats to all the soon to be graduates here in Passions.  Wish you all luck in the future, but keep some of the carefree spirit in you.  From another of the soon to be graduates,
Kristi Lynn

Junior Member
since 2000-04-15
Posts 34
Gilroy, Ca
8 posted 2000-04-25 03:54 PM

Awesome poem! I REALLY Like this one. IT was well written. Congrats to all the grads to come. I dread the day when I am no longer a kid. I still have 2 years left. This has reminded me to cherish them. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men and their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught the sun in flight,
And learn too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

-Dylan Thomas

since 2000-04-23
Posts 119

9 posted 2000-04-25 04:08 PM

Aye... Highschool seems like a major pain in the ars while it's happening around you, but the things you learn (about life, and not always from a textbook), the friendships you make, the dreams you have, the messes you create, fall into, or help clean up, will later be looked back on, hopefully, and at least by me, as some of the best times in your life. It's not always the innocence I wrote about, but to be cherished... verily.


 "Presently I've had enough of all your sanity." -James Kavanaugh

since 2000-01-31
Posts 228

10 posted 2000-04-26 04:39 PM

While we're on the subject of graduation . . . I too am also graduating this year. It's funny during high school we fight like heck to grow up and yet still cling so desperately to our childhood. We smile and say we're finally happy to be out of it all and yet inside we shiver with fear at the world and those that we'll lose. I have so many friends that after this summer I will probly never see again even though we promise to stay in touch. Enough of my speel, beautiful poem though it hit a little too close to home!

-- Crystal
[email protected]

 "The worst of what people do to one another is deceive.
Because when you love someone you control their version
of reality. If you lie to them that's like making them
autistic so that what they believe is reality is in fact,
not their true situation at all."

It's not the angry words that break the heart, it's the silence.

Someone said that true love is like a ghost -- often spoke of but never seen.
I've seen both and yet in my darkest hours, tend to believe that neither exits.

Junior Member
since 2000-04-26
Posts 46

11 posted 2000-04-26 04:41 PM

Lovely poem!I used to post in one of those poetry forums long long time ago too. I remember reading this before when you posted as Rabbit. I'm new here as well so hopefully I'll be posting  some of my poems here soon.
I'd luv to read more of your poems.
~Thanks for sharing~

 'Whatever you are be a good one.'

since 2000-04-23
Posts 119

12 posted 2000-04-26 06:12 PM

Hey! A fellow old timer! I'm suprised that you remembered but, yeah... back in the day, I was Rabbit.   Thanks for the positive comments guys.

 "Presently I've had enough of all your sanity." -James Kavanaugh

Junior Member
since 2000-04-11
Posts 46
Prior Lake, MN, USA
13 posted 2000-04-26 09:43 PM

This is such a touching poem...truly remarkable.  )


son of man
since 2000-04-25
Posts 125

14 posted 2000-04-26 10:03 PM

excellent wording, great metaphoriacal comparisons, your poem inspires a canvas of magnifiscent artwork in the imagination and stirs up vivid recollection of past innocence and the wonderful peace and serenity that was lost so long ago. my heart cries at the relatitivity i feel. a soul-reacher, this poem is marvellous.


since 2000-01-20
Posts 89
Bonduel, WI USA
15 posted 2000-04-27 12:56 PM

Your poem is excatly how I feel.  In 16 days I will graduate from high school, and although I'm excited, I know that things will change forever.  The friends I've made along the way will say goodbye and we'll travel on our own different paths.  I guess I found it easy to relate to your poem because you speak of things that happened a lifetime ago and know matter how hard you try to rlive those days, you know you can't.  You did a really good job here, and I look forward to reading more.

since 2000-02-12
Posts 238

16 posted 2000-04-28 07:59 AM

i feel a little left out coz i'm not a graduate!
i love this poem so much...that at school i have a poetry assignment and i have to pick a favourite poem and read it to the class and discuss the way in which it was written. and i chose this...coz everytime i read it it makes me cry...i am terrified of growing up

Best of luck for your graduation and to all the other graduates of 2000...GOOD LUCK!


 i never thought i'd die alone, i laughed the loudest who'd have known?
i traced the cord back to the wall, no wonder it was never plugged in at all
i took my time, i hurried up
the choice was mine i didn't think enough
I'm too depressed to go on, you'll be sorry when i'm gone
I never conquered, rarely came
16 just held such better days
Days when i still felt alive, we couldn't wait to get outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over i'd survived
I couldn't wait till i got home, to pass the time in my room alone
I never thought i'd die alone, another six months I'll be unknown
Give all my things to my friends, you'll never set foot in my room again
You'll close it off, board it up
Remember the time i spilled the cup
Of apple juice in the hall, please tell mum this is not her fault
I never conquered, rarely came
But tomorrow holds such better days
Days when i can still feel alive, when i can't wait to get outside
The world was wide, the time goes by
The tour is over, i've survived
I can't wait till i get home, to pass the time in my room alone

'Adam's Song'
Blink 182

since 2000-04-23
Posts 119

17 posted 2000-04-28 09:14 PM


Wow... I'm honored! Really... I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad you shared it. Thanks lots.


 "Presently I've had enough of all your sanity." -James Kavanaugh

Ethan Halo
Senior Member
since 2000-04-28
Posts 793
on the roof again
18 posted 2000-04-28 11:28 PM

You're poem rocks. I didn't sense the graduation aspect of it, but i felt the separation and growing up. It's extremly well written, and i enjoyed. I damn near cried, to tell you the truth. I graduate next year, but I don't got too many friends, 'cause it'll be my third High School. But trust me, i feel you. Don't worry too much bout separating from any of your buds. It's only the finale for those who choose not to remember the performance.

 "I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world."
-Walt Whitman

"Your focus determines your reality."
- Qui-Gon Jinn

"He who makes a beast of himself loses the pain of being a man."
-Hunter S. Thompson

"We all got somethin' we need to atone for."
-Ethan Halo

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