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since 1999-06-15
Posts 240
los banos, ca,

0 posted 1999-08-31 02:00 AM

dedicated to CAROLINE,
i wrote this after reading your comment about how the only man worth my tears would never make me cry. i thought it was such a beautiful phrase, and it made me think, inspired me deeply.

Ive found within you,
all the pain ive known,
all the tears ive cried,
that i choose not to show.

Ive learned from you,
that love hurts deeply,
because i cry inside,
everytime you say you love me.

Ive shared with you,
my deepest dreams,
only to loose sight,
of what happiness means.

Ive trusted in you,
to keep my heart safe,
but the insecurities run,
slowly down my face.

Ive melted in your touch,
so many times before,
but its not fair to let you,
make me cry anymore.

Ive told you that i love you,
without you my soul would die,
but if you were worth my tears,
you wouldnt make me cry.

thank you to everyone that has ever felt my pain through my poems. sometimes its comforting to know that somewhere there is that understnading. so thank you.

© Copyright 1999 amber jean white - All Rights Reserved
Tara Simms
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since 1999-08-12
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Honea Path, SC USA
1 posted 1999-08-31 02:10 AM

Amber, you did a great job at writing a poem to go with that beautiful phrase!
since 1999-06-15
Posts 240
los banos, ca,
2 posted 1999-08-31 02:12 AM

thank you Tara, im glad you took the time to read my poem, and that you enjoyed it!
Star Fairy
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since 1999-08-11
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cerritos, ca, usa
3 posted 1999-08-31 02:18 AM

that phrase has got to be the best thing I've read that has helped me get through my "love" problems... thank you very much
since 1999-06-15
Posts 240
los banos, ca,
4 posted 1999-08-31 02:24 AM

your very welcome, it also inspired me so much. it helped me through alot also. so i give my thanks once agian to caroline, how true that phrase is!!!!
Senior Member
since 1999-08-16
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5 posted 1999-08-31 05:44 AM

Well...I'm speechless! I can't take credit for the quote...I saw it somewhere and it stuck with me. I wish I knew who said it first! This poem is so heartfelt, Amber. I know just how you feel. It does get better though, especially if you NEVER settle for less than the very best. Demand respect, because you give it. If you aren't getting it in return...lose the jerk. You're too good for him!

P.S. *hugs!*

The only man worth your tears will never make you cry...

[This message has been edited by caroline (edited 08-31-99).]

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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6 posted 1999-08-31 10:17 AM

Great job!!!
since 1999-06-17
Posts 306
Yuma, AZ, USA
7 posted 1999-08-31 10:54 AM

I got one thing to say to you ladies that are looking for the one that won't make you cry. Well from my experience, I have dated some really sweet girls. I consider myself one of those guys. Even though I treated each girl like princess I was totally trodden all over. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I was cheated on by two for sure possibly three. The others just got bored. From my experience girls want to be treated badly. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT. I buy flowers, suprise them all the time with little things, or doing different stuff, write poetry. Spend time with them. I love to just sit and talk. Most guys don't, but I do. STILL, the only thing I haven't tried is to be totally disrespectful. I am afraid it might work. YET, that isn't me. EXPLAIN PLEASE. And remember if you find that type of guy. Treat him right, b/c the above title goes both ways.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
8 posted 1999-08-31 11:07 AM

You did a wonderful job! So true how we feel that...if they loved us they wouldn't make us cry. If anyone ever finds one like that, send him my way! I don't think their are any out there!!!
Andrew Scott
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since 1999-06-24
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9 posted 1999-08-31 02:15 PM

Amber: A fine read. Thanks for sharing. I agree with caroline concerning respect. Its an absolute must. Good hunting to you.
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since 1999-08-21
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10 posted 1999-08-31 02:45 PM

I loved that poem and the message for all those who have such a hard time with their self esteem that they unknowingly fall for the ones that hurt(A place I have been often) To the man who doesn't understand this...there is a bit of generalization going on. Three or four or even five girls do not make up the whole "gender"> maybe it's the girls you are choosing, because, as you say, the poem does work the other way around. Amber..great poem.
since 1999-06-15
Posts 240
los banos, ca,
11 posted 1999-08-31 04:10 PM

thank you all for your replies, i really thank you all from my heart. but i can tell you that girls do not want ot be disrespected, its the worst feeling, maybe you just havent found the right girl, as i havent found the right guy. keep looking women dont deserve generalizations about how guys think they want to be treated. niether do men by the way, but i guess it all how you look at it. and to caroline, thanks agian foro your inspiration, and to all of you thank you for taking the time to read!
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12 posted 1999-08-31 04:14 PM

Good luck to you, Amber-I hope he comes along.

Jfreak, I wish I could find a man like you. I really wish that I could. Good luck to you too.


"Dwelt a maid belov'd and cherish'd by high and low,
But with autumn leaf she perish'd, long time ago..."

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since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
13 posted 1999-08-31 04:19 PM

The first time I read that expression, it made sense and it keeps lurking in the back of my mind....poem feels just as right as the expression...:-))


You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

since 1999-06-15
Posts 240
los banos, ca,
14 posted 1999-08-31 04:23 PM

i know the feeling rainbow girl, it had the same effect on me, its like one of those things that make so much sense you cant let it go, thanx for your comment!
Junior Member
since 1999-08-28
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15 posted 1999-08-31 09:33 PM

I have seen that signature so many times and often wished that I knew if it was from a poem or not. You have done an excellent job putting that into words. EXCELLENT poem!!!

There are men in this world that are tender and kind. I am sure that we all have been in the situation of giving of ourselves till there is none of ourselves left to give. I have. Love doesn't hurt, and if it does - well, it is time to move on. As an abused husband I learned that one the hard way. It sounds funny you may say, a man could be abused...the last thing I remember before waking up in the hospital was getting hit in the face with a phone. A lessor man may have raised a fist back to her...I raised a pen (signing the divorce papers). Now I have an angel and all is wonderful. Yet tears she still sheds - happy tears! Some tears are worth crying

Thank you for the wonderful poem. I loved it.

"Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite - "Fool!" said my Muse to me "look in thy heart, and write!" - Sir Philip Sidney

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since 1999-06-16
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In the space between moments
16 posted 1999-08-31 09:44 PM

Yeah, I agree that some tears are worth crying...but not all. I do agree that a man worth your tears won't make you cry..most the time. Wonderful, wonderful work Amber. I truly enjoyed this.

*Krista Knutson*

I see the world through the loving eyes of my heart, and suffer the pain of unfulfilled visions. -- Daniel L. Miller

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since 2001-08-26
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South Florida
17 posted 2002-02-11 05:47 PM

I felt every word of your poem! that saying is sooo true! the only tears that should be cried are tears of joy.
nice to meet you amber, Im joanna, I have only been a member here for 5 months that is why I am so late responding to this.

since 2003-02-15
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Lost and Broken
18 posted 2003-03-19 04:18 PM

Very nice job, Amber! You had a very good usage of words. This poem truely touched me. I enjoyed reading it.
Shawna Fitzgerald
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since 2003-10-09
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19 posted 2003-10-17 10:21 PM

you dont know me but krystopher morris said i should join so i did so lately i've been reading alot the tittles that catch my eye yours did .Every thing that you wrote about is true in my case i have deeply loved krys for a long time he had feelings for me at one point but now he rarely even speaks to me anymore. if you would like to respond to my reply please contact me at
[email protected]


passing shadows
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since 1999-08-26
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20 posted 2004-04-16 12:43 PM

I am so glad that I didn't mis this
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