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Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas

0 posted 1999-06-22 07:03 PM

I once set my sights upon a woman.
Thar she blows!
As she dove under the ocean blue,
Fire the forward harpoon!
The slack line goes taut
The end tied round me with
A square knot I learned from
Weekend Camper.
Under the sea she goes...
I follow.
She sees me with bitter lenses,
Death circles.
She rolls and rolls.
The line wrapped round her
Til we are eye to eye.
We roll and roll and roll and
Until my bubbler ceases bubbling.
She shrugs me off,
The taut line goes slack.


Le Jongleur Aspirante

© Copyright 1999 Alastair Adamson - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
1 posted 1999-06-22 07:10 PM

Um....... makes perfect sense.....
yep.. it surely does...

Senior Member
since 1999-06-15
Posts 568
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
2 posted 1999-06-22 10:47 PM

Ummm Ali, perhaps just maybe this woman should...ummm... diet?
Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544
The Hague, The Netherlands
3 posted 2000-03-05 11:57 AM

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