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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart

0 posted 1999-08-18 09:15 AM

The Old Mean Lady

Once when I was younger and lean
there was a peer, and she was mean
she was older and thought herself wiser, true
but she had a way of making you become unglued.

If you had done something, then she had done it better
if you did something fine, she was the REAL go-getter!
If you had gone to Paris, then she had gone to Spain
let me tell you folks, she was something of a pain.

Then one day when I sauntered in to work
she smiled at me with a smirk and a shirk
and said “can it be that you ALWAYS smile?
and aren’t you sad just ONCE in a while?”

Those words really took me aback
for I didn’t think anyone minded my laughter;
when suddenly with insight I saw
what this old crone was really after!

Her jealousy I could now see, it hurt my heart for her
for to be mean and cruel was part of her cure
to bring you to your knees, of that you can be sure
for she wanted everyone to be as insecure.

So for awhile I held my stories and I didn’t smile
and her gloominess made nothing worthwhile
until I couldn’t take any more of her bile
for within me her rhythm did rile.

So finally one day I said to her “My dear
let me make one thing perfectly clear.
I care not for your sadness or your poor state,
for to you, I cannot relate.

“I care not for all your bravado
and that you are the absolute best;
but what I wish for you now
is for you to discontinue being a pest.”

She was aghast that one as young as I
could so calmly and ladylike spit in her eye.
She left me alone after all of that
and with me she would never chat.

But the moral of the story, you see
is that everyone else began to smile, like me!

18 August, 1999

Words will always express our feelings true. ~~~ KRJ
Look, then, into thine heart, and write ~~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

© Copyright 1999 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-07-11
Posts 63
front royal, va. u.s.a.
1 posted 1999-08-18 11:56 AM

As one lightbulb dissipates all the darkness from a room, so one bright smile rends the gloom for all around and brings in the 'Sunshine'! Keep smiling girl. The world needs more like you.


since 1999-08-06
Posts 307
2 posted 1999-08-18 02:53 PM

Great poem Sunshine! Did you get this published?
since 1999-08-04
Posts 383
3 posted 1999-08-18 02:57 PM

Never let anyone's bitterness or spite spoil that smile of yours! And don't let them stop you writing, either.
Senior Member
since 1999-07-06
Posts 936
4 posted 1999-08-18 05:58 PM

great message, Sunshine...i'm sure we all know a few negative folks like the one you described

PS: have you been to "The Alley" lately and cast your vote for "on a roll"?

Delores Hall
since 1999-07-16
Posts 342
5 posted 1999-08-18 09:36 PM

Enjoyed your poem.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
6 posted 1999-08-20 09:05 AM

Lenny, the light is "always" on!

Blondie, "no". You think?

Sue...this happened 30 years ago. Apparently, no one has diminished anything within me...I keep coming back like a bad penny!

Elvira...those negative souls are what make us feel and look even better than we do! Not only have I cast my vote on "the roll" but you need to read "Last Rodeo before Millennium".

Delores, Thank you, as always.

Words will always express our feelings true. ~~~ KRJ
Look, then, into thine heart, and write ~~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Lost Dreamer
Member Elite
since 1999-06-20
Posts 2464
Somewhere near the Rainbow
7 posted 1999-08-20 09:47 AM

Sunshine, This was great, glad you radiated your warmth to all that mattered.
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