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Open Poetry #1
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~one voice~
Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664
Billings, MT USA

0 posted 1999-08-01 09:26 AM

You hold me tightly in your arms.
You take my fears away.
You wrap me up in all your charms.
You know just what to say.

I fall in to your maddening ways
that make me want you more.
I know you’ll love me all my days
and then forever more.

If only I could kiss the eyes
that peer in to my soul,
the world, then, I would not despise
and might I then be whole?

So far away you are from me...
I long for your sweet touch.
Always, forever, presently,
I love you very much.

©1999 ~onevoice~


"She looked at her life
like lines, never-ending,
constantly forming,
reforming and bending."

© Copyright 1999 ~one voice~ - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-07-10
Posts 89
1 posted 1999-08-01 09:34 AM

Oh....I loved this! Thank-You for writting such a lovely poem!

"There are none so blind as those who see only with the mind and not the heart"

Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396

2 posted 1999-08-01 09:41 AM

'Tis truly a wonder you have created, and yet, 'tis no wonder at all that such lovely words do come from a Lady graced with Woman's most provocative charms.

Shall I indulge in flights of fancy hampered by clipped wings?

[This message has been edited by DreamEvil (edited 08-01-99).]

~one voice~
Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664
Billings, MT USA
3 posted 1999-08-01 11:24 AM

Thank you leelew, for your praise! I does not go unappreciated!

Thank you, dear Dream, for your mighty words of confidense!


"She looked at her life
like lines, never-ending,
constantly forming,
reforming and bending."

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA
4 posted 1999-08-01 08:14 PM

Beautifully written, thanks for sharing

"Nobody has measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold" ~Zelda Fitzgerald

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