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Open Poetry #1
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Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
Posts 3508
Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion

0 posted 1999-07-26 12:43 PM

I must rein in just a bit,
And save the better poems I've writ,
Until I'm better known in here,
Or I'll burn out before its clear,
That I've been writing over time
More than simple words that rhyme.
That once in awhile I've put to pen
Thoughts of who, what, where, and when.
And so I'll pause, and by and by,
People will also realize why.

© Copyright 1999 Michael Waterman - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 1999-07-06
Posts 936
1 posted 1999-07-26 12:48 PM

i truly love a well-written rhyme...come back and post one any time... Welcome LngJhnAg

one night at the airport...Childhood Memories...eight short weeks...Music to my Ears...your countenance...just watching tv...hoarse whispers...My One and Only...Tribute to M.J....Feel the need?...serving wench...a little girl...the mistress...stolen hours...Perfection...devotion...Master

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
Posts 3508
Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
2 posted 1999-07-26 12:57 PM


Thank you for the very nice welcome. Over the years I've become accustomed to "breaking into" a new board or chat room or whatever. I know it takes time and a lot of patience. So I'll just save some of my favorite poems (heh heh heh) until people get to know me. I wasted my poem, The Wind, because I forgot the fundamental rule about being "the new guy:" Wait until people see you are funloving and upbeat. Then hit 'em with something a little deeper.

BTW - I've enjoyed your work, and your comments in my own 'lurking' way *g*

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
3 posted 1999-07-26 03:18 PM

Well, LJA, I must admit
you have humor, just a bit
and I've noticed a little wit
and I'll bet your not long to sit
on your pettles
nor your mettles
but be in fine fettle

Don't forget to do the PiP thing - read others and comment/critique!

© KRJ 22 Jul 99
Words will always express our feelings true. ~~~ KRJ
Look, then, into thine heart, and write ~~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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