Passions in Prose |
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Seven Demons |
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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666California ![]() |
SEVEN DEMONS It happened again last night. I awoke, flat on my back, in a room consumed with foul, dark silence and yet a room I perceived with heightened sense and full, rich, profoundly intense detail. I could hear the soothing hum of a computer fan to my left, nearly capable of counting the rotations in my head. I could see the green eye of the tower staring at me, reminding me it never slept, though the monitor lay in black anticipation of a tomorrow that's never guaranteed. To my right I saw a blissful white light dancing in spectacles between the cracks of dust painted window blinds knowing without prior knowledge my lovely Luna was full outside, awaiting my kiss. Glancing down towards my feet, an engulfing blackness that could only be the hulking shadow of a stereo entertainment center, devoid of any electrical display other than the faint blue digits of the v.c.r. clock rendering me the mindless point of fact it was 3:03 in the morning, emanating a presence of immense power...A seemingly whispering voice singing hymns, hallowed in the darkness, beyond my suddenly chilled awareness, "They're back!" I lay there frozen. Frozen in fears of what I knew would happen should I choose to move. I felt my heart beating harder with every agonizing second, my breath becoming spasmodic, for I knew I could never return to sleep now. They were back, I could feel them everywhere. Eyes glued wide open, I recited to myself in thought that worthless chant, while at the same time trying not to smirk, "By my will I am my own master!" Then, finally, taking the deepest breath I was capable of, I forced my will on a seemingly paralyzed body, reaching an all too familiar result. Pinned. I was arduously pinned. I could not move either leg. Both arms felt as if the weight of Sin were upon them. I couldn't turn nor lift my head. I could not speak. I could not breathe. There I lie, fully aware, in a body that may have well been dead. Why me? Why do they constantly return to me? I, in all kindness have never intentionally harmed anyone, I have lived my life only to help others, even as I find myself constantly being taken advantage of. Why had I become the subject of their evil. Knowing I had no other choice, for I would surely suffocate if I didn't, I closed my eyes. There I saw them, one on each of my legs, one on each of my arms. There, in all hideousness, in all grandeur. There for no other reason than my own personal torment. Deep black orbs resembling tiny, clear worlds, set in glowing yellow. They looked on me, they looked through me, while hands resembling talons clenched my limbs, holding me in the depths of despair and avid fear. The faces looked upon me, faces of spongy reddish clay, faces of putrid green perfidy, snarling teeth and slimy scaled skin...their drool, a burning acid on my skin. Alas, I was in hell. Two hands held my head completely still, with the pointed tips of claws applying a steady pressure against my temples, a constant reminder that movement would only result in further anguish, and yet there I lie, blood trickles dripping passed silenced ears, anguished to every sense of the word. I was only thankful to have not befallen his face. There I lay, exasperated, every ounce of hope riven from my very soul. There I waited, in the throes of dread and torment, as Time, itself, seemed to slow for this torturous moment which now lingered in its own silent eternity. I found it odd that I could view these demons in full revulsion staring straight towards them, yet when eyes moved just slightly away, they seemed to vanish into private corners of sub consciousness. Indeed, I never beheld more than one of these grotesque creatures at a time, yet never doubted the existence, the position of any of them. I laughed to myself, remembering times while fully conscience I would see "visions" in the corners of my eyes that disappeared with the turning of my head, wondering what realm of reality I must be in now for just the opposite to be taking place. Then, for the first time since awakening, I looked straight up. Expecting to see the ceiling fan making her usual subtle rotations, what I saw hoovering above me curdled my blood, locked my face in a visage of terror, as a voiceless scream bounced about in the vacant rictus of Hope. It was the winged one. Whether Hell spawn or fallen from Heaven, this was Hate incarnate, hideously laughing, lowering himself closer to me with a gawky flapping of once white wings, while behind him I saw clear through to the stars of night, each bowing gracefully to his presence. Finally he stopped, about a foot above me, staring straight into my face. His mouth emitted a snake like tongue, which slithered across my face while it's skin incinerated my flesh, then came to rest on my chest, rising above me in a strike pose. Mesmerized in the serpent's stare, I felt a strange peace washing over me, that of death finally being at hand. As if reading my mind, the demon retracted the snake and cast his own evil stare on me, the same black orbs as the others, only this time set in pools of red blood. He raised a beast like talon above me, smiling wickedly, then plunged one single claw into my heaving chest. At the penetration my voice was freed. I screamed in deplorable agony at the vile eminence trying to penetrate my being. Glancing down, I saw him stirring his claw-like finger through my torso as it opened up, revealing the hollowness of my being, then closed behind his touch as if my body were merely a thick gelling of humanity liquefying at his will. I watched my own flesh crawling up his arms in detestable shock as he was feeding on me. There, in the worst of the harrowing persecution, I was finally able to see. I looked to each of the demons, and in turn saw they were all feeding on me in a like manner. I, alone, was their strength. I was not weak in this but strong. They needed me, and I them. I recognized them for who they were instantly; Envy holding my right arm, Lust clinging to my left, Gluttony and, Avarice keeping my legs motionless, Sloth digging deep into my brain with talons of acedia. It was all so clear now, Pride, above me, the source of my worst affliction, now donned my every aspect of humanity. In a moment of pure lucidity, I realized I was in bed in my room in Bakersfield, Ca. I was dreaming and thus, I was controlling all taking place. I felt rage boiling in the depths of my soul. I opened my mouth, releasing a demented, sadistic laughter which echoed maniacally throughout the emptiness of the solitude I dwelt within. I watched the demons cringe at my realization. Hands freed I ripped open my own chest, releasing a vortex of consumption, watching gleefully as one by one each demon was caught and sent to the depths of my own inner hell. Alas, when the strongest of all, Pride, fell, I released the shreds of skin and puddy like flesh back to their homage, forever imprisoning the demons within me. I awoke, flat on my back, in a room consumed with foul, dark silence and yet a room I perceived with heightened sense and full, rich, profoundly intense detail. To my right I saw a blissful white light dancing in spectacles between the cracks of dust painted window blinds knowing without prior knowledge my lovely Luna was full outside, awaiting my kiss. I could see in front of me, in faint blue, the v.c.r. clock displaying the time. It was 3:03 in the morning, a most noteworthy fact. I had laid myself to rest the evening before, a broken shell of a man. I awoke this morning, all the powers of hell within me, ready to seek vengeance on those who have danced in my scorn and cloaked me with their shame. Be warned, I walk amongst you now. Know I have seen through your eyes of mendaciousness. I am the seventh demon. I am the deadliest of all. I am Wrath. Michael Anderson [This message has been edited by Michael (edited 10-14-1999).] |
© Copyright 1999 Michael Anderson - All Rights Reserved | |||
DreamEvil Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396 |
Indeed, let Heaven and Hell tremble before the coming of righteous Wrath! Damn good storyline, though 'tis not entirely fiction I think. A highly riveting insight into your soul and psyche, my fellow DarkLord, such as this is due more praise than a simple, Well met. Therefore do I exalt in the product of your pen and keyboard, for the Dark is my delight and much delight do I find here. ------------------ Nothing is worse than sorrow, except perhaps disdain. I'll be myself tomorrow, tonight I'll feel the pain. DreamEvil© |
Systematic Decay Senior Member
since 1999-09-15
Posts 1301That place with padded walls and funny people in white......... |
Wow....I really don't know what to say to this one...although my pitiful attemp to the challenge will pale when compared to this. Great read, Micheal. ------------------ "Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage." -Billy Corgan- |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
And what words can one use to respond to this? Good? Wicked? Michael, this is an awesome story. Once again I am shaking my head, wondering how you could ever concieve that you wouldn't fit in here at prose. This is a masterful telling, (on one of my favorite subjects I might add.) Indeed, our demons are a power unto themselves. Use it wisely my friend, use it wisely. |
Watcher666 Senior Member
since 1999-10-13
Posts 1606 |
Fabulous, riviting and chilling.Kept me totally inthralled! Thank-You Sir! ------------------ Illusion...what we see and what we's all up to you. |
JennyLee Senior Member
since 1999-09-01
Posts 1461Northwestern, NJ. |
I can but merely say,"Awesome Michael!" Jenny ![]() |
PhaerieChild Senior Member
since 1999-08-30
Posts 1787Aloha, Oregon |
All I can possibly say to this (if I may use a euphemism from the 60's) is Wow!!That was really "HEAVY!!!!" Btw I loved it!!! ------------------ If you love me like music, I'll be your song. ~Heart~ Dreamboat Annie |
poetFemmeFatale Member Elite
since 1999-07-25
Posts 2646Arkansas | thinks me will sleep in the next room, ok? (nervous laugh!) You can just have that bed all to yourself!! ------------------ I beckon you to come...I lure you with my tongue... - poet FemmeFatale |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
Wonderful imagery. Very nice piece of prose Michael |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
Not only can the man write incredible poetry, but he also has the ability to play your emotions with prose! Still in love with this one Mike! |
AVANTI Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
Michael... great work...I liked this one... it's eerie , dark , scary and so much more If all was light...then I would have never learnt the dark...from which such truth evolves from which evolves the light... Avanti Rao |
Dusk Treader
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
Posts 1187St. Paul, MN |
This was incredible Micheal! I loved the tale, the conquering of the demons and then awakening Wrath, such a powerful ending... I enjoyed this much. Abrahm Simons "Keep on dreamin' boy 'cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die" - Blind Melon |
Sudhir Iyer Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943Mumbai, India : now in Belgium |
Oh! What a treat! Michael, This is so incredibly written that one cannot lift eyes of the piece at all.... Dazed regards, sudhir |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
What else can I say but... Hurry up with the next one!!!!! ![]() I'm not really surprised, I never expected anything less from such a talented writer. "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde "The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I had to let you know that not only did I read this, but it captured me! Fear of unknown demons has an incredibly overpowering hold on a lot of people, and this story literally "freaked me out!" LOL, enjoyed it Michael and sure wish you were still writing in here. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
thanks for revisiting this one, Sharon. Still one of my favorites in here. |
Sadelite Member Elite
since 2003-10-11
Posts 2519 |
MIchael, The suspense had me at the edge of my chair. Your description was excellent i thought. Sadelite |
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