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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA

0 posted 2003-12-12 05:46 PM

Bill sat there, holding his breath...afraid to breathe, afraid to wake from what obviously was a
dream.  A dream that had been dreamt countless times before, always awakening to the
emptiness of a bed shared only by the coolness of cotton.  Yet, here before a warm crackling
fire, sheltered from the shimmer of a full moon, she lay.  Softly, comfortably reclining into
him.  He stirred ever slightly to adjust to this sudden warmth lying across his lap...her hair
fanning across his leg in a golden waterfall...

Bill did not advance, did not allow the building thoughts to burst through his shining exterior.
He cherished this woman, loved her spite of two decades of being totally isolated
from her life....But, he could not blame her for this event, HE bore this responsibility.
Times were tumultuous then....With the deaths in the family, with Bill’s immature way of
dealing with these stressful difficult to speak his thoughts....amazingly, so
common of a writer and poet...for these were his vehicle by which he told the world of
those dreams,   the battles that raged within a mind so alive, yet so sequestered within

He held her there....knowing that this moment was needed...needed by both....moments
of stillness, of quiet and calm,   of trust and love, shared and shown by both....for Mary
Lou had grown to become quite skeptical of men over the years.....except for one....One
would wonder how she could know that Bill was the man she knew he was.....How?
How could she know so much of him and yet never having seen his face since one
lonely, drizzling day...long ago.

If she were asked, the answer would be so simple, bringing a chuckle to a delicate heart.
For his books, his poems....written over the years told a story that only she could
understand so well.  She knew this man’s soul, through his writings, his words,  
through his eyes...and...if given the moment....she would convey to him her feelings...
When the right moment came....perhaps soon.

A chime stirred a Grandfather Clock told of the hour, for the time had grown
late on this eve, a first eve.   Both were tired, though hunger gnawed away the sands
of sleep.  This lulling moment, shared so tenderly must end.   Bill knew there would
be other days, other times when they could share these light but needed moments of
intimacy.  His dreams would certainly be filled with a mixture this night....

Mary Lou sensed Bill’s need to arise....the tensing of his muscles giving away his
desires....She slowly rose to a sitting position, her hand lightly grazing his own as
he walked from the living room into his second most favorite room....where
a master chef turned mere morsels into culinary delights....She smiled....for she
knew that part of her destiny, her dreams.....were coming true.....

[This message has been edited by Magnus (12-12-2003 06:30 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Barry J. Tackett - All Rights Reserved
passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
1 posted 2003-12-13 04:07 AM

the right moment...(sigh)
Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384
Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2004-01-04 12:32 PM

I'm reading on ..... Magnus, this is certainly worthy of sending to a publisher~
You have, yes ?

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
         [email protected]

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