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since 2001-05-28
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0 posted 2003-10-29 01:37 PM

The Dark Side of the Moon

     Instead of the bright reflection of the moon off placid waters, the bright shining that has inspired more poetic thoughts and sayings than the brother sun, there is the dark side that creeps into the thoughts-unbidden and unwanted- that saps the energy of the life force as nothing else can ever do.  What is this tidal force that, instead of affecting the waves of the ocean, affects the very basis and core of the inner-self?    Where the self-doubts, the violence and the torture of the damned seep into the thoughts and minds causing paranoid reactions to normal situations and slip the hair shirt of morose thinking onto the back and castigate the body with symbolic willow switches.  The dark black moods of the Celtic, the berserker of the Viking or the rapid knife strokes in the gypsy camp are all reflected from the gloomy rays emanating from  the dark side of the moon   Where darken entities, fallen from grace, whisper in the ear and urge on the self galloping thoughts that rack the very sanity and create the depression of the lost, plunging all into the seemingly bottomless pits while they ring the sides jeering at the lost souls.  

     Indeed…some will stay lost, bathed in the dark rays, lost with drugs, drink and self-putrefaction-their inner-soul shriveling into a mummified husk of the lost-causing the jackals of the world to exist.  Some would call these the predators of the world, but this is to downgrade the animal, feathered and marine predators with their own grace and beauty. No, these are jackals, preying on the weak, stepping on the downtrodden, secure in the knowledge of their own strength or the safety of numbers. These rapists, child molesters, murderers, bullies and cowards are so bathed with the dark side that their souls shrink from the self-deprivations caused by their lot.  They have known no retreat from the dark side of the moon.

     Is there no hope, is this dark side etching it’s caustic rays permanently into the soul? Where do we go and what do we do, when we brush into the dark side?  When the black moods of depression and self-analysis creep unbidden into our lives?  Do we keep slipping into despair? or fight these dark rays with the most powerful motivator in the world.  Love, love of ourselves to keep from slipping into the brink, love of the others around us that depend on this love to help keep them from falling into the brink.  Love of your fellow man that needs a kind word, or a smile or a helping hand.  This is when the dark side starts lighting and the evil entities gnash their putrid teeth and slink deeper into the vanishing dark.  Love is what makes your soul shine and the brilliant rays emanating from your body are so bright and so strong that there is no darkness that cannot be penetrated and cast away.   There is always hope, the will to fight and the love of life of self and others that will always hold back the dark side of the moon.

© Copyright 2003 Logan - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2003-10-29 02:29 PM

This is such a timely write.  So many people are suffering from self-doubt, fear of tomorrow, and what it may NOT bring; others are wrapped up so tightly in the here and now they dare not reach out, which is exactly what they need to do.

Very timely, Logan.  But of course, you knew that even before you posted this.  Thank you.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
2 posted 2003-11-03 06:14 AM

There is always hope, the will to fight and the love of life of self and others that will always hold back the dark side of the moon.

Hi Logan...I rarely read in prose...but here I am soaking it up and hoping I can stay away from the dark side of the moon.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2003-11-03 08:34 AM


'Love is what makes your soul shine and the brilliant rays emanating from your body are so bright and so strong that there is no darkness that cannot be penetrated and cast away'

How brightly this stick glows forth from the keeper's fire~

You warm my soul-thoughts with this gentle *gifting*~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
     [email protected]     

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
4 posted 2003-11-04 01:24 AM

You know I adore your prose and your stories, Logan.

I LOVE this, and it makes me ponder as usual.

Loving you, Sweet Warrior.

Keep writing...I'll keep reading...


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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
5 posted 2003-11-04 02:05 AM

Well now this was so "you."  I really enjoyed your telling and yes, if I run into hm I will tell him to contact you about "wellness."
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Member Empyrean
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6 posted 2003-11-04 10:35 AM

To keep a light on in your heart and mind when surrounded by total darkness is a most difficult task, even for the strongest souls. Those who hold tightly onto the light must absorb its healing rays daily to maintain the glow.

I believe that you have that steady glow.

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