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0 posted 2001-09-04 08:22 PM

     Once again we were sent out ahead of our army
to scout for the Union army. We have camped by a
creek for the night. tomorrow we will cross it and continue our search. A look out posted near the ford reports that a Yankie scout unit has set up camp on the other side of the creek across from us.
"Hello Rebs",some one from the other shore calls out."We are tired and promise you no trouble if you give us none in return". I shout back."I agree,there will be enough of that tomorrow". He asked if we had any tobacco. I said we have some extra cigars and a jug of whiskey we would be willing to trade for some coffe and meat if they had any to spare. We attached a string to a rock and tossed it over to them.Soon a wooden bucket was towed across the water with cigars and whiskey garnered a return of coffee and a sack of dried beef. After the best meal we had ate in a few months was gratfully consumed we lay near the fire and Toby broght forth his banjo and we began to sing some popular songs. The yankies on the other side joined in with a fiddle. Pur voices blended with a lifly musical acommaniment. They had a lad with them who sang an Irish ballad that brought tears to our eyes. It was hard for me to believe these men where our sworn enemies. The singing slowly died out and I gazed sleepily into the camp fires flames. I thought about the day to come.I would ride forward to neet these very men in battle.
Our pistols would blaze and our sabers would ring on
theirs. Would I kill the boy with the sweet tenor voice or would he ki;ll me? There is no lose of ardor for my faith in the cause. It is times like this that I am most aware that wars are started by politicians but it is men like us with so much in common who must fight and die. The fire has died down to embers and I wrapped my blanket around me.My saddle is my pillow and my revover is close at hand.
I have faith that the enemy will keep the truce for just this night,I slept soundly.My stomach is full and I dream of home and you.


Captain Robert E.Jackson
1st Calvary,Army of North Virgina


[This message has been edited by paladin (edited 09-06-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Robert E. Jackson - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2001-10-10 10:55 AM


'It was hard for me to believe these men where our sworn enemies'

I think that this thought was in the hearts of so many during that time period.
Among the saddest days of American history~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
   [email protected]              

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since 2001-08-02
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Dark side of the Moon.
2 posted 2007-01-31 02:23 PM

Captivating, emotional and visual.


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