Passions in Prose |
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Her Mother's Touch (Blood Moon saga, Ganamede Evans) |
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knightlyshadows Senior Member
since 2001-04-14
Posts 791obscured vision |
Ive known that something was going to happen soon. I didnt know what it was, but i could tell that it was coming. I guess you could say i have some of my mothers gift...being able to 'see' things. I fell asleep this night, not knowing that the time ive been waiting for was just about to fulfill itself. So i slept..and i dreamt. In the dream, i was walking down a forested, well travelled lane. It had been so long since ive thought of my child hood that i didnt even recognize it as the lane i travelled everyday of my life up until i was twelve.... I was walking along, just enjoying the peacefullness here, it was so tranquil and calming... too quiet it turned out. I heard the gentle sobs of some one, a small child i could tell, up ahead on the lane. I slowed down and slipped into the woods not wanting to come across anything unsuspecting, something my brother had taught me well when i was young. I crept up to where i could hear the heartbreaking sound..and i saw.. i saw myself, as i had been so many years ago, but really only six. I saw myself holding my mothers lifeless hand in my own, and begging her to open her eyes..knowing she never would again. I wanted to run, to flee away from that place and forget again what i had witnessed and what i now watched. But i couldnt, my feet were rooted to that place in the woods, watching myself as i was when i was twelve and had witnessed my mother and father being killed. Tears ran down my cheeks unheeded, i couldnt take it anymore. I stepped out of my watching place, she didnt even hear me..sitting there lost, i knelt down beside her and took her in my arms. She looked up at me, her eyes full of pain and a simple all incompassing trust. Something so innocent and good..that it took my breath away. I dont remember being that pure and naive. (I think back now that maybe all children are, that its growing up that changes it all. But thats questions that cannot be answered for i know not....) I cradled her in my arms, and rocked her back and forth as if she were my own child..and then i remembered. I pictured this scene in my head again, as i was a child, and i remember crying by my mothers body....then having her take me in her arms and hold me and tell me she loved me, murmurs that i repeated in this child's ear now. It was myself, in the dream and back then. I had comforted myself as a mother comforts her only daughter. Just as i comfort myself, the girl in my arms now. I eased her hurt away, looking down at myself as she saw her mother in me. Id forgotten what my mother looked like, but everyday i see her looking back at me from my own eyes... Id buried her and this day away, so far away that id forgotten all about it, only thinking about the past when my brother, Overtone, brought it up. Id never told him exactly what happened, that id hid in the woods while the men slaughtered my mother and father... I stayed there, not going for help, not crying out, just watching.. to afraid to move, to do save them. I know that he suspects that i might have killed them myself, ive seen the look in his eyes when he thinks im not paying attention. The questioning look, of horror that his little sister would kill her family for gold, but behind it all still his love shining in his eyes. He believes me of this, and ive never told him otherwise... Hes never asked, and im too ashamed to bring it up. Because in truth, i did kill them. I killed them as i set there and did nothing. All these thoughts are running through my head, as i comfort the girl that was me and tell her words of what i once thought were nothing. Words of promise and love, words of hope. I had closed up my heart years ago, bordered it up so as not to get hurt. Only letting a few in, people i was close too... But as i cried into the crown of her hair, i felt those barriers crumbling down. Its odd now, and i might have just imagined it, but i remember feeling something...something almost entering my body. A warm feeling engulfed me, and all my bitterness and hate..all my pain, just lifted away. It was as if a tidal wave had swept in washing my soul clean... The innocence and goodness that id lost as a child, had become a part of me again. But i was still me..i was still Ganamede, the thief... In the dream this scene, of myself as a child now slowly evaporated, and i found myself walking..trying to figure out what had just happened. I walked to the top of a hill, where i set down to think and clear my thoughts... I remember looking up and noticing for the first time that it was now night time, that it was well passed the darkest hour. The full moon shining down on me and i hear.. a whisper in the air..? my name floats across my flesh like dew, and i look up into the face of the moon. And i see my mother... Shes standing there, the moon shining a bright white behind her..almost like a halo. She says my name, and i feel it like a caress against my face. There are tears running down her cheeks and i notice for the first time as they run down my own. I see in her arms, my doll... the doll id lost when i was twelve. The one id left behind at the caravan, because i was to busy feeling my pockets with fathers stash of gold..Id ran off to find Overtone, and tell him the horrible news...only to come back to find everything gone but their bodies and the skeleton of an empty caravan. My heart broke when i saw it in her arms, knowing that id left my youth when i lost that doll... She reached out to me, embracing me with her love. I could smell the sweet scent of her flesh. The scent of my mother..that id missed for so long. I broke down and wept as she held me close, the doll between us...the body of a dream and the body of a ghost. I fell asleep in her arms, just like i did when i was a child. I woke up the next morning..wondering if it was all a dream...yet knowing in my heart that it was real... I clutched in my arms still my lost doll. I whispered her name,'Sala,' and pressed my face into her hair. She was just as she was, when i lost her.. Even the tiny mark on the back of her neck, proclaiming her to be a member of the Evans family... Knowing all of this to be true..I lifted my eyes upward, into the day that had come to greet me. And i witnessed the sunrise in a different light than before... Saw the world through the eyes of an adult, but once more with the heart of a child. Blood Moon host: port: 1313 “A single choice can build destinies,or destroy them.” "I want to be in another place..." [This message has been edited by knightlyshadows (edited 06-27-2001).] |
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Sharon Member
since 2001-06-04
Posts 53Within a whisper |
Please know that I have no wish to crush you, only give you some gentle advise. First! I liked your story. It was well told and carried out your thoughts quite well. But, the word I should be capitalized even if it's not at the beginning of a sentence. And I've or I'm should have an apostrophe. Keep writing!!! I look forward to more from you! |
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