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How Long? |
Goldenrose Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665 |
Sorry if this sounds a little strange request, but i have been at pip for sometime now and have never properly understood the time limit on how long members are banned for if they have transgressed the rules? I mean if members have been banned they certainly must have done something quite extraordinary to be banned in the first place, but is there a set period of time for certain transgressions? Or is it left up to individual admins and mods to say?...Is there a sit down with mods and admins to discuss if people should be allowed back?..I would like to see this time period reduced...once the member has been off for even a week and not been allowed to post on pip they have got the message..i can tell you this from experiance...maybe a time period for different transgressions should be set..say 1 week for posting upsetting things like words or images..two weeks for strong language in a family area...and longer for just plain upsetting people with remarks that hurt and make fun of conditions and problems etc...i suppose it is s a very difficult job and one i do not envy the admins and mods to make..but to pip memebers it is long time for people to wait and we just would like to be able to post sooner... Thank you for reading...hope everyone is well and may everyone find inspiration and their muse to write their perfect poem.. Goldenrose. Desire for nothing except desirelessness,hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything.avatar Meher Baba. |
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serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
When you ask questions like this, there is really only one answer: /main/deputies.cgi |
Goldenrose Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665 |
As i have said serenity i think the admins and mods have a difficult job, i dont want to do their job, i would just like a answer to come to me on these pages, so that other people will know as well, by informing me all the rest of the poets know too. I am not in anyway being crtitical, let me make that plain, i just want to know how long and how they make up their minds on this? Goldenrose. Desire for nothing except desirelessness,hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything.avatar Meher Baba. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"on this?" um..did I miss something? On what? |
Goldenrose Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665 |
On how long they make members of pip wait before they are allowed to post again? Desire for nothing except desirelessness,hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything.avatar Meher Baba. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I'm confused. after what? I am posting quite timely, as are you, apparently. Is there a time delay mechanism I don't know about? |
Goldenrose Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665 |
I dont think there is a time delay here?..Maybe you dont understand the question? i am asking, in general how long do members of pip have to wait after being banned form the site before they are allowed back into pip?...this site does not allow me to do illustrations but if i could i would..LOL..i am posting just as you are..i am talking of other poets who are not allowed to post at the moment..how long do they have to wait? Desire for nothing except desirelessness,hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything.avatar Meher Baba. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
OH. banned poets!!! now you see? that makes a difference, lovie and I would have to guess that the answer to that would be up to the moderating team and the owner of the house. yanno? thanks for clearing that up for me, tho |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
The time limit that one is banned, Philip, will always depend on each individual incident - and banning of any poet, has, in the past, always gone through several "warnings". I hope this answers your question. |
Goldenrose Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665 |
Karilea..thank you for your reply...it does kind of answer it...but is it about waiting for people to cool down or what?...if they are sorry for what they have done and are ready to come back and post in a responsible manner then why cannot they come back now? Goldenrose. Desire for nothing except desirelessness,hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything.avatar Meher Baba. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Philip, anyone who has managed to get themselves banned knows very well their time limit - just as you would know, were it to happen to you. As was said, each and every incident is as unique to the poet as their poetry is to them. They also know what they need to do in order to return. |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Philip, I am afraid your questions and statements have confused me as well. I know that Kari has answered, yet, if I may, I would like to try and clear some things up for myself. Please have patients with my lack. First, you said: ‘never properly understood the time limit on how long members are banned for if they have transgressed the rules?” and then you said, “i can tell you this from experience.” What confused me about that was that you imply (I think) that you have had a “time out” yet you don’t understand the time limit. Are you asking if there is a set time limit for a set infraction? Secondly, you say: “once the member has been off for even a week and not been allowed to post on pip they have got the message” I guess my confusion here is in how anyone could possible know that everyone that gets a “time out” learns their lesson in a week. Third, you say: “say 1 week for posting upsetting things like words or images..two weeks for strong language in a family area...and longer for just plain upsetting people with remarks that hurt and make fun of conditions and problems” I would just like to comment on this statement. Although I can certainly appreciate your effort to help decide who gets what, in my opinion, the way it is done, with a discussion between the admins and obviously Ron (as it is his site), on a case by case basis seems more than fair. And finally, you say: “but to pip memebers it is long time for people to wait and we just would like to be able to post sooner” This is confusing to me because in my mind, the person that is on a “time out” had the responsibility of reading and adhering to the rules of pip. Therefore, shouldn’t they, and they alone, be responsible for their actions? After all they knew the rules and made a decision to say or do something they knew may get them a “time out.” I don’t know, Phil, sometimes I think a simple timeout isn’t enough or soon enough. But I know, from doing DM rotations, this is a fair place and Ron is one of the fairest people I have ever “met”. "too bad ignorance isn't painful" ~Unknown~ |
Goldenrose Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665 |
Susan thank you for replying to my post...please allow me to explain further. Point 1. The time that the members are given a ''time out'' for is like saying ''how long is a piece of string'', it is open ended. My point about my experiance of this is that i was unfortunate enough to have transgressed the rules in the past and was never told, ''ok you broke the rules, your banned for two weeks''etc. I was left hanging for an indeterminate amount of time. Point 2.Is again from my own experiance, after a week of not being able to post, we DO miss not being able to post and we therefore know first hand how we miss it and all of the frustrations that not being allowed to post brings, to prolong it is not nice. Point 3. You are correct that it does seem fair to do things on a case by case basis, but meetings between admins, mods etc can be prolonged by people who may be busy or on holiday, which means the people waiting to hear about their posting privalages have to wait.By having a fixed penalty it can be imposed without everyone meeting, by any senior admin or moderator. Point 4.I have said before, if people do not respect the rules they deserve to be given ''time outs''. Everybody should be held responsible for their actions, but as a person who has been there, it would have been better if i had been informed before hand ''you are banned for three weeks...because..(reason)''. You see there is communication when it is done that way, instead of the wall of silence. As we are writers and therefore concern ourselves with communication, do you think it better to inform us or keep us in the dark? Susan your closing lines tell us what kind of place passions might be if you had your hands on the reigns...there would doubtless be an empty site due to members being banned for life, but let me tell you that a website is only as good as its members, they are the lifeblood of the site, and while i may have been in the bad books in the past, i like to think that i have now more respect for this site and have altered my behaviour as a direct consequence of my ''time out'', so much so that i feel that it has been a very valubale learning curve and one which more members should expeariance, even if it is for a short period, to appreciate just what a well run and truly unique site this is, it is amazing what taking things away from you can do to alter your mind and how easy it is for you to find respect after your posting privalage is denied. May all live in God's grace..may all live and write freely... Goldenrose. Desire for nothing except desirelessness,hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything.avatar Meher Baba. |
Marilyn Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621Ontario, Canada |
I moderated back in 2000 and I find it hard to believe that you were banned with no contact from the moderators. Generally there are many warnings before a ban. Most or the moderators are old friends of mine and they are good kind people who take the time and effort to keep this site a family site. There is no place on the web that compares to PIP. As for the time limit thing....don't you think the mods. know the severity of the offence as well as how many previous offenses have occured? All of these thing need to be concidered and a case by case opition is the only one that is fair. My 2 cents on a topic most likely abandoned long ago. Marilyn |
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