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since 2002-12-25
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Ontario, Canada
04:23 PM

Before dawn-break, I often wake up the room still dark, curtains drawn; a pinprick glow from my nightlight clown with downcast troubled face keeps me from stumbling around drunken.
I can't shake off the feeling I am having dreams of another life, real or not. This inspires me to go back to sleep, and there wave a magic wand to reshape my life.
Like a writer given the license to build a plot, conquer worlds with flair and ease, I can steer a course beyond a road not snagged like tangled threads. away from a crazy necropolis of twists and thorns. But the dreams are hazy when I open my eyes, sleep sloughing off as I grope into my mind looking for something wonderful to hold on to I am befuddled, a sense of disconnection bothers me, holds and bewilders me.
Dream images follow me around like shadows I don't wish to evade, like the scent of wilted flowers flirting with me - my unhappy clown blurts out a merry haha, gives me the finger.
@jjote 02/11/2017
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Josefina Costales
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Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
06:12 PM
Hah! You took me on a ride, and I am here to tell you, jjolte, it was a ride and a half, and I felt right at home. As they say . . . I have been on that ride before, a number of times. Dreams. They can get so real and bizarre at the same time. Since I have begun taking medication for my short term memory loss they come more often and more vivid. Yikes!
~ If they give you ruled paper, write sideways. ~
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
08:47 PM
something I don't understand...dreams...james
Bluesy Socrateaser
Member Elite
since 2002-11-07
Posts 2417
In The Mirror
05:17 PM
I don't think any good ever came out of dream interpretations. It's like a latter-day prophet. What's the point in trying to figure things that have already happened? To look ahead with faith and hope may offer up forms of kind assurance, but I like it all in the 'now'. It makes me feel more confident regarding outcomes....just bein' Bluesy