Open Poetry #50 |
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The Trump Card |
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Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere ![]() |
It is not my intention to debate. I have my frustrations and I’ll give them to you straight. The Electoral College failed and I’ll tell you why. Its purpose is to protect an ignorant electorate from electing a flim-flam candidate. It has long been debated that the winner of the popular vote should hold some Electoral sway. Especially in this modern day climate of communications, voters see and hear enough to take note. Unfortunately due to political pandering we have a problem called Gerrymandering. We carve up our districts in red or blue to give an advantage to me or you. They aren’t accurate or proportional. It is just something that they do to win. Like this voter fraud malarkey dressed up in a big hoop-dee-do. A thinly disguised attempt to make it harder for certain citizens to vote. The people have taken note of the who’s behind what and why. And then we wonder why they don’t trust the system enough to cast a vote but are quick to give an opinion. A lot of people called for change. They thought running the White House like a business was the way to go. We didn’t need a president, we needed a CEO. But what we got was a horse of a different color, orange to be exact with a palomino mane. A show pony for sure, with limited tricks. A maverick on the loose, tweeting just for kicks. It’d be different if he’d cop to what he doesn’t know instead of putting on a show of Presidential ignorance. His supporters live under a pile of number one grade A denial. God forbid their man should come under fire for being an asshat and a liar. |
© Copyright 2017 Lori Grosser Rhoden - All Rights Reserved | |||
JerryPat2 Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975South Louisiana |
This man can't even take a breath unless those who hate him pounces on him. I agree he is not the kind of presiden we are used to. ~ If they give you ruled paper, write sideways. ~ |
secondhanddreampoet Member Ascendant
since 2006-11-07
Posts 6394a 'Universalist' ! |
Hopefully, America and Americans were never "used to" an egregious, egomaniacal/narcissistic, chauvinistic, vindictive, bigot and B.S.-artist with no adequate sense of governance (not that I had any serious 'respect' for Hillary nor her 'hubby' Bubba either) [... and I actually hail from a v. long line of New England Republican conservatives.] |
Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere |
Jerry, Hate is such a word of rhetoric and the auto response to any criticism. If you have not heard him lie with your own ears then your news source is blindly biased. If you are comfortable with a leader that acts like an out of control emperor, I hope you will be comfortable with the repercussions.~L |
Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere |
How refreshing! Someone willing to call a spade a spade that isn't a Democrat or Independent. Thanks for sharing. ~L |
secondhanddreampoet Member Ascendant
since 2006-11-07
Posts 6394a 'Universalist' ! |
More like a psychologically unstable, totally self-focused 'demigod' than an 'emperor' even. [I call it the "mini-Hitler Complex"]. |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
Trump is an embarassment and the fact that he has the nuke code makes me very afraid. Thanks for your post..these are strange times we live in, how we ever got here is beyond my comprehension. |
Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere |
You and me both Blues! It'd be different if he was just a goofy buffoon, but he is dangerous in his ideals. He is the embodiment of all the fear and festering of a simple minded set of people. ~L |
Cerulean Member Posts 109 |
Enjoyed how you rhymed this poem, Lori. I'm just now reading everyone's comments. I understand everyone's frustrations. Yes, as Blues said we live in strange times... but you're all looking in the wrong places. |
Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere |
Cerluean, Quit being so mysterious. Where should we be looking? (and don't give me a web address) ~L |
Cerulean Member Posts 109 |
Lori, let's just forget about it. |
Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere |
Okay by me. |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
Lori, I am surprised at you! How COULD you insult horses and ponies so? I will comfort myself with the thought that they were a metaphorical horse and a metaphorical pony! I know you know I am not angry with you, but his "hat" doesn't deserve the name, "mane", nor the colour "palamino". I know you love horses and ponies, despite the poem. ![]() |
Lori Grosser Rhoden Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202Fair to middlin' of nowhere |
Owl, How you you make me laugh, you beautiful soul. I'm not surprised this did not offend you except the animal references. Non-American Pip patrons are much more tolerant of my political views. Now that you have run this up the flag pole again, we'll see how it fares. We had a blizzard here yesterday and Mizz Kitty sends her greeting from the warmth of the corner of the couch. Winston says running through the snow can be fun once he gets his old bones off the porch. He is like a little kid at bath time- can't get them in the bath, then you can't get them out! At the moment, he says hi from his cozy bed in the living room. Bless your heart. ~L |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
Not from you, but I was expecting to be swallowed whole - or chewed into tiny little pieces before being swallowed (still am, sorta) with this post, but oh so glad to get such a lovely reply from you. It will make up for all of the "being chewed" ones, if I am indeed right in expecting to be eaten. I hope your excellent poem fares well. You are very brave and you have my support all the way! AND THANK YOU for the messages from – and delightful updates from and about Miss Kitty and Winston, the precious, cuddly, darling angels that they are! Just picturing them both where they are, and Winston in the snow! Please give them both multiple kissles and huggles and cuddles and sweet somethings whispered in their ears and said out loudly from their adoring Auntie Di from across the HUUUUUUGE water bowl! Bless your heart too (and theirs)! I have a poem composed of 4 limericks that I wouldn’t dare post on an American poetry forum, but I will email it to you. I strongly suspect that you will enjoy it, lol! Diana |
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