Open Poetry #50 |
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Pandemic Poetry # 7 |
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effjayel Senior Member
since 2007-09-30
Posts 1474At the Crossroads of Infinity ![]() |
There are 29 vaccines from which we can choose The question is this, which one should we use?. Of course all of these are owned by Bill Gates The profits which are shared with certain Mp's Shares hidden in banks overseas .... Conveniently accessible from Tropical islands we bought for their mates The 1st one did not work out to well And did not provide an answer But as per usual we will not tell ... Just cover it up like we did with the cure for cancer "Ignorance is the Enemy...." |
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Forlorn Angel Member Posts 143 |
Yes very true and all that is left to do is pour our hearts and pray. Off to read #6. |
Joe Crow Member
since 2007-12-18
Posts 66Indiana |
It's the people of the pyramid who do the dance of death, Behind the mask of AUTHORITY that has no life or breath. Lies, theft and murder history records a long tradition Of the chaos and terrorism used to force us to submission.... Look for the symbols the symbols dont lie. Listen for what they are saying, fear Nature trust in them, all your choices and decisions have already been made for you. A Pandemic was declared using innacurate data fed into a model designed to instill fear and panic into people's mind's so a preplanned predetermined response that was worldwide and called for shutting everything down could be forced on all people's and nations. It's all part of AGENDA 21. Look up Event 201 and look at the logo, what does it say? Read correctly it says Global Event 21 not Event 201. Mandatory vaccines, contact tracing to spy on people worldwide, climate change, geoengineering, global reset, mandates and Executive Orders, stripping people of their natural born rights and replacing them with privileges allowed by the AUTHORITY have absolutely nothing to do with the Republic our founding fathers created. AGENDA 21 is Treason to our Republic and our Constitution. The unfinished pyramid symbol with the all seeing Egyptian eye on the Great Seal belongs to Freemasonary which is incompatible with our Republic. It's a symbol of Treason against our Republic and our Constitution. The two inverted pyramid symbol on the Great Seal above the eagles head wasn't put there by our founding fathers. They described their vision as a constellation and even sketched it out and that's not it at all. That 6 pointed star is the star of Idolatry, as above so below order out of chaos is the meaning of the two inverted pyramid symbol. It's also found on the Israeli flag and is used by the Rothschild family that takes credit for the miracle of the creation of the modern state of Israel. Our Republic has been under attack since it was created. Our Republic was founded on the foundation that we receive our rights by the Laws of Nature and of Natures God and that all Authority of our Government rests with our will to Govern ourselves as free natural born men and women not subjects or slaves to dictators thieves tyrants or any other king or queen or title not even President of the United States but that we will be making our own decisions and live our own lives the way we see fit period. The "Builders" believe the G_D they created in their own image has all AUTHORITY to rule over all the people and the planet, there's only room for ONE at the top of the pyramid and Dynastic Rule like it was in Ancient Egypt is what they want to reestablish. How did they reach their conclusions? They consider silence approval. It's the same way they operate their debt based monetary system and the Judicial system. In the beginning the Elohim created one Man and called their name Adam the represented figure of Mankind. The Elohim breathed into Adam and made him a living soul. The Elohim is the God of the living not the dead and he called his people Adam not Israel. That's how the story goes. After Man eats from the tree of knowledge of good and evil he gets booted out of the Garden and death was upon him. He no longer knew his Maker face to face after that came the G_D of the dead, he called his people Israel. Moses led the people out of Egypt and they brought their Idol worship with them. Moses told them they were stupid and left to their own way would destroy themselves. Moses told them choose you this day life or death a blessing or a curse. They are still waiting for the ressurection and the arrival of their Mashiach. Pharoah was a political entity whose source of AUTHORITY was represented by the Serpent on his head. The Mashiach of Israel will be a political entity whose source of AUTHORITY will represented by the Serpent. That's according to the Rabbi's who also claim covid-19 is the work of their G_D. They claim G_D gave them the money to control because they are charitable, they claim it's their job to feed the people which ironically is the same claim MONSANTO makes when it defends ROUNDUP and GMO'S, They claim they are the Chosen People and only they know what G_D thinks and does, his actions and intentions. When you create G_D in your own image of course you would know all those things the problem is that G_D isn't our Creator. The real question becomes who is Man at war with if not himself? It's been a long time since I've been here. |
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