Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
07:34 PM
the fall of the year was hog killing time at my grandpa's farm I recall it with mixed thoughts all the daughters and son-in-laws came to help huge black cast-iron pot a blazing fire under it sat in the yard Mawmaw's yard was bare of grass she swept it with small tree limbs tied together off to the side of the pot was a wench set up to hoist the hog up by his hind feet soon as that was done amid all the shrill squealing Pawpaw cut that hog's throat let the blood drain out in a big tub make sausage with it later he'd gut that old hog clean everything out put it in the boiling back cast iron pot filled with boiling water so it'd be easy to scrape the hairs off After all that was done Mawmaw'd boil the chitlings or guts, of that hog back then people used everything they had to eventually the hog would be scraped cut up and hung in the smokehouse while all that was going on Mawmaw would go out in the yard grab one of the chickens running around pecking here, pecking there wring its neck throw it under a #10 washtub let it flop til dead by sunset she had a meal worth eating cathead biscuits, milk gravy mashed potatoes and fresh fried chicken and the best damn tea cakes in the world on the side iced tea grace was said not much talking time for eating everybody slept well that night
©May 8, 2011 / Jerry Pat Bolton
If they give you ruled paper write sideways.
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Jerry Pat Bolton
- All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
Posts 7563
Spring, Texas
10:10 PM
Cool piece, my friend. We had chickens, ducks, turkeys and White King pigeons. Everything but the hog. And a huge vegetable garden. For desert we generally had black berry cobbler or banana pudding - and of course, more ice tea than water.
My earliest memories of the place was a little three room affair - bed rooms on each end with a kitchen in the middle and a porch full length of the place. Outhouse and a combination chicken house/shed were we bathed in a big (huge to us kids) galvanized wash tub (about 15 gallon I think).
This was in Metairie, just off Airline Hwy, back in 50's, 5 miles or so from (then) Moisant Airport.
Brought back some good memories, you did!
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
11:04 PM
I hear you Jimmy. My grandparents lived on a dirt road in southern Arkansas, about two miles long and their house was the only one on it. He planted cotton, corn and other food stuff. Happy my poem brought back some good memories.If they give you ruled paper write sideways.
Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499
11:46 PM
Reminds me of the farm in Delaware. Nice home milk cows, barns,chickens and hogs.Plus, Large hay fields,and vegetable gardens. He had a meat shop at the end of the house and made scrapple among other cuts.I once met a man here at the beach who had been passing by and stopped to eat at an outdoor place where I was also eating.He mentioned where he came from and when I mentioned my cousin by name he said he knew him well. His scrapple was better than any one's. But the first time we saw a hog hanging it hit us also.
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
08:24 AM
I understand completely how seeing a hog hanging might affect someone, Marty Joe. It is gruesome to say the least. But they have to die. There is no other way. Vegetarianism? Never catch on worldwide. Thank you for your presence here this morning.
If they give you ruled paper write sideways.