Open Poetry #46 |
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Earth Day |
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Abe Senior Member
since 2003-05-28
Posts 694Looks like Vero Beach, FL until the end! ![]() |
EARTH DAY We still have all those people Who say, our Earth is not in trouble Who want to burn the fossil fuels So their profits, more than double. The oil and the coal companies Don't care about the rest of us They just care about their bottom line Say, "There's no need for all this fuss!" Those in some other foreign nations Who burn their coal and cut their trees Don't care at all, about what's right And they do exactly, as they please. And, we aren't too much better With all our great technology We could have some alternatives To make some things, pollution free. Yet, we try bad things like Ethanol Raise the price of corn, sky high Pay more subsidies to farmers While Earth's people, starve and die. We were/are the "Industrial Nation" Who brought us here, to this brink Too many times, we didn't care And many more, we didn't think! Already too late for some species Like, Polar Bears and many more While we waste all our resources On things like, the illegal, Iraq War. The ice melts as the Oceans rise And Land will quickly go away To crowd our populations more And more Wars, the price, we'll pay! We can't provide for those we have There's almost seven billion, now With seven million more, each month How to feed them? Who knows how? Our Children and their Children Will have a very dire future If we, the stewards of this World Don't step up and try to find a cure. We must admit, there's a problem And try to use some common sense Believe, all of us are in real danger And must wage, a common defense. So, this Earth Day, do something To make this Earth a better place If we would all do, our fair share We just might save, the Human Race! Del "Abe" Jones 04.21.2008 EARTH DAY, 2007 We have "An Inconvenient Truth" And Cheryl Crow traveling the land With so many more celebrities Who are choosing to make a stand. There are scientists and politicians And governments and some countries But far too many of Earth's people Who still do just as they please. It seems all the worst offenders Are those who have the most to lose And all those poorest of this World Do not have the choice to choose. Our Nation's people and leaders Those, who seem to talk the talk For one lame excuse or another Are those who won't walk the walk. We can't count on our Government It will take the individual one To just do our own little part If we hope for anything to get done. Most believe in global warming Some think it some conspiracy But to continue the way we are Is dumb and complete lunacy. Americans are so wasteful And we should all be ashamed Of how we've treated Mother Earth Since our wilderness was tamed. With just some very simple things And small changes in our life We could make a huge difference And help to ease the eco strife. So this Earth Day make an effort To make this World a better place For our children and their children Lest we destroy Mankind's birthplace. Del "Abe" Jones EARTH DAY, 2006 Once there was a paradise Both wild and so pristine Apart from the rest the World With Oceans in between. There were People, one with Life Who were Keepers of the Land Revering all around them Just as the Great Spirit planned. Their lives were good and simple And those Native Nations knew If they took care of Mother Earth That, She'd take care of them, too. Only taking what they needed And using everything they took Although they'd never read it Seemed to live by some, "Good Book". But, then the Europeans Learned the World wasn't flat Set sail, landed on these shores That, brings us to where we're at. They brought the white man's greed And began a sad Time in Space That just may be the downfall Of all of our Human Race. We, of these new United States With all our technology And our quest of the "Good Life" Will leave a horrible legacy. The ice of the World is melting As all the Seas begin to rise Warm Weather wreaking havoc With destruction from the Skies. We pollute our Air and Water Cut/burn Forests to the ground Bury ourselves in our Garbage And drill where any oil might be found. Del "Abe" Jones EARTH DAY A Senator thought, "Earth Day" That a President empowered It was the germ of the idea That ultimately flowered. An idea by Gaylord Nelson Back in Nineteen sixty-two Who asked the Kennedy's about it And the Brothers liked it too. The President began a tour In Nineteen sixty-three To put it on the agenda But, it wasn't meant to be. Nelson didn't let it die With the assassination He knew that people cared All across this Great Nation. There were demonstrations Against the War and other things So at a conference in Seattle Nelson said, he'd pull some strings. Springing up from the Grassroots In the Spring of Seventy A demonstration for Nature And Nationwide Conservancy. Our Earth's Environment Was finally placed on the table And People everywhere Began to do what they were able. Now celebrated round the World As more People learn and see If we don't take care of it Our World will someday cease to be. Del "Abe" Jones 4-17-2005 ENDANGERED SPECIES Verses in ( ) are new and added (I wrote this in the early 80s And thought I’d add some more, today As we still destroy our Planet In the same, old, greedy, selfish way) We talk about what we can do To save what we don't kill But I think we all know That we never, ever will. (Some inroads were slowly made To save some endangered species But all in all we all seem doomed From the human being’s worst disease.) We discuss all the things That could and should be done But it usually ends right there Before they are begun. (We talk and procrastinate And I think it’s kinda strange We know we should but never do Those things we need to change.) We won't waste our precious time In our greedy haste We will wait until it's gone And cannot be replaced. (We’re too busy with ourselves And wait for someone else to lead To change our ways of living We’ll need to do to succeed.) Then we'll gripe about it Let another take the blame And the worst part about it -- Next time we'll do the same. (Some say we still have the time To stop our self-destruction And the release of greenhouse gas Or at the least, some reduction.) Some day we will realize Though it will be too late We're the endangered species And have sealed our own fate. (There are still some people Some we may think are smart Who say there is no problem Can they believe that, in their heart?) The world will be better off Without the human being 'round Without our intelligence(?) Maybe sanity will abound. (We seem keep ourselves at War To control the flow of carbon fuel And will never know righteous Peace As long as the corporations rule.) Maybe peace and tranquility Will spread around the earth Once we realize how little We are really worth. (Maybe when we go extinct Nature will find a better way To evolve a smarter, caring being Who won’t be hell-bent on its doomsday.) Let us hope we leave enough To start some life anew -- That, we don't kill it all 'Fore we bid this world adieu. Began in the early Eighties Updated after some twenty pass Will there be a time to write of changes I doubt it, the way it looks, alas. Del “Abe” Jones 1980s and 01.08.07 Del "Abe" Jones Mankind's greatest accomplishment is not the revolution of technology, it is the evolution of creativity. copyright 1984 |
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Artic Wind Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 8080Realm of Supernatural |
Everyone needs to make sure that they are keeping this earth nice and safe. I am a very green person, I love nature, I love anything to do with saving the environment. ![]() ARCTIC WIND |
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