since 2011-10-08
Posts 68
Yavapai, Arizona
02:30 PM
The Guide Wise men named this thing we do, it's called the tree of life. But all the growing I have done, has led to endless strife.
The picture I have, of this life, has taken time and will; the tree of life that I have seen, lives on a great big hill.
The climb I started, way to late, for shadows cross the path; sometimes to find the right way up, I look and then I ask.
As time is passing quickly on and hardships block the way; the hardships stand like great big rocks, I climb them every day.
Sometimes the other climbers help, but they are busy to; ducking rocks and climbing higher, for a better view.
Then one day a stranger spoke, and motioned me aside; He told me of a better path, if I could lose my pride.
"If you can follow in my steps, and not once look around; If you do, we'll make this trip, before the sun goes down."
He hadn't made two dozen steps and I was left behind; the rage I felt was hate itself, self pity on my mind.
It wasn't long, I stopped to rest, his detour was a bust; he'd offered help and ran away, a stranger you can't trust.
When daylight came,I followed on, and searched with all my might; to find the hidden path he took, and hoped I found it right.
Then I was filled with happiness, his promise he had kept; for flowers grew in every place, the stranger took a step.
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Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
Posts 6128
Texas, USA
05:45 PM
Yeah, now that is some heavy thought put to pen.
Enjoyed the climb.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Maranatha!
since 2011-10-08
Posts 68
Yavapai, Arizona
06:22 PM
Thanks Jl, ..Thanks to the good Lord, they just seem to flow outa my pencil. Karl