Open Poetry #47 |
Le silence (French and English) |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Le Silence * J’ai joui du silence profond à l’ombre d’un platane, au bord du lac qui buvait à pleine bouche du ciel bleu éclatant, tombant du haut sur les rayons du soleil, habillés d’or pur pour la danse sur les vagues poussées par une brise joyeuse. L’eau était la seule qui ne cessait pas de chanter. Son murmure doux et rythmique, un bercement pour mon âme. Et la lumière jouait un jeu à trois avec les feuilles du platane et les souffles d’air exubérants. Je me suis laissée transporter par la superbe harmonie déployée autour de moi. Et voilà que j’étais l’arbre, l’eau, le ciel et le soleil et aussi les feuilles dorées. Ces feuilles dorées qui n’avaient pas l’air triste et qui dansaient la danse de la vie jusqu’au bout pleines de confiance et de joie. J’embrassais alors l’arbre, je caressais sa peau de soie et il chuchotait à mon oreille son message d’amour ... "Danse la vie, danse la vie ... Danse jusqu’au bout comme mes feuilles qui meurent en dansant ..." Enfin le silence et la lumière m’enveloppaient de nouveau et avec tous mes sens je percevais le souffle universel qui anime toutes les choses. Je danse ma vie ... je danse. ****************** The Silence * Surrounded by profound silence I sat under a plane-tree by the lake which avidly drank of the sapphire sky bending down from its heights upon the sunrays dressed in gold for their afternoon dance on the waves driven by the cheerful breeze. The water alone didn’t stop to sing its song. Its soft rhythmic murmur rocked my soul. The light played its jolly game with the plane-tree’s leaves and the exuberant wisps of wind. I let myself transport by the superb harmony displayed all around me. And I became the tree, the water, the sky and the sun and also the golden leaves. Those golden leaves which looked so unafraid and danced life’s dance unto the end filled with confidence and joy. I hugged the tree then, caressing its silky white skin and it whispered to my ear its message of love ... "Dance life, dance through life, dance unto the end like my leaves which let go to pass on while they dance their last dance." Silence and light encircled me again as with all of my senses I perceived the breath of Universe which animates all things. I dance through life... I dance! *** |
© Copyright 2011 Margherita Rueger - All Rights Reserved | |||
JL Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
Posts 6128Texas, USA |
Nice dance. JL Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. |
JerryPat2 Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975South Louisiana |
So it's true! You are a bona fide tree hugger . . . Heehee ~~ "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent. It is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." --George Washington ~~ |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
So charming. So sweet and sensual, reminded me very much of the delectable Jane Berkin... and I confess I tried to understand the French--but um, it ain't like my grandma's. *laughing* |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Thank you, dear JL, for enjoying the dance. Yes I am a tree hugger, dear Jerry! Thank you for your comment. Try once and you might be surprised about what you feel ... I have often written about my communication with trees. Thank you, dear Karen, for your loving reply. Oh yes, she is delectable, that true nature girl who still believes in her dreams. It may seem strange that I posted this in French, but quite simply in those moments I was thinking in French and the poem was born according to my thoughts ... Love, Margherita |
Falling rain
since 2008-01-31
Posts 2178Small town, Illinois |
This instilled a certain kind of peace within my soul. Reminds me of how powerfully moving, yet peaceful nature can be. Thank you for writing this. |
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
"Dance life, dance through life, dance unto the end like my leaves which let go to pass on while they dance their last dance." You do indeed dance... and we all hear whispers of the music. Just beautiful, dear friend! |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
Margherita, je comprends complètement pourquoi le poème était né en français. Pardonnes-moi, mais ça c’est la raison pourquoi je n’irais pas – et j’ai peur de - et je ne peux pas - lire le poème en anglais. Il est plus que parfait comme ça et le poème est un poème français, en dépit de quelle traduction qu’on fait. Néanmoins, je comprends aussi pourquoi tu l’as traduit en anglais, pour ceux qui ne lisent pas le français. J’éspère que tout le monde lira Le Silence (en français ou en anglais) ce poème qui porte la beauté, la tranquilité et la paix, comme personne ne peut, que Margherita – et surtout en français. Je vais garder Le Silence avec tous mes poèmes “Margheritas(!).” L’image est aussi belle que les mots. Je sais que tu comprendras tel que j’aime et comprends: Et voilà que j’étais l’arbre, l’eau, le ciel et le soleil et aussi les feuilles dorées. De tous tes poèmes magnifiques, c’est le plus beau, et je ne crois pas que personne – meme toi - peut écrire (ou a écrit - et j'y comprends tous les poètes célèbres) un poème plus beau que celui-ci. C’est comme le soleil dans le ciel. Merci. Owl |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Thank you so much, dear Falling rain, for coming in here to read and to comment so kindly. Kind of being in a state of Zen. I see you are familiar with Japanese culture and so you know what I mean. So good to know that you heard the music in this, dear Ruth. Thank you so much for your loving comment. To be in the flow and to dance is an art we can learn! Now, dear Diana, it's my turn to be blown away!! Je te remercie infiniment pour ta réponse si généreuse! Et, oui, je comprends que tu as peur de lire le texte en anglais. En effet si on pense de traduire c'est très difficile, mais alors je pensais de nouveau à mes émotions et je cherchait de les rendre en anglais, comme tu dis pour nos amis ici. Je suis très émue par ton commentaire! Merci encore. Love, Margherita "Love is the One who masters all things; |
flash Member
since 2010-11-28
Posts 213miami beach, florida |
Margherita: Very evocative and flows like a great river into the everlasting arms of the sea. Memorable passages like: "Dance life, dance through life, dance unto the end like my leaves which let go to pass on while they dance their last dance." This passage reminds me of one of my all time favorite haiku by K. Ramesh: a yellow leaf touching the green ones on its way down the dying touching the living one last time--the final farewell; the dying saying goodbye to the living; releasing your grip as you bid farewell to a loved one--on its way... OMG your poem and that ku sends tears flowing.. --flash |
ThisDiamond Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
Posts 9353Michigan, USA |
You have a captured a moment in time that is sparkling in its translation. Loved this! |
Dark Stranger Member Patricius
since 2001-03-19
Posts 13631West Coast |
ms of your best presentations... a pleasure to read you lady friend |
Dark Stranger Member Patricius
since 2001-03-19
Posts 13631West Coast |
ms of your best presentations... a pleasure to read you lady friend |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Dear flash, you made my own tears flow with your comment and that exquisite haiku. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poignant thoughts here. Dear TD, it brings me joy to find you here reading and commenting so kindly. Thank you! Dear DS, and it is a pleasure to read your loving comment. Thank you dearly. Love and enjoy your day all. Margherita "Love is the One who masters all things; |
ebonygirl Member Elite
since 2011-07-14
Posts 2000California U.S.A |
Dear Margherita, The dance of life begins when one gets up and extends the hand, loved your poem, Ms.E |
2islander2 Member Ascendant
since 2008-03-12
Posts 6825by the sea |
ouahh margherita, je suis émerveillé, ton poème ne comporte aucune faute de français (vraiment aucune) et je pense que le français est aussi ta langue maternelle...Je confesse humblement que je saisis mieux les nuances quand tu écris en français, je suis un piètre élève en anglais, tu as beaucoup de chance de maitriser ces deux langues, ton inspiration aussi me semble magnifique et je l'appréhende mieux et plus simplement en français, vraiment c'est super de lire les deux versions, tu me fais vraiment penser qu'il faut que je travaille mon anglais à nouveau, merci pour ce gentil coup de pouce et cette modestie toute poétique. amicalement yann |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049California |
Dear Margherita...lovely and loving, this dance of trees with you, and also me. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
I read this a few days ago, my friend, but knew I'd be back to enjoy and savor your wonders again... ~*~ And I became the tree, the water, the sky and the sun and also the golden leaves. ~*~ and we, with you, do too. |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
Love this poem...reminds me of some of the feelings I feel when the trade winds are blowing briskly through the coconut trees. It is then when I feel blessed by God...James |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Dear Ebonygirl, there are many ways to dance our lives and reaching out is certainly one of these. Thank you for your loving comment! Cher Yann, thank you so much ... je te remercie pour tes compliments! Je suis heureuse que tu as apprécié ce poème que j'ai écrit en écoutant mon coeur. Nous nourissons nos âmes en absorbant la beauté de la nature. (Mon français est loin d'être parfait, mais j'aime bien m'exprimer dans cette langue). Et j'aime bien que toi - mon voisin le plus proche en Europe - sois ici chez Pip et que nous puissions publier nos poèmes en français aussi pour la joie de Diana et d'autres membres qui connaissent la langue. Dear Martie, oh, thank you, I enjoy including you in this dance, dear Poetess. Thank you so much, dear Karilea, for coming back and leaving your most loving and kind reply. Dear James, your beautiful reply is an added poem. Thank you for sharing your feelings here. Enjoyed it greatly. Love and joy of oneness. Margherita |
Klassy Lassy Member Elite
since 2005-06-28
Posts 2187Oregon |
I wish I were fluent in French. I studied it a little in school, but your poem leaves me awed! This time of year, that feeling of being at one with nature permeates the beauty, and I want to drink it in, but know I am too small and it will swallow me instead. Dance? Yes! With someone's arms around me, in circles of soul, and know that indeed, I am a part of Love's radiance. It's rare to be conscious of it so profoundly! Margherita, the picture you use is a lovely illustration of the light and expanse. Beautifully done, your poem sings. ~Karen |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
Tu as raison ma chère amie, Margherita, Yann et toi, tous les deux, me donne de la joie délicieuse avec votre poésie magique, dans une langue dont je suis amoureuse pendant bien des années. Vous êtes, tous les deux, des poètes magnifiques et je vous remercie de tout mon coeur! Owl |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Dear Karen, your beautiful, poetic comment entered my heart, thank you so much! You radiate awareness, dear friend. The picture is exactly the place where I experienced this moment I try to render. Even though I took the photo last year. Dear Owl, thank you again, your words humble me, please be aware that the appreciation and admiration is reciprocal. Tu es la fraîcheur et la lumière de l'aube mon amie ... la clarté et la beauté de ton coeur m'inspirent toujours. Love and hugs. Margherita |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
Merci beaucoup, Margherita de tes mots si beaux que ton coeur. J’ai senti, sans aucun doute, à l’instant d’avoir vu la photographie et d’avoir lu Le Silence, que l’image était du vrai endroit de ton poème. Owl |
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