Open Poetry #45 |
Yay! |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
(Hi y'all! I've just finished an incredible weekend at ErosFest Northwest, which has positively changed my life forever in immaculate ways! I'm just feeling an incandescent feeling of elation right now, to the point where, honestly, words can't make justice yet of some of what I'm feeling! This re-posted song, however, I believe best gets to the heart of what I'm feeling, and I hope everyone else feels to as well! Have a wonderful week everyone! ) * Yay! By: Noah Eaton 7/20/04 Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Baby, you bring out the best in me, you're just the one to teach the world to sing, It's not being perfect that makes you special, it's just being as perfect as you can be, so many want to turn back the clocks, but all I want is to look ahead with you, baby... Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Baby, so many care about new shoes and diamond rings, but your fresh face is all I need to see, I love it when your hair brushes your lips, and when you blush your smile's like strawberries and cream, from your lemon poppyseed freckles, to your knees of your bees, I love you baby... Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Cause happiness is a way of travel, not a destination, and life is always beautiful, when I'm traveling with you, Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! I just love the scenery, when I detour through your mind, you make me love every mistake I've made, clumsiness is pretty when I see the light in your eyes, you're a vacation within a vacation, you're the rhythm in my every rhyme... Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Cause happiness is a way of travel, not a destination, and life is always beautiful, when I'm traveling with you, It's not being perfect that makes you special, it's just being as perfect as you can be, it's not being perfect that makes you special, it's just being as perfect as you can be, Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
© Copyright 2009 Nadia Lockheart - All Rights Reserved | |||
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
"I've just finished an incredible weekend at ErosFest Northwest, which has positively changed my life forever in immaculate ways!" ~ In "immaculate" ways? lol Hi, Noah! I was thinking of you and hoping that the ErosFest would be a pleasurable ~ I mean "pleasant" ~ experience for you! Apparently it was! ~ and that's a good thang! You sound happy! Love is in the air! Linda |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Hi Linda! (huggies) Everything about the festival was inspiring. Firstly, this was the first time that I ever played a leading and co-organizing role in any festival/social gathering, and the fact that the planning committee put so much faith in me from the very beginning brings tears of elation to my eyes. Eventually we're determined to have ErosFest evolve into an LLC, a business of sorts, and they have showered me in praise for all I did for the festival and said they will hire me in a heartbeat when that time comes around! Secondly, the festival has been a godsend for me socially! A handful of volunteers I've already worked with at other volunteer opportunities, who I asked and encouraged to help out at ErosFest Northwest, indeed did volunteer at this festival, and so this festival, in a way, wove itself as a testament to how far I've come in half a year, with many familiar faces interlaced in the fabric surrounding me. Plus, I felt completely comfortable talking with all my peers, answering questions, etc. and so it has worked wonders for my self-esteem and confidence level! Finally, this festival has opened a lot of doors for me into communities that are aligned with my core life philosophy! Peers I worked with at this festival have cordially invited me to open mic sessions and dance workshops. Even more amazing is that all of the festival founders are amazed at how hard I've worked, and have given me hugs and told me how I work and think like a true leader and that, if they could pay me this year, they would immediately. In fact, the festival chair said she was determined to reward me for my hard work (despite me insisting I do it for the love of the festival and what it stands for) and then, inspired by some deep friendly conversations we had, she wanted to find a dakini for me, which the other founders echoed and I graciously accepted! I'm simply overwhelmed at the moment, and yet my mind has never felt so clear and light to me. I read an article over the weekend during a break about how new scientific research has found that the way we think, our thought patterns, affect our DNA, and how simple changes of thought can either positively or negatively affect your DNA. I absolutely believe this. After going through a rut for about two years prior to the beginning of this year, when my mind was in a state of disarray and ennui, I told myself "You need to break out of this rut, listen to your heart, follow your intuition and you will shine I'm sure!". So I did, and my life has been blessed this year in immeasurable ways! Thanks soooooooooo much, Linda! It is your warmth and friendship that has always kept me believing and helped me to reach where I am now! God Bless You! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
Noah, I leterally have tears of joy in my eyes. You have come out of those two years of doldrums and are shining so brightly that I can see your Light all the way up here in Canada! You apparently have found your niche and it is wonderful to know that you are being appreciated for who you are and for what you selflessly do. You will always be my Angel Boy but you have grown into an impressive Angel Man. Love you! Linda |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
I definitely feel wholeheartedly I've found a large part of my calling, which can at best be integral to an incredibly wide swath to my life's work, and at least serve as an inspiring, fulfilling stepping stone for even greater things to come! Either way, I'm ecstatic! One community I'm definitely going to be spending a lot of time with, which I discovered through the preparation of this festival, is one called LoveTribe, which helps facilitate a touch-positive culture that is safe, sane and consensual. I now realize that, with my social differences and all, that I don't seem to fit the mold of a conventional relationship in many respects, yet for so long I didn't know what alternative would suit me. Along with my meet-ups with a dakini, communities like LoveTribe, I believe, are the answer in preparing me for a destined relationship later on! Then I'll have all these diverse opportunities in-between, from Loaves & Fishes to serving the homeless at the Union Gospel Mission and beyond, so I can live a multi-faceted life to the fullest! Toward the end of the festival, I really teared up, but in this feeling of utmost elation like I've never felt before. One other moment that especially touched me was when the accountant, Rowdy, gave me a hug and gave me such amazing words of encouragement and then recommended a positively-affirming book titled "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, saying whenever he sees me he is reminded by much of what the book extols. I just bawled with bliss hearing that, and just yesterday I went to the Multnomah County Public Library and I already booked a copy and am reading it, and am also going to study Tantra a lot! Again, thanks sooooooooo much! I hope you've been having a wonderful summer so far too! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
My word! The ErosFest and LoveTribe are doing all that for you? I'm glad you're getting the word out! Does your Sky-Dancing Dakini do your Happy Dance? lol Enjoy your love fest, Angel Boy/Man! Love makes the world go 'round! Linda |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
You might have a LoveTribe community in the closest metropolitan area where you live! LoveTribe was founded in Portland in 2003 when its visionary, inspired by laying there in a circle at Burning Man with a bunch of other gatherers, realized that nurturing touch is crucially important in all our lives, and so founded this community to reverse the commodification of sensuality and touch in our culture. Since then, many other places worldwide have caught Portland's benevolent bug, including some Canadian cities, London, Tokyo and Mexico City. I think so much of my earlier poetry has had these sorts of sentiments all along, but I was just never exactly able to make the jigsaw puzzle fall into place. So many have long said I'm one of comfort, and that I'm a healing presence to many, and now I want to help harness a community all about healing and nurturing others from the vices of repression and alienation! Last Thursday, to kick off ErosFest Northwest, we actually had an event right outside the gallery where the Opening Night Exhibition took place called the "Flash Snuggle". It's a time-based performance art meets LoveTribe gathering where blankets are all folded out on the sidewalk and the street and many just randomly show up with blankets, teddy bears, pillows, bunny slippers, etc., lay down next to others and simply just chat, hug and Eskimo kiss one another just like many of us would do when we were kids and we'd love building forts, having pillow fights, lay down beside one another watching movies through the night, etc! It even got filmed so it can be shared on YouTube and elsewhere! When it does get uploaded, I'm pretty much sandwiched right near the middle of the Flash Snuggle! We'll have to see now, won't we? I'm most optimistic she will though! Stay tuned for new poems! I wish the same with you, dearest Angel Friend, as you are constantly spreading love and comfort to the world yourself! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
Noah, they sound like the Love Ins of the '60s. This organization appears to be made-to-order for you! You are a loving person and you are surrounded by loving people. It make my heart smile to see you this ecstatic. Love to you, my friend! PEACE! Linda |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
I thought the same thing when I first heard about it, and I still think they bear a striking resemblance to love-ins! Many have said throughout my earlier life that I have that hippy spirit, and many of my old poems have those flower age maxims echoed and referenced within them, so it probably comes to no surprise to many here I'm drawn to LoveTribe! Awwwwwwwwww, thanks Linda! The same is certainly true with you, because you are, after all, an angel of the Earth! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
Roniece Dawson-Bruce Member Ascendant
since 2000-01-29
Posts 5689Sydney, Australia |
lol!! hey, let me get a word in please! Noah, I am soooo pleased and happy for you that the festival was a huge success both personally and professionally for you... well done, I am so enjoying your Facebook postings too! Have a beautiful day lovely Noah... RDB xxx Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight......... |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Yay! Roniece is here! I can't believe how much my life has changed for the better in such a short time. I found myself crying in ecstasy again today when I saw it beginning to rain for the first time in almost two months today in Portland, where we've been having the worst drought situation in half a century, and metaphorically I've had a drought in my heart prior to this year for a while, then to see the rain suddenly come immediately after the festival's end was metaphorical to me as though the drought is over, and the garden of my heart is now lush and verdant! It's such a beautiful sight to see, and I LOVE walking in the rain during the summertime in that the drizzle feels like gossamer to my skin! I can't really post much ErosFest Northwest-related content on Facebook for obvious reasons, LOL, but I'll write a detailed blog entry about it, and a documentary filmmaker that was filming the whole festival will upload content soon on YouTube including the Flash Snuggle! (huggies) Hope all has been well, my dearest friend! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy! |
Yay Noah! I am coming back tomorrow to eavesdrop in on this conversation between you and Linda. You both bring so many smiles to my face. If you are happy - I honestly can say that I am happy. You know, I have one of your songs on my Ipod and listen to it sometimes just to smile. I'll let you know which one it is tomorrow when I come back. Thank you for all the joy you bring to PiP. Hugs and kisses to our happy Noah! Alison |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Awwwwwwwwww, thanks Alison! I can't wait to see you eavesdrop on our conversation tomorrow...............and learn once and for all which song of mine you've been streaming on your iPod! Wow, this poem thread has suddenly turned into quite a chat thread! Much of that is certainly my own fault! I'm blessed to have you as a friend, dearest Alison, yay! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
Artic Wind Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 8080Realm of Supernatural |
This totally was a great read before I go to bed. Not only is this exciting for you, but its great to share with those on the pages of blue. Awesome stuff ARCTIC WIND |
latearrival Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499Florida |
Noah, sharing the love you are now feeling. It might have taken a while, but you win by a long shot over so many others who never found their "Home". Too many people have never found a place in this world where they can say they are comfortable. Joy to you. I am so happy that you are finally in a place where you are comfortable and wanted, even needed. latearrival |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
Goooood Morrrrning, Noah! I have often thought of you as a Flower Child of the 60's! Down to your love of wearing 'Jesus sandals' and Tie-dyed T-shirts! It's been a circuitous route for you for most of your life and you are now coming into your own. As you can surely tell by the warm responses that you are receiving, you are loved by your pipster friends! You have been missed and we are happy that you are happy! Enjoy your life! You have many wonderful experiences coming up! Perhaps love will find you now that you have finally found yourself! Your friend (one of many!) Linda |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Awwwwwwwwwww, thanks Arctic Wind! I'm glad you enjoyed this read before bedtime! I just thought it was a simple, uplifting anthem that just expresses joy in its most simple, yet ethereal, form! (does happy dance) Hope you're having a lovely summer too, my friend, yay! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Yay, Rae is here too! (does happy dance) That is a sad truth to life. In fact, only approximately one percent of us worldwide become self-actualized by the end of our lives. Whether or not I become self-actualized in the true sense of the word in this life is something I'm not going to pensively dwell upon or worry about, but I'm certainly going to live and love life to the fullest like there's no tomorrow, and be blessed with all some spirit of destiny has bestowed upon me! (big friendship huggies) Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
I've just always found the flower power culture so colorful, so inspiring, so creative, and while some of the energies lost focus and were misdirected and led to some tragic setbacks with drug use and sporadic acts of violence, I believe wholeheartedly in the crux of the ideals the gypsies and rainbow gatherings espoused, as I believe they are just what the world needs much more of, and it's just a matter of keeping them disciplined in a constructive conduit that will make all the difference! (hugs you with tears of warmth in his eyes) Awwwwwwwwww, thanks sooooooooo much! I know I am loved by many here, and I have missed everyone here soooooooooo much too. I feel I have literally grown up here, and everyone has observed me growing up before their very eyes, and so I can see how sentimental many feel here now reading the headlines that my heart is singing in life's highest octaves! I absolutely know love is on the horizon, and that I am deserving of it. I guess, for a decade, I used to think that it was ideal to dream and aspire for a conventional friendship/romantic relationship, but I've decided, given how unconventional I am in the eyes of many and the way I communicate is different from the norm, I believe having a spiritual, sensual relationship with a dakini is the right place to begin for me, so then I know just how to love that special someone when I meet her and can fulfill all her non-verbal, deeper needs and desires. I've long been fascinated by Tantra as it is because I find it to be a very female-friendly kind of love/sensuality, where the woman is treated like a goddess and, at its core, there is a reciprocity/kinship unmatched by any other kind of love. I've also long been enchanted by Tantra because it teaches us that everything that anyone experiences, regardless of whether it is usually judged as "good" or "bad", is part of our learning experience in life and an opportunity for growth. I've long been sexually frustrated, for one, and for a long time I felt ashamed at myself for letting myself get consumed with these intense feelings and just kept it all bottled up inside of me, which only led to deeper feelings of confusion, alienation and scarcity. In Tantra, such emotions aren't seen as "wrong" or "bad", but rather an exciting, positive opportunity to understand ones motivations about sex and anything in life. So this is the choice I've made, and I absolutely believe in it. It's possible some may not agree with it, but I believe ultimately it will prove most beneficial for me and help me value and appreciate the subtle energy body and the more deeper, mystical aspects of my personality, which is great for ones physical, emotional and mental health! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
ctowen Member Elite
since 2001-10-18
Posts 2286Green Mountains of VT |
I have obviously been missing out or at the very least in all the wrong places!! Good to see/read you, Noah!! Glad to hear you in an uptone swing! : ) Ct |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Oh My Gosh! Craig, it's been soooooooooo long since I've heard from you! How have you been, my friend? I've never been in as wonderful a place in my life as I am right now, and I'm absolutely convinced things will get even better as I continue to dip my toes into the sands of the community. I feel absolutely in control with myself and my life, and what's more is that I did it independently without having to sacrifice so much of myself. I attended my first LoveTribe planning party last night also, and am already undergoing training soon to becoming an "angel" at gatherings, where I basically supervise each gathering and make sure everyone feels comfortable there and that all affectionate and sensual touch is safe, sane and consensual. I know this concept will still sound eccentric or bizarre to some here, but I think this is just one of those kind of things where it isn't until you actually set foot into such an event and observe yourself that you understand exactly how positive and fulfilling such an experience can be! Yay, I can't wait to hear how you've been, my friend! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
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