Falling rain
Member Elite
since 2008-01-31
Posts 2178
Small town, Illinois
10:16 AM

Morning has woken The snow continues to fall Silence reigns supreme Tree's standing tall.
The snow falls upon the graves Of hero's long forgotten in the past The men who died and served for us In the wars that seemed to last.
Stone angels guard The tombs in which my father died. Their eyes show me cold sympathy Mournful eyes that have cried.
The bitter cold is hanging tight Snow dancing upon the air. No cold sympathy hangs in my eyes Only a mask filled with despair
Tears never healed my wounds But I cry almost every night. How I wasn't there to save him And how I wasn't there to win the fight.
Memories haunt my past Holding me captive within my mind. Silent torture holds a grip Choking me in its bind.
Fate had better plans for me That's why I live today Have to continue fighting like my father did everyday.