Open Poetry #43 |
Douglas Adams |
Jaime Fradera Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843Where no tyranny is tolerable |
Douglas Adams Space is big. Space is so big, in fact, that it can not be made to fit neatly into anything. Because anything that might contain Space is necessarily smaller then space. But wait! This might not seem the problem that it may at first appear to be, especially if one is properly equipped with an ultra high-frequency sentronics sub-meason synto-matic sensor, and a reverse spin anti-matter negative particle decelerator, not to mention a good-sized beach towel. The reason for this is that Space consists mostly of nothing, except for, here and there, a few microscopic and insignificant specks we call sooper novae. When one considers that space is really nothing, apart from the occasional Jovian sized black and white hole (or black and white television), then the problem becomes: Can nothing be made to fit neatly into something (like in, say, a 25-gallon Hefty trash bag) Then it becomes easy to say that, since Nothing is going to be smaller than Something, and since Something is going to be bigger than Space (that is, nothing), Then it becomes possible. conceptually, to fit a tempest in a teapot, and even fit Eternity into a grain of sand. (As long as one can do this without tearing up the fabric of Space-Time). Then Nothing might really amount to something! Then Nothing can be full of Somethingness, and something could be filled with Nothingness. Let's see ... ... Do I exist? I desperately want to sleep, so I just made this up. (For Midnitesun, with whom I will forever be in love) Friendship is for Life, if not Forever. |
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since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy! |
Well, I dunno - maybe I wait for the Midnitesun to come around before I respond to this one. Nope, not gonna wait. This is wonderful in a confusinly delightful way. I almost got out my calculator to figure how how nothing could be something could be something and then nothing. Or maybe I have that backwards. Jaime, your poem is creative and makes me smile Yes, I'll save one beach towel for potential space travel and I'll hope that I have you to converse with on my trek. Your mind is a wonderful and creative place to see unfold. A |
Jaime Fradera Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843Where no tyranny is tolerable |
Awwwwwww Alison ... thank you for having such frolicking and irreverent fun with my frolicking and irreverent poem. Mucho abarasos and mucho love for Ali!!! O, and I forgot. Would you let me take you out to the restaurant at the end of the universe? O never mind ... I have to figure out how to find it first and if they take Visa. Jaime Friendship is for Life, if not Forever. |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
I laughed and thought all the way through this something-nothing piece of nothing-something. And laughing and thinking are two of my favourite things, so a big thank you, to you, Jaime, for evoking two of my favourite things, to you Midnitesun, for inspiring Jaime's poem, and to you, Alison for your fun reply. - Owl |
OwlSA Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347Durban, South Africa |
Just for the record, Jaime, you jolly-well better exist because we need you and your poetry! Forgive my ignorance, but who is Douglas Adams? A quantum physics scientist? And you have answered my question without doing so - the one about what kind of science. - Owl |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Well, dear Jaime, te quiero con todo mi corazòn!! This is a masterpiece of humoristic, yet serious THINKING about Universe. Without knowing, you wrote this for me too, dear Jaime. I love it to pieces!! DNA surely applauds you from Above, no doubt!! GREAT WRITE! A keeper! Abrazos Margherita "Love is the One who masters all things; |
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