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Open Poetry #43
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A Beautiful Disaster
since 2007-01-13
Posts 409

0 posted 2008-08-13 02:25 PM

I'm falling into an abyss,
I'm seconds away from the bottom.
This abyss is my made-up future,
Painted by thoughts of my past.
I say goodbye to the dawn,
Cursing my being alone,
Closing my eyes - I surrender -
No longer this torture will last.

But then I take your hand in mine.
I smell your scent, I feel you here.
Above is only restless time,
Beneath the chasm disappears.
A gentle, somewhat weakened hand
Will hold me tighter than both arms linked
With someone else's arms
To drop me, to kill me,
So that I'd fall again,
I'd sink.

It's only your power to save me,
For, living from meeting till meeting,
I'll still have the world to believe in -
The world that is seen through your eyes.
I'll see you - my heart will be trembling,
You'll hear my anxious breathing,
Then - silence. You're still unaware
That you will for always be mine.

© Copyright 2008 April A. - All Rights Reserved
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