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Open Poetry #43
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The Shadow in Blue
since 2006-05-18
Posts 493
EL, Michigan

0 posted 2008-08-12 01:40 PM

Nervous lips trembled
As the angel blinked
Back tears

Grasping for
Her savior’s

As she leaned
Into his
Strong embrace

Lulled to sleep
By his
Comforting heartbeat

And the reassuring
Sweet nothings
Murmured into her ear

© Copyright 2008 Jill Slamka - All Rights Reserved
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Member Elite
since 2000-12-04
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state of mind
1 posted 2008-08-12 02:41 PM

very nice

A smile a day keeps the world in smile's.
Bernie Slicker

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 posted 2008-08-12 04:09 PM

Yo The Shadow in Blue,

Sounds all right to me.

Love Bobby

The Shadow in Blue
since 2006-05-18
Posts 493
EL, Michigan
3 posted 2008-08-13 01:08 PM

Thanks for your reply Bernie.

Bobby,good sir, your reply made smile. Thanks.

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