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Member Elite
since 2000-12-22
Posts 4596
Perth Western Australia

0 posted 2008-10-06 01:06 PM

Enchanting Dreams Transpire

A night sky filled with stars
We kindle hopes and dreams
As lovers enter the night
Where the silver path gleams

With stardust shimmering
Lighting the pathways of love
Reflecting a magical glow
The moon smiles from above

While romance fills the air
Glistening stars shone bright
Nights together we spend
Under the magical moonlight

Its here lovers rendezvous
In sharing our deepest desire
Neath star studded skies
Enchanting dreams transpire

Hope ©2008

© Copyright 2008 HopeS - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2003-11-17
Posts 4058

1 posted 2008-10-06 02:50 PM

dreams, stars, and rendevouz--how can you not love a poem with all this going on in it

thanks for sharing

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 posted 2008-10-07 10:14 AM

Yo HopeS,

This is a lovely picture and poem.

Love Bobby

Member Elite
since 2007-07-28
Posts 3410
Australia, Victoria
3 posted 2008-10-09 12:16 PM

I love your poems Hope, they are always so romantic. Love to you dear lady.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
4 posted 2008-10-09 05:34 PM

Very romantic...James
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