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Open Poetry #43
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serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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0 posted 2008-09-19 06:47 PM

I poked my husband, asking, "Please,
would you go shut the door for me?"
But he had fallen in deep sleep
as I was waiting nervously
for my surgery.

The nurses had taken my clothes
and nearly every thing I owned.
They gave to me a cotton gown
and it might have reached the ground--
if I stood at three-foot three;
but alas, there's more to me
than there ever was before.

A lady took my temperature,
so I indeed did ask of her:
"When you leave, please shut the door?"
I asked her what the gown was for...

"Modesty," she said, "and you're
messing up my readings girl--
close your mouth."
Then close the door!
I thought to myself grumpily.

She departed, and yep, you guessed--
once again, the door was left
open to the nurses desk
(all of them ignoring me)
I glared at them through my bare feet
and then? I bent my knees.

And so it was an orderly
who finally regarded me,
postured and composed was I,
a sideways smile between my thighs--

"Girrrrrrrrrl? Y'got yer 'goodies' out!"
"Ain't that what we're all about?"
She said there was no need to shout.
"All y'had to do was ask."
I simply smiled and said, "mah ass"
before she shut my door.

I like my privacy.

© Copyright 2008 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
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standing on a shadow's lace
1 posted 2008-09-19 09:20 PM

you are too funny

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2 posted 2008-09-19 09:30 PM

I'm going to be laughing in my sleep, yanno!!!
I knew I shoulda waited 'till morning to read this.
(yep, I am hitting the pillow very very early tonight)
Naw. Glad did.
I can really picture this scene.....

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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3 posted 2008-09-20 08:23 AM

Oh, dear Karen! You are too cute! So much for their sanctimonious modesty! Thank you for the smiles!

You also reminded me of when I bought a bathsuit for my three year old daughter and the boutique salesgirl said that the one I choose was just enough big/small to cover my daughter's "shame". I gave her a killer look, but such sayings and ideas are hard to die!

Love and hugs.

"Love is the One who masters all things;
I am mastered totally by Love."

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2008-09-20 08:32 AM

  That's one of the things I love about you, you get the job done.

me, I don't have the stones to do what you did, but I have one hell of a mean mouth when I want...

I love you madly!

"too bad ignorance isn't painful"

Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
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Durban, South Africa
5 posted 2008-09-20 12:58 PM

Giggles, Karen and more giggles and more giggles!     

- Owl

Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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So. El Monte, California
6 posted 2008-09-20 01:30 PM

Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do.
and you did it. Haha.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

7 posted 2008-09-20 02:21 PM

After reading up on this, I figured out that I simply put down that I was the wrong religion. desty_gowns_offered_to_women_patients.html

Now I doubt seriously they'd believe I was Muslim, but maybe...Rastafarian?

oh yeah mon...

"Get up, stand up--stand up for your rights."

--Bob Marley

Actually, I wouldn't suggest acting up in a hospital to anyone.

The guys with the syringe? WIN

<--head still spinnin'


thank you

Member Elite
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8 posted 2008-09-20 03:28 PM

Great write!


The Lady
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
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The Southwest
9 posted 2008-09-22 12:01 PM

you've got me in stitches

I love this...

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
10 posted 2008-09-22 12:32 PM

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

11 posted 2008-09-22 01:06 AM


This one is being printed out, folks.

It's going on the bulletin board for the nursing staff of the hospital, and in my doc's office, and I have my finger's crossed for inclusion in a text!

Y'just never know...

So it doesn't matter how dumb you think something is...

I dunno...

I'm still laughing, and can't believe the reaction from the medical community on this'n.


It's apparently...yonilicious?

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since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
12 posted 2008-09-22 10:09 AM

Oh, how I remember...

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
13 posted 2008-09-28 08:13 PM

You know I read it~
You know I giggled~

My gown problems were that the gowns were SUPER-SIZED !!!
I could drape the darned thing twice around my little body~
Once in a while I am lucky enough that they bring me a hospital gown from the pedatrics department ... and they FIT !!

As far as that door closing ... :dust: you better believe that this lady INSISTS on the door to my room being closed AT ALL TIMES !
A couple of them have tested me ... but I let out a holler and they ocme back and close it!

Not out of this place YET ... but feel like I'm getting cantankerous enough to shoot for getting the heck out of here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*fingers crossed*(maybe ... just maybe)


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Oklahoma Rose
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Oklahoma USA
14 posted 2008-09-28 09:44 PM

I sure understand this. I like my privacy, too.
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