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Open Poetry #43
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Junior Member
since 2008-08-23
Posts 31
New-Brunswick, Canada

0 posted 2008-09-07 12:20 PM

Up is up
Down is down
Black is black
Round is round

You are you
I am me
My brain thinks
My eyes see

My hands feel
My feet walk
My heart aches
My mouth talks

My stomach starves
My bed is bare
My legs are restless
My scalp hairs

Night is night
Day is day
Life is life
When death's at bay

The ground's below
The sky's above
These things I know
But what is love?

Love is vast
Love is grand
Love's a word
I would rather not slam

Love's a number
Love's devine
Love's an answer
Love's a waste of time

Love's an arrow
Love's a break
Love's a foot
Stuck in my doorway

Love's a ceiling
Love's a wall
Love is sleep
With constant wake-up calls

Love's being naked
Love's a soundless shout
Love's an answer
A question I can live without

© Copyright 2008 MarcChamberlain - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
1 posted 2008-09-07 09:23 PM

It is all that... and so much more. *S*

I liked your rant... hope it helped! *S*

since 2003-06-05
Posts 205
2 posted 2008-09-09 08:47 AM

Awesome write. I enjoy the way you organized the poem. It flowed nicely.
since 2008-08-28
Posts 237
3 posted 2008-09-09 03:41 PM

This is a very clever piece of work but how right is it? I think we would all give a different answer.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas

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