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Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa

0 posted 2007-05-26 01:34 AM

25 May 2007

Floating embodiment
of grace
and spirit of the good!

O, world, drowning in self,
and do likewise
- with a smile
- or a life.

All of us
rich or poor
should, must
and, most of all, can.
It’s easy.
All we need
is a heart,
a mind
and a compass.
The choice is yours and mine
with every breath
we receive
with or without gratitude.

Come, world, let us take hands,
not arms.
Let us bask in our blessings
and invest them
in a world
worthy of our children.
Let us build a ship together
and call it World Mercy
and steer it towards
the sunrise.

- Owl

* This is the name of an international hospital ship, funded by an Irish singer (Bonill – spelling?) and the governments of several countries.  The Africa Mercy has just docked in Monrovia, Liberia to stay for a few months before going to Sierra Leone.  It has five surgical theatres and is offering free medical attention to countries in Africa.  I heard about it tonight on TV news.
**   This is a Zulu word that means “Let us build together” and it is pronounced more or less Muss-a-car-ni – with the “car” pronounced as a very open sound as an Australian would.

© Copyright 2007 Diana van den Berg - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
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1 posted 2007-05-26 04:06 AM

"Come, world, let us take hands,
not arms."

I share this prayer.

And I am so proud to know you....

Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
2 posted 2007-05-26 06:29 AM

Thank you very much, Karen.  I am equally proud to know you.  I hope I am not projecting myself to be better than I am.  I am not all that nice - I just want to be.

I just feel that it is so simple not to commit crime or wage war, no matter the circumstances.  You just don't do it and it won't be done and if each individual didn't commit crime nor wage war, there wouldn't be any.  OK, yes, perhaps that is an oversimplification . . . but is it really?    

- Owl

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2007-05-26 02:01 PM

Oversimplification?  Perhaps.

But we could use more and sweeter simpler ways to deal with humanity.  

At times, I think it is really only the
nations' bosses that stir and feed the
political flames...

perhaps they consider it job security?

Member Elite
since 2007-03-16
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Los Angeles California
4 posted 2007-05-26 05:52 PM

I love your poem. yes,peace, we all hope for it and try hard tries.

One of my friend was  in Kenya for two years in a medical team.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2007-05-26 08:35 PM


'All of us
rich or poor
should, must
and, most of all, can.'

There is SO much wisdom in your words~
Thank you for sharing~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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The Lady
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
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The Southwest
6 posted 2007-05-27 01:31 AM

"It’s easy.
All we need
is a heart,
a mind
and a compass."

you've done a beautiful job Diana
and we must start somewhere

thank you my friend

Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
7 posted 2007-05-27 07:46 AM

Thank you all you lovely people.  It is so good to sneak into Pip for a few moments of friendship, peace, upliftment and honest communication, even though i should be working 96 hours out of every 24.

Yes, Karilea.  I think it is our nations' bosses, but perhaps we should stand up to them - difficult though, as that could involve breaking the law - and that is against the philosophy of the above poem.

Drauntz, your friend who was in a medical team in Kenya for two years must have had a very hard time facing some of the terrible realities of the poverty and suffering in central African countries.

Marge, that is indeed a wonderful compliment from one as wise as you!

Yes, Kate, you have hit the nail on the head!  "Starting somewhere" is a wonderful philosophy, which I am going to keep in mind especially now, to use on our community.  My son and I are on the Sector Policing Forum committee (as chairman and secretary respectively) for our area and our main aims are to promote the image of the police to the community (99.9% or more of whom have lost faith in them); hold the police accountable for their mistakes and lack of action; and change the status quo.  We work our butts off and have the best attended meetings of the 4 sectors of our police station, and are the most pro-active, but it is tough - not to mention time and money-consuming.  One of the things we do, is to try to persuade people to put their complaints about the police in writing so that we can follow them up, but most people couldn't be bothered, nor do they want to be in a position to say anything good about the police.  Adding the catch phrase, "have to start somewhere" to the ones we already use, is an excellent idea.  Thank you.

- Owl  

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
8 posted 2007-05-27 12:44 PM

Hi, Diana!

When I was young ~ I mean, "younger" ~ I wanted to be a social convener on an ocean-liner. Instead I became a nurse. Perhaps I should apply for a job on the Africa Mercy!

Thank you for bringing this news to my attention.

Love, Light, Peace & Harmony,


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South Carolina, USA
9 posted 2007-05-27 02:44 PM

Diana,  the world needs more ventures similar
to this...there are far too many people that
need help...desperately....

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10 posted 2007-05-27 06:42 PM

Let us build a ship together
and call it World Mercy
and steer it towards
the sunrise.

Diana, you may add my name to this crew, any day! Thank you for offering such a loving post.

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11 posted 2007-05-28 03:22 AM

A beautiful and poignant call for peace.  I hear you and my heart is open to world peace.

Thank you for the beauty -


Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
12 posted 2007-05-28 03:44 AM

Thank you, Linda, Barry, Kacy and Alison.  It feels good to be surrounded by so much peace and wishes for peace.

Isn't it amazing?  I am sure if one asked everyone in the world, individually, whether they wanted world peace, I am sure they would all say "Yes", but as Karilea says, many of the nations' bosses would all have a "but".

- Owl

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
13 posted 2007-05-28 07:41 AM

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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14 posted 2007-05-28 11:21 AM

Hello's been such a long time since I heard the words from your wise soul.  I have missed you. I've not been around as much, but have not stopped appreciating the beautiful person and poet that you are.  
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
15 posted 2007-05-29 01:32 AM

Thank you, James.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  

Thank you, Martie.  I'm awed by your words.  I, too, haven't been around much, and can't be much either, but it is great to tiptoe in here when I can make it.  I hope you are well.  I miss you too.

- Owl

Member Ascendant
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a 'Universalist' !
16 posted 2007-05-29 12:25 PM

Superb 'write'!

Nothing more I need add to the appropriate 'comments'
already made by the grand-fine "P.I.P." poets!

sustained applause!!

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-29
Posts 7115
South Africa
17 posted 2007-05-29 01:49 PM

Hi Diana.  Certainly a worthwhile call for peace but we wish for peace, hope and pray for it, work for it, fight for it, and talk and dream of it and still there's no sign of it.  "Ask and thou shalt receive" - yes, but it was never mentioned how long we have to wait.  Enjoyed your words!


Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
18 posted 2007-05-30 04:59 AM

Thanks, Bruce.  Big smiles.  Also very happy that you appreciate PIP poets as much as I do.

Yes, Helen, I agree with you very well up to a point, but the beautiful peaceful things don't often make the news and when they do, most people don't notice it, remember it or laud it.  Glad you enjoyed the poem. Nice to hear from you again.  I can only pop in here for a few moments at a time.

- Owl

- Owl

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