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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2006-05-31
Posts 196

0 posted 2007-06-30 03:40 AM

~Might still be under construction...~

I gave him my heart,
Naiveté shining in my eyes.
He went and took a piece of it,
Imagine my surprise.
Betrayed by the hero
He had been for so long.
Are you sure what doesn’t kill me
Will really make me strong?

He killed my innocence
With an endless assault,
I hope he’s happy,
It was all his fault.

I gave another a shot,
Hope flowing through my veins.
I was just a little too willing
To hand over my heart’s reins.
He steered us off into nowhere,
I should have seen the signs.
Because when it comes to killing the heart,
Murderers come in all kinds.

He killed the last of my hope,
With an endless assault.
Oh, I do hope he’s happy,
At the time it was all his fault.

But what you’ve done is so much worse,
So much bigger it took my breath.
The part of me so wonderfully jaded,
Has died a slow, painful death.
And my cynicism, so near and dear,
Has been laid to peaceful rest.
Of all the killing done to me,
Yours has to be the best.

You killed the last of my darkness,
With an endlessly loving assault,
I hope that you are happy, my love,
Because my heart’s whole, and it’s all your fault.

I've stopped fighting my inner demons... we're on the same side now.

© Copyright 2007 Kelsey Dianne - All Rights Reserved
since 2007-06-16
Posts 106

1 posted 2007-06-30 12:33 PM

oh my god! this was SO good i really loved it. great job!

I know you'll be a sun in somebody else's sky, but why can't it be mine?
-Eddie Vedder

since 2006-05-03
Posts 400
outside in the rain
2 posted 2007-07-01 12:51 PM

wonderful job, truly :]
Senior Member
since 2006-06-09
Posts 1334
3 posted 2007-07-02 06:19 AM

WOW, your my another of my favorite writers. This is really good, i was soo suprised I thought it was about losing people and betrayal even till the end. Just Wow. This was fabulous , one of your best i think
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since 2006-06-18
Posts 2567
4 posted 2007-07-05 05:33 PM

superb ending another poem from you that I loved

~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~

since 2005-01-05
Posts 154
5 posted 2007-07-06 12:28 PM

"Are you sure what doesn’t kill me
Will really make me strong?"

This part was so good!! Your word choice in this poem made it AMAZING!!!

I loved it!!!

One trillion dollars could buy a heart a soul ~ Anti-Flag

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