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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2006-07-08
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0 posted 2008-09-05 08:53 PM

Hi Guys,
Well this is my masterpiece... okay well maybe it isn’t that good..
During my years here at PIP there have been some pretty awesome memories. Some amazing friends made and plenty of advice given. Within such there is also some people I have grown especially close to. The other day I sat on MSN with Tori (Shattered Smiles) and we had a good old chat, I said my bit and she no longer felt sad. Then a few seconds later the gorgeous Keagan (I_Am_The_Arch_Angel) came in and he too were having a tough day. So me being me, cheered him up. I love the relationships I’ve made here. From Tori the long lost sister who reminds me so much of another girl who I knew and lost to depression and to Keagan the loving understanding brother that I wished I had. Then there’s Bryan (Clockwork Orange), I’ve got so much I want to say about this boy. He is without a doubt one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. From poetry, to music, to diving he’s great at all of it. But Bryan’s talent doesn’t rest in any of the things he’s amazingly good at, his talent is the way he makes people feel as though they can succeed in whatever they do. His spirit and kind nature is something that this world lacks far too much of. I know that we’ve had our times but a piece of my heart will always belong to him.
Oh and i can't forget Emily she's another little sister to me and i love her dearly... Destined for great things is this girl...

And with all that said I really only have one more thing to say and that’s really for everyone. In life we’re bound to be faced with days in which we no longer feel our existence in this world is worthwhile, we find a reason or we finally give in to the voice in our heads and begin doubting who we are. How you got here. Every single person in this place is destined for great things in their life time so remember YOU were put here for a reason. Each of us has a story that’s littered on the many pages of these forums and during those dark days, the ones In which you need to ask yourself why your still living in this world look to the future, when all these young teenagers like ourselves are going to be battling stories just like our own and on their dark days one of us is going to be sitting right here telling them how it’s all going to be okay because we were once where they were now and we got through it. We got stronger when the world tried to make us weaker, we picked ourselves up when we fell down and most of all we believed when everybody else doubted. So if you’ve been abused by a loved one, suffered from an illness such as depression or self harm, or simply just had a rough go in life remember we’re all destined for greatness and when you can’t find the greatness your destined for remember the little kid who’s future you’re going to change when you tell him or her how you got through it all and made it out okay because even somebody like you or me can change the world!

(P.S: This is the current Journey of my PIP Family!)


Silent Cries Of Suicide, Forgotten Cries Of Glee (Following the lives of my PIP FAMILY, Shattered Smiles, Clockwork Orange, I_Am_The_Arch_Angel and Myself (RevengeIsMine)
The silent cries of suicide linger in the air tonight
A sorry soul forgotten, as a soldier stands to fight
A broken history repeated, for this girl has nothing left
A young boy stands to grieve, as his father lies at rest

Each of them has a story that alone will touch your heart
Each of them an inspiration in a world that’s torn apart

She sits alone again tonight, slouching in the chair
The voices have her good this time, oh god this isn’t fair
The demons they engulf her with every cut she makes
Deep down she’s a disappointment who lives in her mistakes

She’s only still a baby, but as pretty as they come
Those god forsaken bruises were put there by her mum
Tonight she’ll sing a lullaby and somehow fall asleep
But those silent cries of suicide she will forever keep

Somehow in the distance a young boy stands alone
Culching a broken locket and what remains to be a phone
Tonight he stood to fight in a world that’s dark and cold
He’s on his own now, there’s nobody’s hand to hold

He pauses for a moment staring at the locket
Reaches for the other half, that he kept safe in his pocket
But the encryption in the centre tells a story that’s forsaken
“For the story of the tempest, will never be mistaken”

Broken once again tears running from her eyes
Shallow hearts have been mistaken for her plaintive cries
Scars right through the middle of her broken heart
Clutching a stick in her hand the results will tear her apart

She’s been down this road before and it never did end well
At least this baby will have a father that’s not locked up in a cell
The lines soon turn pink as tears run down her face
Another baby to raise, another family to disgrace

Shattered tears won’t save him now cause his buried in the ground
He may be your hero but he will never make a sound
Your dad he really loved you and deep down you know that too
Because the million tears he cried that night, he cried just for you

The beautiful disasters we all know too well
The silent cries of agony and the bitter taste of hell
Tonight there’s hope for everyone, right down to you and me
And those silent cries of suicide will be silent cries of glee

© Copyright 2008 A Typical Aussie Chick - All Rights Reserved
Earl Robertson
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since 2008-01-21
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BC, Canada
1 posted 2008-09-07 01:07 AM

This is your master peice Jess. Every word rang clear and true and WOW! I mean just WOW! I really have nothing to say in my astonishment.

Don't believe Everything you Think

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
2 posted 2008-09-07 02:16 AM

You obviously put a lot of thought and work into this poem, as each stanza is one that someone reading out there can relate to.  Well done!


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since 2006-07-08
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3 posted 2008-09-07 03:05 AM

Oh Wow guys.. thankyou so much for your comments.. And yes this poem did take me a long time to perfect.... Thankyou once again,

Senior Member
since 2007-03-23
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Space Camp, IN
4 posted 2008-09-07 10:24 AM

i think tis is the greatest poem ever written and its the best from you yet. ive read almost every post i can on pip but this one takes the cake. the emotions i felt while reading it cant even be contained in simple words. just know that you are one of the greatest poets in the world and your most def my favorite. i loved it jess.   I <3 U!!

talent never dies
these days will never fade
just like the sacred memories
that over the years we've made

Senior Member
since 2006-07-08
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5 posted 2008-09-07 11:37 AM

Clockwork Orange u made me cry.. no bull..
Thankyou so much.. I'd like to think my poetry is good.. so i'm taking ur comment n running for miles..
Hugs n Kisses til the cows come home,

since 2008-01-20
Posts 247
inside the shadows
6 posted 2008-09-07 01:44 PM

Wow, Jess.. I'm crying..  This is an amazing poem and you're such a great poet.  Thank you so much, it really means a lot that you said those things.  I love your poem and I love you more!


So cut me into pieces and tape me into something beautiful...

Falling rain
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since 2008-01-31
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Small town, Illinois
7 posted 2008-09-07 01:51 PM

Great work.......

I am the arch angel
since 2008-02-02
Posts 167
8 posted 2008-09-07 03:55 PM

...                                       i don't think i've ever been more touched by words any time else in my life. wow.   you are amazing, and so isn't everyone else this poem is for..... your you jess      

much love,    
keagan   a.k.a. your little brother *wink*

If its at its worst don't stop believing, because I'm right here and I'm not leaving

Senior Member
since 2006-07-08
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9 posted 2008-09-07 09:25 PM

Thankyou guys,
Your comments mean the world to me..

Senior Member
since 2008-01-20
Posts 891
10 posted 2008-09-08 06:59 PM

...I have no words to describe this poem. Amazing doesn't even cut it. Brilliant job, and promise you'll never stop wirting. You're gunna change the world someday.  


"You are not loyal enough to eat my orange jelly beans....#}

Senior Member
since 2007-03-23
Posts 620
Space Camp, IN
11 posted 2008-09-11 06:48 AM

hey just email me at

[email protected]

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
12 posted 2008-09-11 07:00 AM

Jess. It's wonderful to make friends on here that listen( or read words) and can console one another in the daily turns of life.

Thank you for being one of those friends to others.


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