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Teen Poetry #8
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Junior Member
since 2008-07-15
Posts 44

0 posted 2008-07-21 11:00 PM

Love in you’re heart,
Love in the air,
Love everywhere you lead yourself.

Love in you’re mind,
Love in you’re thoughts,
Love everywhere humanly possible.
Hidden away in the most desperate like me,
Hidden away in every he or she.

There is a true love out there for every living soul,
He or she may have already come or passed,
But they are out in the world somewhere, waiting to be found…

© Copyright 2008 Love_Skull - All Rights Reserved
since 2008-02-03
Posts 309
1 posted 2008-07-27 01:21 PM

i love this this one.

"It was heaven........right in the center of hell" Bella from New Moon

Junior Member
since 2008-07-15
Posts 44

2 posted 2008-08-04 10:58 PM


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