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Teen Poetry #8
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Falling rain
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since 2008-01-31
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Small town, Illinois

0 posted 2008-04-03 06:43 PM

I'm crying myself asleep tonight.
Praying, hoping to make things all right.
My confusion blinds my eyes.
Its hard to believe all those lies.
Your broken smile doesn't fool me.
I can't think, I can't see.
Why did I believe all your lies?
Believeing you lead to my dismise.
I'm tired to cry over you. too tired to weep.
I'm getting over it. Try to see how you see.
Still doesn't make sence, why you do all those things to me.
Questions unanswered, left in the dark
Heart torn in two. Still has its mark.
I don't want to listen. To hear your voice again.
Never to trust you. Never my friend...


"What did you think I ment?"

haha yes im sort of crazy deep down inside. lol!!

© Copyright 2008 Zach Booker-Scott - All Rights Reserved
since 2008-03-26
Posts 109
1 posted 2008-04-03 06:45 PM

I really really loved this poem. It has remined me of how i have felt. And suprisingly i feel like that this moment. But once again i say really awesome poem.


Senior Member
since 2006-07-08
Posts 820
2 posted 2008-04-03 07:19 PM

This Is Great.. Love it... Nice Write...
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