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Teen Poetry #8
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Junior Member
since 2007-08-19
Posts 21

0 posted 2007-08-19 07:42 AM

Feelings, feelings I cant control
emotional overdrive taking over my soul.
Love? Pain? Happiness? Envy?
Feelings, that blind you, make it hard to see.
Every day a turbulent mass of
feelings, feelings
What do I do? How do I cope?
These feelings are consuming me.
Does he even notice? Does he even see?
Does he know I exist? What does he think of me?
Love, pain, happiness, and envy
consuming me
Does he ever turn his thoughts to me.
Does he ever see.

© Copyright 2007 Emily - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2006-06-06
Posts 513

1 posted 2007-08-19 01:11 PM

OH, I LOVED this!!! I can so relate. Been there, done that, probably going to do it again! So great. Going in my library.


Junior Member
since 2007-08-19
Posts 21
2 posted 2007-08-19 01:35 PM

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it
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