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Teen Poetry #8
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Senior Member
since 2006-06-06
Posts 513

0 posted 2007-08-10 10:36 AM

Have you ever watched a sunset
Sink below the trees,
Watched as it moves lower,
Blessed with blinding ease?

Have you ever seen a rainbow,
Or two, or even three
And seen not a symbol,
But a promise to humanity?

Have you ever felt the feeling
When you finally understand
The power you possess
When you hold a pen in your hand?

Have you ever heard that song
That breaks your heart in two
Apologizes sincerely
Then sews it up for you?

Have you ever known the feeling
That no one understands
If you’ve got something to say
And need someone to listen,
You could start the next hit band

But first,


© Copyright 2007 Cierra L. Robbeloth - All Rights Reserved
since 2007-04-10
Posts 434
1 posted 2007-08-10 11:12 PM

this poem just sounded so cool when you read it fabulous
Junior Member
since 2007-08-11
Posts 11

2 posted 2007-08-11 09:08 PM

I think it is beautiful,I've had the same
personal experience.

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Member Elite
since 2006-06-18
Posts 2567
3 posted 2007-08-12 02:29 AM

This was amazing the flow was great the concept was even better so all in all you have one amazing talent

~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~

since 2007-06-03
Posts 461
Come find me?
4 posted 2007-08-12 12:26 PM

I loved the was amazing. I really enjoyed reading this

So no more hiding all your pain, you deserve a new start. That's why i'm closing myself away, this is a message from your heart.

since 2006-09-09
Posts 76
asleep somewhere in my head
5 posted 2007-08-15 03:55 PM

ok i LOVED this poem and the idea behind it totally rocks

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music."~Angela Monet

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