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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2006-06-09
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0 posted 2007-08-05 02:59 AM

when a story is ready to be told
you'll know it deep within
A stirring down in the chambres
of your heart.
IF you don't feel the story wants
to be told, let your story choose the time.
Your story may not be over-until then
live each day as if its your last-measure
life by the moments
that take your breath away-
and Remember some stories
have yet

© Copyright 2007 rhia_5779 - All Rights Reserved
since 2007-06-03
Posts 461
Come find me?
1 posted 2007-08-05 10:21 AM

So true, so true. I really liked the way this one flowed. It was nice

So no more hiding all your pain, you deserve a new start. That's why i'm closing myself away, this is a message from your heart.

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