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Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines

0 posted 2009-05-03 07:59 AM


Is it overkill
when many more die
from other illnesses
that beg for a cure?

Schools are closing
without any proof
five days for some
others, ten days or more.


FEAR is the word
and becomes the mindset.
But who wins from this
and how much more in debt

should our nation become
when thousands more die
from illnesses each year
and who bats an eye

But the families out there
who live in the pain
wishing money were spent
to fight illnesses gain...

This country and world
is living in fears
caused by indifference,
and wars beyond years.

Who wins from these fears
but those companies who thrive
on the losses of those
who just wish to survive...

( not saying that this virus is not serious
but thousands more die in one month
from the "yearly flu season" than with
this new one...and what about all the
other major illnesses that have to fight
to get funding? Just an opinion of the fear
being spread throughout the world)

"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
(Will Moss)

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Member Seraphic
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1 posted 2009-05-03 02:25 PM

Thank you for your reflections on this new problem. Indeed there is always someone who gains in such situations ... the pharmaceutical companies no doubt.

Money for research is never enough. Science could make giant steps if money was not wasted in war and defense strategies. It is difficult to obtain money for researchers, the investors want proof of results and this is not always easy to predict.


Klassy Lassy
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2 posted 2009-05-03 08:55 PM

This hits me right where I live.

You say it with much more finesse than I feel capable of at the moment.  There are those who genuinely care about healing, but those who price prescriptive drugs out of reach for prevalent illness have no thought further than "making a killing"--no pun intended.  They do on all levels.

And they've managed to pass laws that condone such unscrupulous business practices.  The anger lodges in my throat, because the bottom line is greed, not a better way of life for the masses.

It makes me cry in frustration, literally.

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 posted 2009-05-03 10:03 PM

If you can afford it, get your flu shot.  

That way you might not infect someone who can't afford the shot.


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Member Rara Avis
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Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
4 posted 2009-05-04 01:42 AM


I really like how you share your thoughts.  You just say what is on your mind - and you state your case well.

Thank you for sharing this poem.  I am not sure how much is actually a swine flu danger right now and how much is media sensation.  I think that the media often does more harm than good in their 'reporting' the news.  I don't know - that's just my take a lot of the time.


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5 posted 2009-05-04 06:04 AM

"But who wins from this"

The media.  The media are the great evil of our age, preying on fear and ignorance for profit.

Alison is absolutely correct.

Thanks for highlighting what hopefully is in the minds of all thinking people.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
6 posted 2009-05-04 06:59 AM

Robert, the "regular" if there is such a thing, flu shot, can be free for those who can't afford it.  That's not what this poem is saying.

The fact that  billions is now being proposed for the cost of tamaflu etc. for something that isn't or hasn't even shown to be as deadly as other illnesses here and those waiting for cures or at the least more money for researching those.

Closing schools is costly, parents who can't afford it trying to find  daycare, loss of wages for shutting down office  buildings, teenagers out and about with no supervision...where is the common sense in any of this.

Besides, each flu shot that is given in the fall to winter is usually the wrong mixture for the strain that year. At least that is what the media  has also brought to light  in the past. And even if they come up with a new flu shot this one that would  take almost a year to come up with may not even be the strain that will be present at that time.

Wash your hands, keep your hands from your face,  cover your coughs etc... stay home if sick!  Something we as teachers say every day.

Oklahoma Rose
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7 posted 2009-05-04 07:59 AM

I worry about this with the type of work I do. Yesterday, I sat with a man for 12 long hours, who was sick. I worried about him having this swine flu all day long, yesterday. Still don't know, what he might have had.
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8 posted 2009-05-04 09:59 AM

I agree more money needs to be spent for a myriad of diseases.

I'm taking care of a sick child right now with flu. Not swine, but serious none the less. This virus could come back in the fall even worse. I'll be glad my state is stocked up on meds if it does.

Chalmette Guy
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9 posted 2009-05-04 11:11 AM

Who wins from this?
The communist media. Fear sells.
But who's buying?

since 2009-04-12
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10 posted 2009-05-04 11:22 AM

It does seem like an over-reaction, doesn't it?  But, I suppose they are in a catch 22 situation; if they down-play the threat, the cry is: why were you not prepared? Why did you not tell us of the magnitude? If they over-cook it, they are wasting sorely-needed resources.
One thing is for certain, if this virus does take off, hospitals will be full to bursting and health services neutered.
Intelligent and thought-provoking write. Let's hope it doesn't take off.

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