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Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2009-01-07 09:46 AM

Until I Heard You Cry
~*Marge Tindal*~

          I stepped into your visceral space
     not certain that I had crossed the plain
     of your existence
                   until I heard you cry~

            Then all of the memories of us
     rushed to meet me
          trapping me in your teardrops
                 bringing me to my knees
                 as I embraced the true of our happening~

           Did I leave you here in teardrops?
          Do they now fall for me?

           How quickly they now gather
                waiting to fall
                Touch them
                for they are real~              

         I know just how you feel
       for I treaded my own teardrops alone
       left in my own pain ...

                       Did you hear me?
                      The cry of an angel weeping
                 left in the pain that engulfed me
                until I got over you~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

© Copyright 2009 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
1 posted 2009-01-07 10:06 AM

Oh, dear Marge!! This is so beautifully poignant and tugs at my heartstrings so intensely.
Every now and then the pain of the parting presents itself to the sensitive hearts. Overcoming is not easy.
You say this with enormous poetic power.

Love and hugs.

Misty Lilacs
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White Birch Forest
2 posted 2009-01-07 10:14 AM

Oh, Marge, I cried when I read this. I am so sorry my friend. This is such a 'tug at your heart strings' write.

It is said that time heals all wounds but I wonder if that is true.

love you, Marti

I do the MS Walk everyday!

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Member Seraphic
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with you
3 posted 2009-01-07 10:44 AM


I understand it well....packs quite the emotional punch

Member Ascendant
since 2006-11-07
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a 'Universalist' !
4 posted 2009-01-07 11:01 AM


(Sadly) I've become so 'jaded' (numb) by the devolution of Democracy
and the per diem sham, drudgery, heartache, and spirit-breaking 'reality'
(amid this "Runaway American Dream") that little 'impresses' me ...
but this grand-fine and powerfully emotive 'write' assuredly did!

I am particularly fond of the beginning:

"I stepped into your visceral space
not certain that I had crossed the plain
of your existence until I heard you cry(!)"

v. serious and long-sustained applause for this 'penning'!

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
5 posted 2009-01-07 11:42 AM

Oh dear Marge..this left me with an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes.

It is good to ready you again..

But this..this whisper of thoughts..
aches, yes, almost begs for an answer.

Love you~Nancy  

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6 posted 2009-01-07 11:42 AM

A poignantly beautiful write.
It's good to read you again, Marge.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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7 posted 2009-01-07 12:06 PM

ah, sweet renewal...

I have deemed 09 the year of healing.

Love ya vastly, lady.

Wishing you all the best.

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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8 posted 2009-01-07 12:55 PM


This was very touching.  

I like Karens thoughts on '09.  Count me in...just tell me how..

"too bad ignorance isn't painful"

Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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So. El Monte, California
9 posted 2009-01-07 01:49 PM

I love this, Marge. You are a woman I can admire. Even in darkest times, your heart
beats true and your strength and dignity amaze me.

Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
10 posted 2009-01-07 02:07 PM

Many hurts have been penned over time, but none can compare to this one.  I for one, love the last line..."until I got over you"

The hope for love is universal but the hope for moving beyond a relationship, is rarely written.

Welcome back on all fronts, Marge.

God bless,

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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11 posted 2009-01-07 02:15 PM

Marge/sis....the strength within a tear of  yours speaks volumns for the inner place where it was born.  Heart spoken...
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12 posted 2009-01-07 02:46 PM

This is just beautiful
Member Ascendant
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13 posted 2009-01-07 03:00 PM

one of your best.I hope the last  line is true. You deserve better, as you give with abundance.  "late"
Paul Wilson
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United States
14 posted 2009-01-07 03:51 PM

Marge...Such tender hearted words from a truly great lady and poetess. Reading you is always one of my greatest pleasures.
This one is a for sure...Paul

~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~

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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
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Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
15 posted 2009-01-07 04:34 PM


You played my emotions with this poem.  It is beautiful.  


PS - You know that I smile when I see your posts.  Welcome back.

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16 posted 2009-01-07 05:32 PM

evocative, emotional exercise in triumph -= nicely done
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
17 posted 2009-01-07 06:27 PM

Fabulous..."Until I got over you."   Interesting...I had a dream about my children and my ex-wife last night and I was having a wonderful time with my children, that were young in the dream, that are grown up now, but my ex-wife was having a discussion with me about her new boyfriend that would be coming over soon and I should treat him right, and its interesting that you mentioned getting over someone, because even though its been many years and I believe that I am over her, she peeks back in every now and then, even within a dream...James
Bill Charles
Member Patricius
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highways, & byways, for now
18 posted 2009-01-07 10:08 PM

Marge - you have expressed your thoughts well in this writing. Great write, and felt the words when reading...


Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
19 posted 2009-01-08 01:31 AM

Powerful soul searching reflections Marge.

You can capture the past with such depth.

Great work! But I have come to expect that from you.


Oklahoma Rose
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Oklahoma USA
20 posted 2009-01-08 09:51 PM

Oh Marge, this brought tears to my eyes. You know, I understand this? You and I are strong, my friend. I hope you are doing better, now.
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
21 posted 2009-01-09 12:12 PM

Dear Marge:

Thanks for sharing your feelings with all of us in this poignantly beautiful piece of writing!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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Between the Lines
22 posted 2009-01-09 06:38 AM

  "I know just how you feel
       for I treaded my own teardrops alone
       left in my own pain ..."

I understand this only too well... I am so glad to see you back posting and hope that is a sign that you are recuperating.

I truly mean that some day I hope to revisit Florida and  have a relaxing time with you. So you need to keep the faith and  I hope the visit is sooner than later.

Much love,

Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
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Victoria, Australia
23 posted 2009-01-09 04:58 PM

Dear Marge, love leaves us all with tears at times, pools of sadness that slowly dry and wait. Enjoyed your thoughts here my friend.


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Member Patricius
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24 posted 2009-01-09 05:48 PM

liked it
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
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Realms of Light
25 posted 2009-01-09 07:29 PM

Oh, Marge, the gentle strength of your words literally took my breath away and I actually stopped breathing.
You are beautiful. You truly are.

Sending my love and admiration for your  spirit and your poetic grace,

Earthy One

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
26 posted 2009-01-11 09:54 PM

You have been missed dear lady.
Though provoking... to get over, or to get on to the next chapter?  Hmmm... it's good!

Member Elite
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27 posted 2009-01-13 06:25 PM

tears swirling in my eyes, this was beautiful just as you are..  

The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.

Senior Member
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Up Creek w/Out Paddle
28 posted 2009-01-13 07:03 PM

Lovely! And this "for I treaded my own teardrops alone" is particularly awesome.
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
29 posted 2009-01-17 05:21 AM

Feeling your heart in every word and every tear...

I love you, Marge...

and Karen?...

"I have deemed 09 the year of healing"


serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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30 posted 2009-01-17 05:38 AM

hugging this to my heart


Roniece Dawson-Bruce
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Sydney, Australia
31 posted 2009-01-17 07:09 AM

beautiful thoughts here dear Marge... I'm praying for you to get well and come back to us... xxx

Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight.........

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
32 posted 2009-01-17 10:04 AM

Marge, I have come back to revisit your words. I have tears in my eyes for I understand the kind of pain of which you have so eloquently written ~ and with such strength. Yours is a spirit that soars, Willow White Feather.

With love and admiration,
Your Earthy One

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
33 posted 2009-01-17 01:03 PM

Dear Marge,  This is unbelievably beautiful.
In gratitude for all you have given us, we now shower you with love and encircle your hospital bed with prayer. Forever yours, Joyce

Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
34 posted 2009-01-18 01:11 AM

Dearest Marge, I thought I had replied to this.  

My words have run dry, as the tears trickle down my face.  

I am praying fullblast, powerpunch prayers for one of the golden miracles I so firmly believe in, dear friend, to lengthen your life, if that is what is best for you.  If it is not, I am praying that your pathway to the light will be blessed with peace and grace and that your family will be comforted in their loss and know that their bond with you will be forever there, shining strongly.  

Know, dear Marge, you will be forever remembered on Pip and that your legacy on Pip and all your other sites, will add more and more people to your readers, long after you are safely in Heaven.  The legacy that you have left in the hearts and minds of so many, many people will grow and blossom with the love with which you planted it there.

Be blessed, dearest Marge and know that you are loved, for you ARE love.


Titia Geertman
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35 posted 2009-01-18 06:11 AM

You know I know, my dearest friend, how you've treaded your own teardrops alone. Mine will merge into the river of remembrance of the happy time we once spend together. I'll always remember the laughs dear Marge.

Like scattered words will flow

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Member Seraphic
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36 posted 2009-01-21 03:37 PM

Poignant and powerful... and breathtakingly beautiful.
Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619
highways, & byways, for now
37 posted 2009-01-21 07:49 PM

Marge - you are an artist, and I love this writing. Wishing you well...


Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
38 posted 2009-01-21 11:43 PM

Dear Grandma Poetess Marge, this is one of your finest and I am saving it in my Library to treasure.  I pray that angels watch over you, dear one.  Love, Jo
passing shadows
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39 posted 2009-02-17 08:18 PM

tears fall as I reply

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