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Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines

0 posted 2005-02-20 04:03 PM

I have this friend with a brain tumor that I have  helped when needed the past few years. I stopped by to discuss something with him..he was tossing firewood into his basement doorway for the stove and I handed him  some to  finish up quicker. Went inside and he stacked them and I told him some of my good news about  job seeking then asked him to sit a moment so I could tell him something important and he all of a sudden had a seizure..of course I have never seen one and didn't know what was happening or what to do and tried to keep him sitting on the sofa and reached for my cell phone and called 911..and tried to explain what was happening..didn't know his address by heart and had to run up to get the mail to see what it was or look out the front door, only in these old houses sometimes you need keys to open them and there wasn't one there.

The more I was asked questions and the more I was talking to them the more he was getting agitated as he was starting to come out of the seizure but still couldn't express himself with words and he  grabbed my wrist ..I thought he would break it  as I pulled away and then when he was almost able to stand a bit he  swung at me until I had to  walk out of the room and talk to the dispatcher as the ambulance came.
After almost 45 min to an hour since the beginning of this ..they got him calmed, took vitals..wanted him to go to the hospital but he refused..

he came out of it and then they told me he was very angry at me..I couldn't even go back being hurt that he was  so mad at me and the other because he scared me with his body language...I know now after the fact that he has had these before. Guess I was one of the few friends not knowing and  also not knowing that to leave him alone and eventually he will be is because he did not take his dilantin? that is for the seizures.

But he had a lit cigarette in his mouth and his jaw had clamped on it  and I had to pull it out when the seizure began ..he could have burned himself, or the house down...and here I am  feeling guilty now that I called 911  because I thought he needed help~

"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
(Will Moss)

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1 posted 2005-02-20 11:47 PM

Sorry you had that experience. I'm sure I'd be rattled as well. I suppose he had a sort of embarassment at you witnessing his plight and at the strangers he seems to think you called into the ordeal. You did what a friend should do and even if you'd been previously instructed to ignore any seizure I'm sure it was still the right thing to call for help. Rather than lose a friendship or suffer the loss of a friend (and the sure guilt that would attend his demise) without getting it straightened out you may want to consider two things; wait a few days and call him trying to explain and/or contact either one of his family members or a friend who has influence over him to discuss it.

Can't help but be reminded of my daughter Elizabeth when the foolish little puppy Jack ran in front of an old mans car and bit her as she went to help him in his death throes. Or a poem I read recently about a car struck dog lying in the ditch chewing at his injury as though it were to blame.

I feel for the guy. You too


Huan Yi
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2 posted 2005-02-21 03:32 AM

It’s not like you hit him in the head with a hammer. . .
Give yourself a break.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
3 posted 2005-02-21 09:07 AM


you did the right thing, I had a similar thing happen at work, having no idea what to do....I called 911 --the gal was mad at me too ... but for different reason/s, she didnt want to pay the bill for the ride to the hospital.... I feel for you....and hope things work out....hugsssss  I guess had I known, had anyone for that matter, it might have been different I would have been better not only handle my reaction ..... but hers as well.....

I'm Standing on a bridge
I'm waitin in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
Theres nothing but the rain

passing shadows
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4 posted 2005-02-21 09:39 AM

M, you couldn't have lived with yourself if something terrible had happened and you didn't call 911.

Better to be safe than sorry.

I'd have probably done the same thing and felt the same way.

Maybe someone can explain to him where he can understand that you were scared and didn't know what to do, you didn't know he had seizures and the best thing to do was leave him alone.

There are so many health conditions that even trained professionals sometimes don't know what to do. I was having severe chest pains not long ago at work. One of the residents sat with me for a bit and then decided to call 911, even with me telling him I was okay. The EMS guy gave me aspirin on my way to the hospital. The more I thought about things, the more I got upset and I guess that triggered more pains. The guy gave me nitro under my tongue because he thought I was having a heart attack.

At the hospital, the doctor said he couldn't find anything wrong with my EKG and said the chect pains were caused by stress and anxiety. He prescribed an inhaler and a stress management program at the local mental health center.

I truly hope you have a better day today, and put this behind you as experience, and know that you are wiser because of it.

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5 posted 2005-04-22 02:24 AM

sorry to hear about your bad day. dont feel bad, you did not do anything wrong, i worked many years with people who had seizures,from peti mal to some major ones that seem to last forever. and being a nurse,  you would not believe how many times the rules change with dealing with a person during a seizure. there was a time, held down and something put in mouth so they wouldnt bite tongue off. anyway i worked at a state facility, i was psych tech, too many on one unit and not enough staff, sad place,  then finially it was just clear the area  and let em go   les injuries that way  just monitor .  no one ever bit there tongue off.  til  a coworker had one.  she kind of responded same way your friend, out of embarrasment.  and sadly she had such a violent one she bit her tongue badly. i am sure your friend was just very embarrased, did not want you to see him like that,  does not want to seem helpless in front of you.  does not need help.  pride and man  go figure.  but that is how they are.  its hard for them to admit and accept their illness to. he will get over it.  just give him some time.  you did good,  and what was needed,  

My spirit will rise
above the sea~
There will be no drowning
of my soul or me~

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6 posted 2005-04-22 09:09 PM

You did nothing wrong.. in fact, you did everything right. He has issues to deal with with his condition, obviously, and you are not to blame for that. I believe he'll come around and thank you someday. Hugs

Love's a lovely lad
His bringing up is beauty
Who loves him not is mad
For I must pay him duty

Member Seraphic
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7 posted 2005-04-23 10:22 AM

From my limited medical exposure, I think that the violent body language can be part and parcel of coming out of a major seizure. I don't think it was deliberate on his part or personal, I think it would have been directed at whomever happened to be there. You didn't do anything wrong, Maureen, and have no reason to feel guilty. (((HUGS)))
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