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Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
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By the Seaside

0 posted 2003-06-23 08:08 PM

I felt the need to say, I'm sorry about my recent post in the open forum, "Be Safe"  First off, it was not directed towards anyone in sensitive side is kicking in big time today, and yes I am hurting.  One reason being, that I see so many of you on here who appear to have formed a bond, be it in friendship, or perhaps something more...or less...dueting together, whatever the connection may be, which tells me several of you keep in touch regularly.  And that is a wonderful thing for those of you who do.  Over the years I have tried to reach out to those who I assumed felt the same way I do, who wanted a friend, and knew how to be one.  I have acted inappropriately on a few occasions, maybe the word gets around. ugh~  I have taken it upon myself to initiate contact when I felt someone was in need of a shoulder to lean on...the truth is I wanted them to know I cared, plain and simple!  Only now do I understand that I care too much for my own good, and when my intentions are not reciprocated it leaves me feeling like a fool.  I know what you're thinking, well Lori you don't have your email flag up and so it appears you don't wish to be contacted...quite the contrary, I removed my email flag because I never was.  By doing so I didn't have to deal with my disappointment, or so I thought.  Yet here I am apologizing and at a loss for words.  What saddens me most is that I wish I had someone to send this to and dump my feelings on.  But as it would happen, when I do not hear back it only makes me fear putting myself out there all over again, and I end up withdrawing even more.  I am sure I am completely misunderstood by many.  Again I am sorry for my post.  I just wanted to be your friend....(no, I do not aspire to be everyone's best friend) But the fact remains I wanted one or two so badly, (stay out of this Maureen)   and there lies my first and last mistake.   Now I shall go lick my wounds and cry in my beer.  If you'll have me, I'll be back another day.  Until then, I'll miss your friendship in poetry.  I am well aware that good byes have a familar ring around here, but time has way of healing, and I am in desperate need of just that.

Thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement on my work.  Believe me I tried my best.  I hope this makes some kind of sense and that you will find it in your heart to understand, and forgive me for acting up this way.  

Fondly, Lori~  

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Beneath the northern stars
1 posted 2003-06-23 08:29 PM

email me! I go through this all the time. [email protected]


Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone...

Janet Marie
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2 posted 2003-06-23 08:56 PM


Im not sure what all this is about..and I dont need to know your reasons..but I do know that anytime we are feeling this burdened or overwhelmed it is best to take a step back and take a break...breathe awhile and collect ourselves. "On-line" has become such a force in so many of our lives and it takes a balance to keep from getting too lost in the sea of emotions that come from poetry and long distance attachments.

The things you are apologizing for is nothing any of us havent done or experienced
in some way and take it from one who has been and often is still consumed... healing is as close as a long drive, a day in the sun...any respite you find that allows you to rejueviante your spirit.
Take all the time you need...
go to the beach ... take your pen

heart-hugs Bluesygirl

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
3 posted 2003-06-23 09:58 PM

And you tell me to stay out of it..hmmmm...but what are friends for

Not sure what this is all about although I did read your poem. But like me, you swing, moods that is.

So I will be here if you need me, and I will be reading you if you post. I was out tonight doing my "Monday" good deed with Greg and in the meantime getting some counseling let me know ok?

Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
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New York
4 posted 2003-06-24 04:10 AM


trust me
I know EXACTLY how you feel
NO need to apologize
I am where you are
[email protected]

Ready to take flight myself . . .
if you leave
who will sing to me?

Larry C
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Member Patricius
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5 posted 2003-06-24 09:05 AM

Check your email!

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2003-06-24 09:52 AM

Hey girl...when you get back, want to duet?

I've been known to dig up a few worms in my time....

Jason Lyle
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With my darkling
7 posted 2003-06-24 09:57 AM

Darling, I would have emailed you back.And still will.Dont be silly, I have loved you since the first poem.


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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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just out of reach
8 posted 2003-06-24 10:23 AM

You're a sweetheart Bluesygirl !
Love your writing and you !
hugs, Chris

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Saluting with misty eyes
9 posted 2003-06-24 09:53 PM

[email protected]

MSN- [email protected]
AOL- RingoShort
Yahoo- [email protected]
ICQ... whatever tyhe number is... it's on the site, here.

Take your pick. I am on at bizzare hours, and have been on all night with a few people on here and many not on here. As littlewing has said, I also can relate. Before feeling sorry for yourself, or feeling the fool ,give me a holler, and I will straighten you out forthwith.

Once in a dream, far beyond these castle walls...

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10 posted 2003-06-24 11:28 PM

Sheesh, do I got it backwards, I've been crying in my wounds and licking my beer.  Done seen a lot of ebb and flow over the last several years here in Passions and a lot of relationships built on some rather shaky foundations and obvious misunderstandings; along with some true friendships having been developed.
Quite a few folks come and go.  Just an observation from a dumb farm boy, but the folks who are the "good folk" are generally found out and the those who ain't (farm boys are allowed to say ain't) usually make a splash and then move on down the river. Not always easy to deal with misunderstandings and the jerks of the world, but it is generally worth it to stay around to root out a few of the acorns.  As my grandpa always told me, even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while which may be why there are even a couple of good folk in here who will occasionally say howdy in passing to me.  Isn't much doubt sometimes about my profession as I have a tendency to ramble, but I enjoy your poetry (even though I am a real jerk and don't reply like a good farm boy should to folk and don't do the email thing), just hang in there and take care.  You sure as the heck don't have anything to apologize for, we all have our ups and downs. Some of us even lick our beer.
(well, maybe only one of us).

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
11 posted 2003-06-24 11:41 PM

~Saving Face~

Tell me, is it just me
have you ever been there
tumbling head first through the rapids
losing yourself in the current rush of emotions
bringing you down below sea level.

Riding the storm, day after day
looking for cover, slipping under a waterfall
trying to catch your breath
choking up on your words
your head held under, drowned in defeat.

Caught in a rip tide that swirls all around you
filled with the salt that brings you to tears
asking yourself why you ever let go
and dared to believe in what you were seeing
despite the thrill of it all.

Fighting to come up for air
and prayed that you could
wiping away your despair
have you ever been there
despite the risk that you took.

What matters most shouldn't matter that much
to have and have not
balancing the best of both worlds
have you ever tried to save face
or is it just me?  

Thank you for rsvping to my pity party everyone,
but it's over already.  Hugging you all, oh so tight!

Larry C
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Member Patricius
since 2001-09-10
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United States
12 posted 2003-06-25 12:32 PM


If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619
highways, & byways, for now
13 posted 2003-06-25 11:57 PM

Hey you Blues, email me, or get me on messenger or sometin, I'd love to talk, sing, cry, play the blues, etc...


Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
14 posted 2003-06-26 11:45 AM

Me and my big mouth, this is killing me!
I'll try and act like a grown up from here on out.

Thanks for all your kind words everyone.

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Never close enough
15 posted 2003-06-26 10:43 PM

Well, I don't know you other than reading your wonderful poetry...but honey, if you just wanna chat or un-load...e-mail me @
[email protected]
I am on this thing all the time, and I am a stay at home mom, with no adult conversation for about 13 hours a day!

Feel free to drop me a line sometime!

Tima C

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16 posted 2003-06-26 11:47 PM

Tell me, is it just me
have you ever been there
tumbling head first through the rapids
losing yourself in the current rush of emotions
bringing you down below sea level.

Lori, I thought maybe I saw you on that life raft out there...the one I was clinging to desperately when I was sure I had only one more gulp of air left!
Hang in there, bluesygal soul sister.
Glad you stayed afloat.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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17 posted 2003-06-27 05:15 PM

Lori...just now seeing this, my me..let's go to the beach..what say you?  
Member Elite
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Between a laugh and a tear...
18 posted 2003-07-03 05:31 AM

Ditto all the above!

And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand ~ Bernie Taupin

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
19 posted 2003-08-06 08:00 PM

Bluesy Girl...
I am a late bloomer...have had a few things going on. I had read your post...and I had the feeling that something was up...didn't know until you explained.
I don't reply often in my own posts.  It isn't that I don't read and absorb good feed back from every person that reads me.  I found that sometimes, it is a good thing to let people feel and take from my poetry what they see...not what I meant.
That having been said, you have always been such an inspiration, and such a soul sister to write with.  If you ever want to talk with me...please do not hesitate.  There are many good people here, that I know feel the same.  They have different names, different styles...but the same bright glow as I have always seen in you.

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
20 posted 2003-08-07 03:20 AM

Hey you what about moi here?  I am french toast?

Lori, here I go and you know I will.  Sometmes we set such high expectations on people and when they don't live up to what we had planned, we feel rejected, disappointed, and hurt.  

If I were to write more it would be what Janet Marie has said here.  If you reached out to someone and you felt rejected, ask them what it is you did  that they are ignoring you as a friend, or just let it go.  By the way, friends are high maintenance trust me, and require constant communication to keep it going, especially if your friend is  a long distance one as well.  You may want to sent aside one night a week and pick some people on the
I want to be your friend list” to contact.  Reading someone else's poetry is the best inter-action you are going to get in here I think, and we all have to remember that each person on here should have a life away from the computer so they are not there 24/7..  

I've had a rejection hissy fit myself in here once, but I let it go, and let it be their stuff, not mine. is a hug from the chopped liver in Canada that talks to you, and always will.  Hope your vacation is stupendous too.      

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (08-07-2003 03:25 AM).]

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
21 posted 2003-08-07 11:14 AM

Well shoot and damn, this an old post, more like an old hissy fit that's history already.  The sooner it falls off the page the better.  I apologize for getting carried away...I should know better than to act impulsively........but at the same time I can't help the feelings that I have.  I do  appreciate you all for taking the time to leave your comments for me, and for understanding where I'm coming from, even if I'm not sure myself.  Mysteria...will you stop with the chopped liver, I can't stomach the stuff!!!   Hugs~

Hope you're all having a nice summer wherever you are on the map.

Now then, where was I?


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22 posted 2003-08-07 11:35 AM

don't you hate it when people bump your little moments. they do it to me too But you've got a lot of friends here now..right?

insanity is not a crime

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
23 posted 2003-08-08 12:16 PM

You know I think I bumped her with a hug rather than an nudge but just to make sure here's another.   
Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619
highways, & byways, for now
24 posted 2003-08-13 11:41 PM

Lori - no need to feel down and blue, blues one. Dang it, send me an email, I don't bite, and love to talk and chat. And would love to do a duety, you pick the subject, love, romance, humor, sad, holidays, flowers, trees, mountains, bet you can't write one that I can't write to... hehehe...


[This message has been edited by Bill Charles (08-13-2003 11:43 PM).]

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
25 posted 2003-08-14 02:09 PM

Hey you, want to write something with me?   I can do blues, you want blues, I got tons of blues.
Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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26 posted 2003-08-14 06:31 PM

Hey Lori, I'd love to keep in contact with you....and omce I have completed my duets, I'd love to duet with you too.

E me at [email protected] OK? or send me your addy and I'll do the talking LOL...


fate is not just
whose cooking  smells good
but which way the wind blows

(Ani DiFranco)

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
27 posted 2006-10-15 08:07 PM

It's been too long, and I saw your feedback on my poem last night.
Have missed you, and hope all is well.

Hope you come back and write with us soon.

Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
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In your dreams
28 posted 2006-10-15 09:38 PM

Dude I know how you feel.  I would totally duet with you.  In fact I am willing to duet with anyone who is willing to ask.  



-"So you found a girl
Who thinks really deep thougts
What's so amazing about really deep thoughts " Silient all these Years, Tori Amos

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29 posted 2006-10-15 11:29 PM

hey i acually missed the chance to read your poem and i can find it anywhere in the forums but i know where you are coming from i have been there myself too many times. if you want you can email me at [email protected] if you ever need to vent or something or even talk! hehe

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time for peace   ~Ecclesiastes 3:8~

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