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BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside ![]() |
The Reflections book is sure to be a big hit and I wanted to say congratulations to those poets who had their poems chosen. It is an exciting time and you are to be commended. But I can't help sharing the disappointment by those who did not have their work "recognized" (not sure if that's the right word), which is why I purposely did not submit any of my own poetry. Because quite frankly I am not sure how I would be feeling right now when so many are checking their email and signing the appropriate forms, or holding onto the notion that perhaps it was an oversight and maybe they will hear something tomorrow. However there is hope, given that round two is already underway. But what if your poem misses the mark then? I shudder to think of subjecting ones self to feeling like that all over again! Never the less, it will be a fine collaboration of poetry and I wish you all the best of luck. I am reminded of when I was young and the picking and choosing of teams at recess. Of course everyone wants to be on a winning team, and certainly nobody likes getting left out, or being picked last. But life doesn't work that way, we can't be winners all the time. I suppose that is one of my earliest lessons when it comes to being a good sport, although I don't think our disappointment changes all that much over the years, it just becomes easier to accept it. In the end, it is human nature to seek acceptance from our peers. Best wishes~ [This message has been edited by BluesSerenade (03-16-2003 12:39 AM).] |
© Copyright 2003 BluesSerenade - All Rights Reserved | |||
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
Hey dear friend, I can't claim to have any experience at being published. But from what I hear it is all about rejection. So I suppose we all have a choice to make. Personally I find your poetry incredible and would love to have a book that has your work in it. I really hope that you consider submitting one of your pieces. Most all of them would be worthy. That gets you at least one vote. ![]() If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
This is only the FIRST ROUND!!! Only 100 poems - and there are about 300 to go...so are you going to give up now? Why? I am in the book..sure. But now I will spend ALL my time voting..so submit..you stil have time to make the 2nd and 3rd cut! ![]() |
Amara Member
since 2003-02-23
Posts 158East of the moon, west of the sun. |
I'd put something in...if I could write something! Though I may just FINALLY be able to scribble something down...hopefully. I have to write 6+ poems for an ucoming school project, Congrats to all who made it! Really, honrdtly, well done! And good luck to all those with poems submitted. Blessed Be Thee! - Stephanie Every heart has hidden treasures...a secret wish, a silent dream, and a cherished love. [Unknown] |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Gee, seeing as you are using teams as the analogy - what about team spirit? ![]() Like Sharon says there are still 300 more poems to pick out. To those who figure they won't "win", and don't submit, that is a sure bet! ![]() [This message has been edited by Mysteria (03-16-2003 01:40 AM).] |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
Thanks for the feedback Larry, PDV, Amara, and Mysteria. I tried to pick and choose my words very carefully so that I didn't offend anyone as that was not my intention. It had more to do with disappointment. I should take my own advice, because I am aware that the biggest risk is not taking one, and that any place worth going isn't meant to be easy. Mysteria~ I do not lack the team spirit in the least. Rather I pride myself on the fact that I think there is something nice to say about everyone's work, and I try to read and reply in kind as often as I can. I posted this message out of compassion and I'm certainly not trying to start any fires. I aplogize if my thoughts were taken out of context. It's part of the passion! Thanks for the vote of confidence, I mean it! Sincerely~ [This message has been edited by BluesSerenade (03-16-2003 02:47 AM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: I'm not so sure about that. People who are willing to put their dreams in the spotlight, for everyone to see and judge, are obviously taking a risk. They are opening themselves to the very real potential of being hurt. I think that every single person who has posted a poem in these forums, whether for this book or just to share with friends, has to already know that feeling. Will others like it? What if I'm ignored? Will anyone understand? I honestly can't count the number of people who have written me to admit they had never before posted their poetry in public, never before shared it with another human being. It was only their discovery of this community, which is probably the most supportive group of people in the world, that gave them the courage to take that risk. In finding pipTalk, they found other writers who would accept them for what they were. Not the best writer in the world. Not the worst, either. Just someone willing to learn and eager to share. With those two qualities, in my opinion, no one can ever be a loser. Being a winner isn't about succeeding. It's about trying, and then continuing to try even when faced with disappointment. I doubt there is a human being in history, from Abraham Lincoln to Tiger Woods, who has succeeded every time in everything they do. How many children emerge from their mother's womb knowing how to walk? Nada. Zip. Zilch. We all had to learn how to walk, and every single one of us did it the same way. By falling down. And, yea. Sometimes, falling down hurts. Writing, I think, is a lot like running a marathon. There are always going to be the front-runners, the Stephen Kings, the John Updikes, the Kit McCallums and the Michael Macks. Crossing the finish line first, or near-first, requires a heady mix of innate talent, long years of hard work, and (I think) an unwavering love for what you do. Not everyone can be the first to cross the finish line. And I'm really sorry, but not everyone deserves to be the first either. Those who make that trip have paid a price for the privilege. With hard work. And with a whole lot of earlier disappointments getting there. They, too, learned to walk by falling down. Not everyone is the first to cross the finish line. But if you talk to almost anyone who has ever run a long-distance race, they will tell you that finishing first was never their goal. Sure, it would be nice. But what inspired them to put on their running shoes, what drove them to endure pain and exhaustion and three days of near-total bed rest afterwards, was the simple dream of finishing. First, last, or somewhere in between, they just wanted to finish the race. Runners know that being able to say, "I ran the L.A. Marathon" makes them just as much a winner as the guy who broke five world records. They don't need to be first. They do want to be counted. Reflections on the Web, like our earlier forum book, Voices on the Web, is both a part of our community and a marathon-line extension of that community. It's a part of the community in the sense that everyone involved should be able to expect the same support they find everywhere else at pipTalk. To me, it's very clear from the 8,000-plus votes and comments and today's congratulatory messages that their expectations of support have not been ignored. This very thread and BluesSerenade's concerns are further proof of that. It's also a part of the community in the sense that those most willing to give will always be the ones most likely to receive. It takes more than simply posting a poem to be part of this community, and it takes more than simply checking the Book Flag to be part of Reflections. I hope we will also discover, as time goes by, that Reflections is part of this community in the sense that we don't like to leave people behind. I don't have a crystal ball, and I'm quick to admit this book is shaping itself very differently from our last, but I can tell you what happened two years ago with Voices. As we neared the deadline, many of those who had not yet received enough votes were offered help from others with more experience. Untitled poems were given titles. Raucous spelling errors were corrected. Themes became more focused, metaphors more powerful. Those who really wanted to be in the book were given the opportunity to make it happen. Because we really don't like leaving people behind. Yet, in the end, though part of our community, Reflections is also a marathon-like extension of the community, and it's going to take more than just entering the race to make it across the finish line. It's okay to want to be first, to be the one with the highest ranking poem, but when push comes to shove, there's only going to be one of those. And when a reader picks up the book and thumbs through the pages, we hope enraptured with the beauty they find within, she isn't going to have a single clue which poem received the most votes. First Round or Fifth, every page of Reflections will be equal. No one has to win this race. You just have to finish it. You just have to be counted. And those who can't cross the finish line? Who don't make it into the book? In my opinion, that doesn't even need to happen. Anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort and really cares will, with the support of THIS community, be able to get enough votes to qualify. Realistically, though, I know that what doesn't need to happen nonetheless will happen. Grossly misspelled poetry isn't popular. Words quickly typed directly into the Posting form like seeds thrown wildly into the wind will only rarely sprout. Writers who would rather call their work "Untitled" than spend a few hours agonizing over the perfect title will pay the price. Not everyone will cross the finish line. Even those who don't finish the race, however, can still be winners. Winning isn't about having the highest ranked poem, isn't about making the First Round, and isn't even about ultimately getting a poem in the book. Winning is about trying. And continuing to try even in the face of sometimes bitter disappointment. The poem that didn't make it into Reflections won't be the author's last poem, and the winners among us will make sure their next poem is better. And just as that poem won't be their last poem, this book won't be our last book. Those who are willing to try, and to continue trying, will always find new opportunities to succeed. Having the highest ranked poem is a goal. Making the First Round, or the Second or Third, is a goal. Publication is a goal. All of those are worthy goals, even lofty goals. But none of those will make you a winner, because winning has never been a goal. Winning is a choice. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"Winning is a choice." smile...I'll go copy and paste that five hundred times... These are wonderful words Ron, and they apply to much more in life. Thanks! ![]() |
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
Dearest Blues... The issue of compassion and team spirit were present in your post. But if ever one had encouragement and support in the submission for publication process it would be here. Many of those who didn't get an acceptance note on this first round simply missed because they reduced their chances by submitting a poem more than a page long. But it was announced in advance long poems would be harder to get in the book. You did accomplish your goal of sensitivity in this post. But you have also accomplished something you didn't expect. We love your work and wish you would enter a submission for this book. Remebering that one submission has a much better chance of being accepted than several. Please, pretty please. Do you need me to select my favorite? Hmmm? We do love you ya' know. Take a chance on us.... ![]() If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
Ron~ Thank you for responding with all your good thoughts. How right you are in so many respects. A child learning to walk will undoubtedly take their share of falls that will leave a few scrapes and bruises. Likewise, that doesn't keep them from picking themselves up and going forward until they get it right. And here I am guilty of not even taking the first step. Like I said, I am not trying to ruffle any feathers and I hope that you did not read my comments in an unfavorable light. I appreciate where you are coming from when you say everyone can be a winner if they choose to be. That's a hopeful thought and good words to live by. But for the sake of conversation and in an effort to clarify my post I don't agree with that 100%. Take my sons baseball team, they can put in a lot of practice time, take pitching or batting lessons to hone their skills, read books about the all time greats...and try to emulate their style. A person can live and breathe their passion but there are no guarantees that they will make it to the big leagues. What I'm trying to say, is that they can strive to be a winning team but they don't necessarily choose to win just like they don't choose to lose. It's not realistic to think we can wake up one day and say I think I'll go out and get myself inducted into the hall of fame because it sounds like a good idea. We can choose to put ourselves out there and give it all we've got, and here again is where the disappointment comes into play, we can give it our best shot and yet we may never come out on top. Therein lies the chance a person takes going in, I understand that too. That may sound like a simple analogy, but like learning to walk, I think it holds an ounce of truth. So in the name of team spirit I will leave it at that. It's your ball game and I never doubted that you or anyone else were not playing fair. After all, we do have the choice to be a spectator or a participant, and therein lies my fault. Maybe one of these days I'll hit one out of the park and surprise everybody, including myself. Thanks again for all that you do. footnote* In case anyone gets the impression that I'm missing the point, winning is certainly not everything but it must be nice. [This message has been edited by BluesSerenade (03-17-2003 12:21 AM).] |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
Larry Larry~ I really don't want to appear that I'm being a bad sport. Believe me I have taken my share of lumps in my life and times. I don't know why I chose to go to bat on this issue in the first place. You are such a sweetie, so good and kind and full of understanding. I want to be on your team. ![]() Big hugs to you~ |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
So? Are you going to submit a poem? If you like, someone can help you choose which poem(s) to submit. |
Enchantress Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113Canada eh. |
I truly hope you will submit a poem Lori! I always have enjoyed and appreciated your work. I do wish you would reconsider.. and as Poet deVine says, there are others here who would be happy to help you go through your work and help you choose. Please..please think about it.. ~Hugs to you sweet poetess friend~ |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: We all recognize, I think, that winning a baseball game isn't really winning if a person loses their soul in the process? That has to work in both directions. Losing a baseball game isn't really losing if a person gains something important in the process. Which, of course, is precisely WHY we encourage kids to engage in organized sports at an early age. We don't expect every child to win every game, and we don't expect every team to take their divisionals. We still hope, however, that every kid will learn to be a winner. Nonetheless, I recognize your point and agree that sometimes our ambitions will exceed our grasp. Personally, though, I don't think that's a bad thing either. It's how we grow. Wanting to be something we're not is almost a perfect definition of human nature. Ambition only becomes a negative force when we fail to recognize -- like you said -- that there are no guarantees. At that point, though, we're no longer talking about ambition or desire or goals. Now, we're talking about expectations. And yea, unrealistic expectations, whether in baseball, in writing, or in relationships, are a guaranteed source of pain. You're absolutely right. There are no guarantees. And that, TOO, is a good thing. After all, how much value and satisfaction would your son get out of baseball if he was guaranteed to win every game? |
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
I, for one, can testify to the value of adversity. ![]() If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. |
wranx Member Elite
since 2002-06-07
Posts 3689Moved from a shack to a barn |
Personally, I think you should submit this one. Tis lovely. /pip/Forum64/HTML/001313.html |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
"Mysteria~ I do not lack the team spirit in the least. Rather I pride myself on the fact that I think there is something nice to say about everyone's work, and I try to read and reply in kind as often as I can." I was not referring to "your" team spirt, but this entire team of Passions. In otherwords, we are all here to support each other for just being as good as we can be. I mentioned that it would be so nice to see you give it a shot, and you may not "hit it out of the park" but I bet you will have a crowd cheering you on. ![]() If you change your mind I have two favorites I would like to suggest.... Strange Magic /pip/Forum64/HTML/001157.html and one called, "Tap Dancing", (I have it here at home printed out in my "Favorites" binder, so it has to be good!) ![]() [This message has been edited by Mysteria (03-17-2003 03:16 AM).] |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
(big huggggsssssssss) Oh Lori, I agree with you ever so much, and I must tell you and everyone something too: Originally, I did not want to submit for Reflections WHATSOEVER, because I am not a competitive person and I KNEW there was going to be a lot of competition. I knew some poets would get more votes than others, etc. The ONLY reason I decided to join in was because my lifetime hero, Mr. Ernewein, my sophomore English teacher who taught me to release my feelings and depression bottled up inside me, said his dream was to see me published anywhere. Because I have so much admiration and respect for him, I am submitting in his honor so his wish will be granted. My family also wants to see me published, so that fueled my drive to joining. And truly, it bothers me sometimes to see some poets vote for others very rarely, it bothers me to see some people writing very short comments every time someone votes for another, etc. I knew this would be the reality of this and so sometimes it feels so tough. I think the biggest winners are those who show support not only for themselves but for others as well. Every poet here who spends time voting for others and say just a little something on how it made you feel should give themselves a pat on the back, you deserve it! That way the poet feels special, knowing at least how their work touched anothers heart, that is a good winners spirit! And Lori, you are indeed very special to us all and we love you for who you are! (big friendship hugs) I truly hope you submit at least one poem still, yet I respect your thoughts highly and it is up to you! God Bless You! ![]() Love, Noah Eaton ![]() [This message has been edited by Ron (03-17-2003 05:47 PM).] |
regards2you Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940California |
Lori, How sweet of you. I really understand what you were trying to say. I was not going to submit poems in Reflections for two reasons, one I've only been seriously writing for about 6 months and every poem I've written could surely be improved upon, though am in process of learning the techniques of better poetry writing, but, not yet been able to apply the techniques properly, to have a perfect finish to them. My poems are a work in progress. My other problem is I am not exactly Ms. Popularity here, true, do to my own choices of how I handle negativity. I handle it! I'm very outspoken, and have made a couple enemies. That is the way it is! So, at first I thought that would be a problem, and held against me, though I don't now. Janet convinced me to submit poetry, so I did. Here is what I think. If my poem is of good enough quality, the poet's here, love good poetry, and I believe they'd vote, no matter who wrote it, just for the sake of and to honor, ~good poetry~. I did submit 3 poems and they aren't doing that great. I didn't think they would. But, you know what? I can choose to view myself as a failure and not part of the group, or, good enough to be part of the group, or, I can hope to improve and maybe by next book, I'll make it! And, even then, if I don't, perhaps, I'll decide I am not a good poetess. But, that does not mean I am not a good person. It is a matter of self-esteem. If that is in place beforehand, then you work harder, if you don't make it. In my case I am working harder all the time, even if one of my poems makes it. I wasted many years not writing and not learning. I don't necessarily expect to make it, neither am I convinced I should, considering how much time (years) and effort others have put into theirs. While I understand your compassion, and maybe empathy is the better word, the bottom line is anyone whose poem is not voted in, can choose to be hurt and ~embarrassed~ and feel dumb for having risked it, or they can choose to work hard at improving....because this place is loaded with people willing to help. It is really about self-esteem. Now, about you. You have excellent poetry, and I'd be willing to bet any one of your poems would be voted into the book because of the ~quality of your writing~, period! You are part of this group and a poem of yours is needed to complete the book. So, pick one! And, from what I understand, this is a great time to submit. Hugs and love, Pat ![]() PS...here is how it goes, I would be very pleased to see a poem of your in THAT book, because you are part of this current group and I happen to ENJOY your work! ..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.. |
Bill Charles Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619highways, & byways, for now |
BluesSerenade - ok, let me get in my thoughts here. Blues, you have written many poems that I have read and I know that some would love to be in the book. So my lady, please enter one, if you have not yet done so... BC |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
Blues - I agree - you know I love how you sing . . . . xxoo As for the published thing? To me - it really honestly didnt matter because I know I have far to go - was pleasantly surprised but didnt expect it - no - not at all - thats not why I write - I write to release pain or share happiness and to reach out - maybe just maybe one or two will truly read and take something from it - this is all I can hope for - but yes I do agree that everyone is getting all wigged out about being published and I do see wayyy too many things being voted on - but I still do agree missy - you are one of the best ones here . . . xxoo [This message has been edited by littlewing (03-25-2003 02:34 AM).] |
Cpat Hair![]()
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793 |
Blues... I'd choose you poetry any day. all I got to say about it. |
ctowen Member Elite
since 2001-10-18
Posts 2286Green Mountains of VT |
I am right behind you, Lori ..... there is nothing wrong with holding ground. WHEN everything comes together, and time seems right .... your song will be heard by all!! Replying to any of the truly talented posts on PASSIONS is an honor, a privilege, but above all else .... a choice. I am overwhelmed by the daily additions by so many incredible writers that I can't even fathom the thought of choosing even one specific poem without choosing something by everyone on the site. Knowing you as I do .... your thoughts on this are well shared, and understood. I am happy if someone "out of the BLUE" is moved enough by my words to simply say "Hi" on any of the pages. Ron - you have a thousand times over accomplished putting together the most incredible site I have seen on the web and only see great things still to come .... such as REFLECTIONS and any other collaboration you and the spirits of PASSIONS partake. |
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