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since 2001-09-04
Posts 217
Michigan, USA

0 posted 2001-09-10 02:59 PM

Hello everyone, please please if you can bear it, read this, because I am not going to make it through the rest of the day.  I can't begin to write poetry today because my mind and heart have ceased to function.  Why why why did I have to hurt the one who loved me to no end, to the point that now he is back in the arms of someone else.  To the point that he hates me, to the point that he wishes I would die, to the point that I wish I could die?
How come he cant realize that I could never ever ever hurt him again, despite how many times I've done it before?  How come I love him and can't let him go, when I let him go before so easily?  How come there is not enough love in the world to make it work, and why cant he see how sorry I am in my tears? I am hurting. I am hurting and sorry and I am a fool.  But I am a stubborn fool because I still need him and still am hoping against hope that I can make him see the truth in my mistakes, and that I would take it back a million times if I could.  What is love all about if not making the realization that you've hurt someone, and them realizing that you are only human?  someone help me, please.  I know im a stranger, but I've never hurt this much in my life....

Carrie  :'(

© Copyright 2001 Carrie A. Mead - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
1 posted 2001-09-10 05:11 PM

Carrie, check your email!!   Hugs sweetie
Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
2 posted 2001-09-10 06:52 PM

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I really hope you do feel better. If you need somebody to talk to my e-mail is
[email protected]

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
3 posted 2001-09-13 09:57 PM

Carrie, so sorry you are hurting this way, I just wanted to tell you that I have had this pain, and I know how bad it is. Holding a hand out to friends is the only way to get through I guess, as with this horrible event in the country now. If we all reach out to everyone, we will be ok, I hope.
Take care.

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

4 posted 2001-10-12 07:32 AM

it's been some time since you posted this, your plea was and is heartbreaking. I hope you are ok.  Once you've hurt someone, sometimes they can't or won't forgive you.
Please know that a person CAN lash out from anger and that doesn't mean you are a bad person, it just means you're hurt.

I hope you are ok.

nickname "Kay"

"Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently."

since 2001-09-04
Posts 217
Michigan, USA
5 posted 2001-10-12 11:07 AM

SEA, Dopey, Sandra  
Thank you very much.  I apologize for not thanking you sooner, but Iv'e been struggling.  Just know that I hit rock bottom in that moment, and you guys threw in a rope of kind words that saved me, and I appreciate it.  Thank you for extending your friendship. I am in your debt.

Irish Rose,
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for checking in.  I am ok.  I am managing, day by day, to get through.  I don't know if I have the answers yet, but I am starting to understand how to adjust to this crazy mess we call life.  I've never felt this shakey before, but it helps to know that there is kindness out there in people.  So, thank you.  


Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

6 posted 2001-10-12 06:05 PM


good, I checked to see if you were ok. Remember, dear, the hardest person to forgive is yourself. Just stay strong. If someone really loves you they'll forgive you.

nickname "Kay"

"Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently."

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