Feelings |
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confusion |
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Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
What if you think something is wrong, but everyone else thinks it is right? Is it wrong for you to think it is wrong? Is it acceptable for you to have your own beliefs while everyone else has different ones? Just because someone 'feels' something is right or wrong, does that mean that either person is right? Elizabeth Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near... [email protected] |
© Copyright 2000 Elizabeth A. Larson - All Rights Reserved | |||
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Hmmm....now I'M confused. But I don't believe that feelings are ever wrong, they just ARE. Actions are another story. Personally, I've a stubborn heart...doesn't mean that my feeling don't change, they do. But feelings that change subject to majority rule? Naw. Gotta be true to your heart. |
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774Ontario, Canada |
Hi Elizabeth! This is tough to answer without knowing the specifics, but if we're talking rather generally, then ... "Is it acceptable for you to have your own beliefs while everyone else has different ones?" Absolutely! What a boring world it would be if we all believed and felt the same way on all topics, far too predictable ... "Just because someone 'feels' something is right or wrong, does that mean that either person is right?" I don't think it makes either person "right" or "wrong". For the same reasons they are entitled to "their" own opinion, so are we entitled to ours. Who's to say "their's" are any more valid or significant than "ours"? Now, in answering that ... who's to say my answers are "right" or "wrong" or that someone else should or should not feel the way I do? Hmmmmm ... a bit of an endless loop there, LOL! ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
I agree with Kit here, but then I "usually" agree with her. If I were to disagree, that would certainly be my prerogative. If I were to disagree with the entirety of humanity on an issue? Well, that would certainly be my right as well. I would just have to find a way to maintain my opinion in the face of monumental dissension... ![]() |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
Hi guys~ I'm thinking along the lines of today's morality, if you can call it that. There are things that are suddenly the 'norm' that were previously wrong or taboo. Like abortion for example (that wasn't what I was thinking of when I started this thread, but it also applies). I think abortion is wrong, but that does NOT mean I think people who have had abortions are bad and evil and should go straight to hell. I may not like the actions, but that doesn't mean I hate the person themselves. Paraphrased, some people have told me that my opinion on abortion doesn't count because I haven't been raped or have gotten pregnant without being able to care for the child, and that anyone who is against abortion is anti-choice. Well, I'm not anti-choice, it's just that I don't think abortion is the best choice. I don't want people to think I'm old-fashioned or narrow-minded, but it seems that's whay they think when someone doesn't believe exactly what they believe. ![]() Damn life is hard! Elizabeth Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near... [email protected] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: I would like to advise you to care less about what other's think of you, Elizabeth. I would like to, but I won't, 'cause I know how darn difficult that can be. Instead, my advice is to concentrate on why they think as they do. Is their opinion really based on your beliefs? Or are the opinions, rather, based on someone else's limitations? You see, there's a word for what you're describing, Elizabeth, and in my mind it's the biggest single problem the world faces. It's called intolerance. |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
Thanks Ron for listening to that long ramble of mine. I try not to care what other people think of me, but it does get really hard sometimes. I have my opinions and beliefs, and other people have theirs. It's as simple (or not) as that. Elizabeth Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near... [email protected] |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I think it's also important to note along with what Ron said -- that only persons insecure about their own worth -- and insecure in their own beliefs -- have a need to feel superior to others -- therefore -- they tend to be prejudiced and intolerant -- it doesn't matter what the ideology -- Micheal Stivic was just as insecure as Archie Bunker -- they were mirror images -- It takes maturity and security to be tolerant... |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
Prepare yourselve's for another JP ramble. I have no idea what I am going to say, but Elizabeth's words have stirred a plethora of thought and emotion and I feel a need to let it out... I suppose I should start with the topic at hand. Morality, or lack thereof, and societal agreement with an individual's ideas of acceptable morality. As I see it the change in accepted morality came about with my generation. I was born in 1964, the last official year of the "baby boomers". Roughly 10 years prior to that time a man named Dr. Spock came on the scene and wrote a book which unfortunately guided parents in the raising of thier children (parents the age of my parents). Up unto the time that Dr. Spock's ideas became popular it was accepted thought that families were less a democracy and more a dictatorship; the parents ruled the household, made the decisions, taught the children that certain behaviors were unacceptable and certain behaviors were demanded (respect for instance). Hopefully the parents did this (it is called discipline for those who are unsure) with love and the best interests of the children, the family, and society in mind. I was fortunate in that my father was career military and both he and my mother were from poor and relatively uneducated families - they were not exposed to the Spockonian ideals and raised my brother's and I in the same fashion in which they were raised (although my father was a bit zealous in his dictatorship role...) What we witnessed as a society was a generation raised thinking that their wants and desires were paramount, that what they wanted was more important than the needs of those around them. The ideas of subjugation of the self for the benefit of others was totaly dismissed by my generation... the domino effect then kicked in, parents raised in this fashion then began raising their children in that fashion and the ideals of respect, thought for others, social obligation diminished exponentially, while the ideas of self-importance, disregard for others in lieu of self-gratification increased at the same rate. Now we are faced with a society based largely on the ideals of anarchy, self-indulgence, and tit-for-tat respect. My experience at work shows this, as employees are totally oblivious to the idea that managers and supervisors are supposed to be afforded a certain level of respect based on their position alone. The boss, afterall, is the boss is she not? What I have been told is "I don't have to show no one no respect if they don't show it to me first" Sadly the opposite of what it used to be... remember the good ol' days when an employee did what they were told and showed respect for authority, and truly believed that it was the right thing to do regardless if the boss was a pig or not? That attitude began at home, where the child was not taught respect for the parent nor respect for the parent's authority. So there we have it, the downfall of society in less than thirty years, all hinging on one idea that the individual's desires and wants are more important than that of a brother or a sister, or a stranger whom one doesn't even know. Gladly I am not of that mind... although I may be in the minority... ![]() Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. Nil Desperandum, Fata viem invenient |
Irie Senior Member
since 1999-12-01
Posts 1493Washington State |
ABSOLUTELY NOT! There is no wrong or right when it comes to opinions and beliefs. Just as it says, it's a belief or an opinion, NOT a law written in stone. Anyway, thats just my opinion. Hehe ![]() I hope everything works out for you Elizabeth. ~Sheri "The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those who got there first" |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
Me too...thanks Sheri. Elizabeth Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near... [email protected] |
Rosebud1229 Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
Posts 1813North Carolina |
I agree with you one hundred percent somewhere along the line morality stepped aside so now so many times what was considered wrong when I grew up being born in 1961 is not considered wrong at all, just for instance speaking profanity in front of a lady was unheard of then, now it is common and the guy doesn't even say it quitely. When you say excuse me he doesn't even know why you rudely interrupted his vulgarness, so many things young children are exposed to that they shouldn't even be exposed to, for instance passing out of condoms in schools, whatever happened to the parents teaching the kids at home, it almost makes it that sexy is promoted at a early age, so many responsiblities must start at home, also at no one's fault most homes have two working parent's because they have to so more and more the children are taught outside of the home. Also not to step on anyone's toes but I remember saying prayer in schools and now more and more it's becoming obsolete, so I guess in answer to your question, to wrongs definetely don't make a right but that tends to be what's going on more and more to the point where no one says anything, I could go on and on but I will close with this, this indeed is a very open subject. |
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