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Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
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Loomis, CA

0 posted 2000-09-24 03:30 AM

Do you believe in evolutionary poetry?  If so do you feel it has its place, or has its own validity, or is it just a lazy way to write, and holds little of what we call creativity?

I often write a poem (often? Hell, it is the only way write...) begining with a vague idea (or no idea at all) and a phrase, or couple of phrases.  I begin and then let things progress and turn, and move, and shift, as I write.  Upon finishing I will occassionally reposition a phrase or stanza, sometimes I take something out, and very rarely, I hold on to it and come back later to work on it some more.

So is this creativity? Poetry? Does a work with no intent at its inception have a valid place?

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.
B. Russell

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1 posted 2000-09-24 08:27 AM

Hey there JP... How are ya, my friend?

For the record - I write similarly... I know what my theme will be - I decide upon my format - I plan a couple of stanzas - I decide upon my meter and rhyme scheme - I set up a skeletal structure - and I fill in the blanks.... Sometimes I go back and make changes later - including interchanging stanzas and/or lines...

I'd like to think that's creative.... It's just a different approach than free versers use.  Whose way is the write one?... Doesn't matter, does it??

Kit McCallum
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2 posted 2000-09-24 09:30 AM

I think it's valid in it's creativity.  

That's the same way mine flow ... from vague thoughts initially, or a theme. The "tone" of the subject usually determines which rhyme scheme I choose or if free verse would suit it better. Then my initial key phrases get me going in the pattern I've chosen.  Sometimes I'm half way through, and I'm still not sure of any ending yet.  I might re-position a few stanzas or re-work the odd line to make it smoother, but not a great deal. If I have to re-work it too much, or if it feels "forced" to me, it goes into my garbarge pile instead.  

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (edited 09-24-2000).]

Marge Tindal
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3 posted 2000-09-24 10:11 AM

Interestingly enough -
maybe that's what I do and hadn't even realized it.

When a thought strikes me -
I immediately put it on a WordPad.
Most of the time it just zips right along of it's
own accord and sometimes it simmers.

I get inspired so often that it's hard to
complete each one before another thought comes along.

I write about six complete poems a day
and then go back and work on the thought
or idea that didn't quite make itself clear
on first glance.

So I guess the moral is that whatever works ... works !
Thanks for the subject.
Gave me a measure of thought.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Poet deVine
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4 posted 2000-09-24 10:22 AM

Boy, Nan the way you write sounds like work to me!

Most of my poetry is written from a phrase that won't leave my brain. Or from a phrase someone gave me. I like to say the phrase out loud...listen to the way it sounds. And then I think - does this have another meaning? Could it refer to something totally unrelated to what it says.

For instance: the phrase "from the purse her bra spoke to me". This was given to me by a friend and I had to write a poem using it. It was a silly thing really. How could a bra speak? But then I thought sometimes seeing something in an unexpected place tells you something..and thus I wrote this:

Disheveled she took a seat
across from me on the train
her eyes wild and frightened
brow wrinkled as though in pain.

Two holes emblazoned her stockings
like warrior decorations
a lacy slip showed slightly
though forgotten in her preparations

On second glance I saw her breast
peaking from the imitation fur
from the purse her bra spoke to me
something terrible happened to her.

Does this answer your question, JP?

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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5 posted 2000-09-24 10:44 AM

Geez ya know, I do the same thing.
A line pops in mind, sometimes I write that down, if it won't leave me alone, and I go from there. Usually if I have something in mind to write about, it takes its own turn anyway.

Yes, I think that is what writing is all about.

Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
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Loomis, CA
6 posted 2000-09-24 12:18 PM

Sheesh!  All this time I thought I was an aimless, meandering, wannbe poet.  A Slacker with nothing better to do than to clutter up the internet with useless tomes of psuedo wisdom... Now I realize what great company I'm keeping

- Except for Nan: By the Gods woman!  You build a house from the ground up and then decide on what color to paint it and you think that it qualifies as starting the project without a plan....

     ~no wonder you're such a marvelous poet~

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.
B. Russell

Senior Member
since 2000-06-01
Posts 1958

7 posted 2000-12-08 04:15 PM


I usually do write evolutionary poetry.  This is the same with most other concoctions I've developed in my mind.  

A prime example of this is the civilization I have been developing for the last 10 years.  It started out as a copy of star wars, and his since evolved into something way more complex.  I think I may write a few stories from it on the prose forum sometime...

Anyhow, I am with Nan.  Although I don't pay too much attention to meter, I do like to play around with the number of syllables in the line.  But, anyhow, I think up some cool phrases that I think would be effective in the poem, and then start writing.  Usually, I have music to help me.  

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